Review (17)
Level4 2007-05-15
set available day - mon-fri. each day diff set'r available.set = italian food + healthy smoothie/ hot shot.============================================set = tiger prawn & tomato risotto + mangomania (mango+banana) = $40tiger prawn & tomato risotto : quality - high 4 such kinda fast food restaurant! tomato sauce - yummyrisotto - not too moist nor dry. it's even more tasty than some italian restaurants!mangomania : super fresh n' rich texture as there's NO ice at all. juz real fruit & cactus aloe neda!=============================================italian honey raisin bruschetta: i insisted in orderin' this even though i can get a "garlic & herb bruschett" 4 only $6 w/ da set. at last, i'm proved rite caz' tenny n' i fell in luv w/ this dish VERY MUCH!!!taste - honey tasted wonderful!texture - it's so well-baked tht tenny n' i kept praisin' it. it's crispy at da top but da softness of da italian bread could be maintained at da bottom!=============================================b4 i left there, i did a crazy thing. i approached a gal workin' there n' asked,"would u pls tell me how's da italian honey raisin bruschetta made?"da gal's so nice tht she xplained 2 me patiently as i asked for details. yeahyeahyeah! i know how 2 make it now~~~~~~~~~!!!=============================================for more pics n' details,pls visit my blog:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mei_ciel/article?mid=694&fid=16 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2006-12-27
有多款意大利飯,闊條麵套餐,包一杯smoothies, 都係$40+!其實呢度係自助形式, 先俾錢, 住牌位坐, 跟住有人會將食物拎過.服務都算唔錯.聖誕夜去食dinner, 多數餐廳都加價, 呢間都唔例外, 不過都係加幾蚊, 而且係呢度食過, 都真係覺得好味, 唔介意一餐平價x'mas dinner, 最緊要係好食!而且坐得都幾舒服,係傾計好地方...芝士蕃茄洋蔥意大利飯-雖然係快餐店咁樣, 但食水準唔差wo, 即叫即做. d 意大利飯唔會太膩唔會太濕, 睇住d 芝士慢慢溶, 食時一絲絲芝士, 好正! 而且份量都ok, 味道亦好match!smoothies -叫杯多種莓mix 埋smoothies, 幾滑, 好多果肉, 酸酸地, 健康又好味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2006-11-08
兩點幾四圍揾野食,行行0下,見到呢間都唔錯,即管試下。要0左2個餐,蒜蓉包加杏子蜜桃茶(沖出來紫紫地色,味道同一般花果茶一樣);勁辣香蜜腸Pizza兩件配薯角加即磨咖啡。咖啡好正!Pizza 好特別,食落會同一時間感到又辣又甜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2006-10-23
佢地d Smoothie真係無冰架, 用生果打成, 飲到尾都無變淡... 讚! 絕對唔係冰沙/沙冰可比, 八掛咁睇住佢地整我order個杯, 只見佢地o係個櫃度夾左d生果, 加左d流質狀液體, yogurt之類就拎去打, 真係一粒冰都無落, 又八掛問佢地d流質狀液體係乜, 佢話係蘆薈, 所以飲落都覺得健康同抵好多! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2006-10-12
Very Berry Smoothie: too thick with ice, suitable for people like eating 冰沙Blueberry cheesecake: cheese flavour is too light; the cake shatters when it is poked with a fork, ie. not hard enough!But the waiter and waitress is patient and friendly continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)