2-min walk from Exit A1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
06:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (48)
Level4 2024-04-28
#渣華道冰廳this is crazy. crazyly cheap food i had ever tried in hong kong island for a cha chan ten place.we were waited 10min i front of store at about 2pm. the place is narrow and small. table are narrow and seat are narrow. beside that every thing are just perfect and good.let not talking about food. the price ks crazyly cheap. for a noodle with satay beef and egg. with 一丁 noodle +3$ all thing cost you 37$, fkkking hell cheap and most important its iced tea didnt charge me an extra 3$. the boss must be come front heaven and give his kindess to our poor hk citizen. never found a place dont charge +3 for iced drink except really expensive resto. here the hot drink and ice drink is both free of charge. portion is big. crazy cheap. also , the portion for tea time is big. other resto tea time will cut portion into half as tea time culture.thats why ppl queuing at 2pm aiming for this cheap and good food.in terms of food. their beef is super good. portion big with extra peanut on top. very good quality and beef texture is chewy with strong beef taste. yummy.will be back❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#food #hkfood #hongkongfood #台灣美食 #日本グルメ #ukfood #澳洲美食 #馬保國 #香港美食 #深圳美食 #hkfoodpoet #閃電五連鞭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👍🏻沙嗲牛肉麵特餐 (包嘢飲) $46最近新開冇耐就爆紅嘅北角名物🔥!早排睇到關注組推介佢地個沙嗲牛肉麵牛肉大塊份量多,比較滑身冇乜筋,沙嗲醬極濃稠,啲麵掛滿汁🍜沙嗲味濃郁,有唔少花生碎粒,花生香味突出整體味道偏濃,撈勻湯底後仍然濃味鍾意食沙嗲牛嘅重口味人士值得一戰😈-特餐原本煎雙蛋可以免費轉火腿奄列奄列大大份,炒得比較生,濕潤多蛋汁,內餡火腿多🤤餐包竟然係牛角包,幾香牛油味,但唔算好脆口特餐包嘢飲,冷熱同價,大大杯凍飲唔使加錢-👍🏻豬扒出前一丁配招牌蛋牛治 (包嘢飲、例湯) $50另一款招牌必食!蛋牛治好厚身,足料爆餡🤪鹹牛肉比例多,滑蛋嫩滑多蛋汁,多餡到一咬吱晒出嚟推薦嗌烘底,麵包外脆內鬆軟,果然係招牌🌟-煎豬扒唔算好厚但超大塊,煎得香又冇油淋淋,肉質雖然偏瘦但算鬆軟唔柴不過本身調味略嫌較輕,可以自己落少少胡椒粉調味,相對上都係沙嗲牛出色啲另外豬扒大大塊放係麵上會令啲麵快淋咗,唔鍾意食淋麵嘅朋友要注意-午餐每日唔同款,星期一至日都係一律$50,仲要包埋例湯同嘢飲,冷熱同價,真心抵食😙👍🏻之前睇社交平台見到有人推介佢地豉油雞,可惜當日午餐冇試唔到俾大家睇,有機會下次再試下-味道:8/10性價比:9/10-📍#渣華茶冰廳 北角渣華道82號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-25
發生咗一件事,我以後都唔會去幫襯話說個日食早餐,有隻死曱甴係喺杯凍檸茶嗰度,如果唔係我自己小心覺得有啲黑色嘅嘢喺入邊,佢好似茶葉渣咁。同啲騎呢嘅伙記講,淨係好快咁收走你隻杯話幫你換過杯,一句唔好意思都冇。以前真係又抵食,但而家已經唔係呀,食物質素下降得好緊要,啲侍應又好騎呢,啲位又迫又坐得唔舒服。佢哋態度差不特止,仲要老馮等佢做完嘢先俾你行過。要同人一齊坐,但係食物啲單嚟到亂晒籠⋯⋯次次要問嗰啲嘢係邊個嘅,一係就搞錯,態度又差,好似呼喝咁問係咪你㗎?就算嘢食好食都以後唔會再去,何況而家啲嘢食越嚟越唔好食。以前真心諗住撐啲小舖,見佢啱啱開業都好多人而家咁樣真係唔知佢會唔會提早執笠⋯⋯大家出去食嘢真係要小心啲睇清楚啲食物有冇加料。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間午餐成日排長隊,咁岩晚上冇人排就入去試下,叫左豉汁蒸鱔同麻婆豆腐,個蒸鱔餐$110,鱔嘅份量都算多,豉汁又好味,仲有d粉絲墊底,算中上,麻婆豆腐就正常,冇咩特別,個例湯好淡,唔飲都冇損失。叫杯熱奶茶,澀到呢,好難飲最估唔到係d服務員,好似成日要辣著火頭要同客嘈咁,d人等堂食位時又鬧個客唔跟隊形,另一枱客要行入入面,條路係好窄,明明只可以一個人過,但個待應落緊單,企正係條路度都佢唔讓個客,仲問返人哋行去邊,真係黑人問號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-11
今次叫左兩份早餐🤩沙嗲牛肉公仔麵牛肉夠厚,沙嗲味亦算濃,仲有d花生碎係上面,整體真係好食既👍🏻炸菜雞絲米粉🍜呢個就相對普通啲,我仲覺得有少少喊🫥隨餐仲有蛋🥚 和蝴蝶酥 我揀左炒蛋🍳,要讚個蛋,好重蛋味,另外好少餐廳會有蝴蝶酥,本身覺得幾特別,但食完又講唔上係好好食。但咁樣一份早餐連冷熱飲品都係$35,好高性價比嫁喇🫡📍渣華茶冰廳 (北角) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)