Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station, Exit N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
A famous pancake restaurant from Japan. Chef of the Hong Kong team went to Japan for training for 10 days to fully present the original flavor. continue reading
Additional Information
全日不設訂座,只限Walk in
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
*Last order: 22:15
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (1789)
記得喺日本食過呢間Gram,佢哋嘅招牌Pancake個種軟綿綿嘅口感真係一試難忘😋,香港嘅分店就真係第一次試,唔知有冇分別呢?🤣 ❣️蜜瓜雪花冰 $118蜜瓜🍈唔算好甜但可以接受,雪花冰有驚喜,係牛奶冰,所以就算食到最後都仲好有味道,消暑必食👍🏻❣️招牌 Premium Pancake $138疏乎厘🥞即叫即做,空氣感十足,食落軟綿綿,加上忌廉、牛油吉士同自家楓糖漿,味道層次感再提升🤤❣️熱洋甘菊薄荷茶 $45❣️熱水果茶 $42飲品正常味道,由於每位最低消費係叫一樣野,所以就叫咗兩set飲品,飲完可以免費加水👍🏻🏦是次消費總額 $377.3(人均消費 $95) 🍴須加一服務費👅好味度:8.5(10分滿分)個招牌Pancake都還原到日本9成味道,估唔到仲可以變生日蛋糕,但蠟燭要另外加錢購買😂,反而雪花冰有驚喜,夏日炎炎真係消暑必食😋,題外話由於個Pancake都幾動L,見到職員拎過嚟都塌過幾次🥸,要重新整過,真係辛苦晒🙏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這個夏天真的很熱🥵逛了一整天,熱到吃不下東西。想起The One這家梳乎里專門店,除了甜食還有不少輕盈的鹹食選擇,Let's go! ❤ 蛋沙律巴馬火腿班戟🥞以層層疊的形式出場,頂層是兩大片的巴馬火腿,第二層是新鮮的沙律菜,第三層是薄餅包著蛋沙律,底層再加一片甜甜的班戟。所有的鹹甜交織出美秒的和諧,作為夏天的菜實在是很舒服的選擇。❤️蜜瓜雪花冰🧊冰凍的雪花冰,清新香甜的蜜瓜,一口接一口,整個人涼快起來! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-21
放左工後黎到尖沙咀一家人氣爆棚的 Pancake 店,期待左好耐想食。日本出名人氣過江龍🥞今日終於得閒去食😆餐廳主打招牌Pancake 🥞✨✨✨餐廳有好多款唔同款式pancake 選擇,厚薄鹹甜任君選擇🥞超級蓬鬆柔軟,如雲朵般的 Pancake☁️軟綿綿~🥤抹茶沙冰 $45上面鋪滿左濃厚既cream,口感入口即溶~抹茶味好濃,好飲~同綿密既cream好match👍🏻一款消暑又滿足到甜品控既drinks~ 而且唔係話好甜~🩷🥞士多啤梨流漿班戟 $118💜🥞紫薯流漿班戟 $118兩款 Pancake 賣相一樣.鋪上滿滿芝士奶蓋🥹未食都覺得好正🙌🏻拎開封後膠內餡馬上激湧而出,好似小型火山爆發咁~打卡一流!d cream+pancakes 一齊食,勁多汁🍓士多啤梨流漿班戟酸甜適中,清新爽口,有少少奶黃蛋味~唔錯~🥔紫薯流漿班戟味道帶有濃濃厚厚紫薯💜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-18
The hype is real, I mean, who knew pancakes could be this much of a thing? Let's dive in. The Shibanjie Panji is their signature pancake, and for good reason. Fluffy, cloud-like, and just melts in your mouth. It's like biting into a little piece of heaven. No joke.The Strawberry Strawberry Pancake. If you're a strawberry lover, this is your jam. The pancakes were soft and fluffy, and the strawberries were fresh and sweet. A perfect combo.Lastly, the Mixed Fruit Chocolate Pancake.  The pancakes were still amazing, but the chocolate sauce was a bit too sweet for my taste. The fruits balanced it out, though....Overall, Gram Cafe definitely lives up to the hype. Their pancakes are next level, trust me, it's worth it.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-17
同朋友食完dinner想食甜品,經過The One呢家pancake店 見到有梳乎厘pancake即刻入左去😋兩個人點左兩款pancake食~🔸焦糖香蕉pancake ($98)香蕉加上焦糖,微得用火槍燒過 入口暖暖地~再配埋楓糖漿pancake,一齊食更好味🔸紫薯火山流漿pancake ($118)一拎起膠片,紫薯奶蓋即刻流晒落梳乎厘pancake~凍凍地,中間仲夾住紫薯蓉,甜甜地,好香紫薯味~Gram Cafe & Pancakes地址: 尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 4樓L408號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)