The Chef of this restaurant is experienced, she has been a chef in Amercian Lascar for 10 years long. It provides various Vietnamese food and seafood is available too. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Beef Fresh Rice Noodles Vietnamese-style Clay-pot Puddings
Review (19)
今天晚上為了歡送一個朋友離開香港,邀約一班朋友到這裡吃飯。我曾經光顧這間店子多次,覺得他們的食物很好,價錢又合理,又有一個私人地方,實在很好。但今天到過之後,我想這間店子可以在我的電話薄中柵除。今天晚上他們的餐單如下:青木瓜沙律越南扎肉、金絲春卷、酸辣鳳爪自家串燒(豬) 秘製沙嗲醬羅望子醬雞翼金不換豬頸肉田園時蔬香茅蕃茄煮青口葡萄咖喱燴燒鴨(法包 / 白飯)入到餐廳已覺得不妙,怎麼之前很有笑容的姐姐不見了,換了一個不喜歡笑的姐姐?沙律來的時候更奇怪,怎麼是紅蘿蔔絲加青木瓜絲?我想一個人有個刨都識整。一點兒dressing也沒有,個侍應叫我們點那些魚露。但這些「魚露」得個咸字,沒有一般魚露之香味,你可以想象我們怎樣把這些絲吞下。所有食物也不熱的,全都是暖,像是已經煮了很久,我們到才拿出來。直至我們實在忍不住叫他們翻熱食物,才有一點熱食。其他菜式也不象樣,我想一個較能煮食的人也不會這樣煮。串燒似是風乾了的豬肉,雞翼很酸,咖喱不香,青口不入味,有點兒overcook.但最經典就是豬頸肉田園時蔬,我從來未見過有人是以豬頸肉整塊扒上碟,而且煮法非常肥膩,我實在吃不下。後來還要叫侍應給我刀乂才能切開。整圍菜一點越南味道都沒有,我實在十分十分失望。而且,他們還收取以往的收費,我感到被騙的成份。令我們今晚的party蒙上一個污點 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-11-19
喜歡食越南美食的我, 隨了平時去吃的生牛河外, 今次, 在我的預祝生日飯裡, 我選擇了"菊" , 因為為我慶祝的朋友未曾吃過, 又正好遇著我生日, 因為VIP生日月個位 book位8位以上生日個位是免費, (即是我), 既可為朋友慳$, 又可試試新食物, 包括我喜愛的牛肉串燒及家鄉羊腩煲."菊" 的醬汁真是好好味, 原來他們自製的沙嗲醬醮青瓜是好好食的, 我本身是不吃青瓜, 試一小片後使要求廚師再給我們大量青瓜, 幸好不需另外收費羊腩煲不但沒有那 "蘇"味, 而且肉質夠腍, 與我們平時吃的分別是先加菜, 再煮來吃其餘的都是差不多, 令我驚喜的是有紅雞蛋吃, 是廚師為我們做的, 是越南傳統(失敗: 忘記帶相機, 朋友以為我會帶, 結果大家都無帶) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2008-12-26
聖誕節除咗諗要買禮物比女友外, 仲要花d心思諗下食咩, 去邊到食...今年d buffet 都唔係好平, 又話經濟唔好, 大部份酒店都full鬼晒, 咁咪諗住去唔搵西餐, 搵d特別d既餐廳試下, 順便可以比個surprise我女友啦...經朋友介紹, 個露台都幾有情調, 就算食物一般都應該可以補償到既, 所以就揀咗呢間私房菜. 其實我都有d驚驚地, 唔知我女友鐘唔鐘意, 唔鐘意我就好大件事... ...估唔到, 個露台真係幾好有d聖誕佈置: 聖誕樹, 聖誕花....,ok舒服, 仲唔駛同人迫, 因為露台只係做一台, 好彩我都算早book, 如果坐室內就無呢個mood啦. (女友滿意)至於食物方面: 有越式拼盤 (條春卷好大條), 南瓜素翅湯, 牙車快, 香茅羊架 (略為咸咗d, 但味道都ok), 香露大頭蝦 (個汁勁正, 有d似龍蝦湯), 香芒金萡燕窩白糯米 (呢個最回本), 仲送杯紅酒...雖然個價錢同酒店差唔多, 又唔係好多款式, 但環境同服務就係酒店食唔到, 總括而言, 都唔錯, 最緊要係我女友無咋型.....成功地過咗聖誕節! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-07-27
went there for dinner 2 weeks ago, table for 6.food was bland, no taste, not even the curry. the so called special shrimps dipped in rose wine in flames had no taste either, totally a gimmick.service was unprofessional, dirty wine glasses and had to keep chasing them to refill water or take away used/finished dishes. the guy is nice and tries hard but just not used to serving. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2008-04-10
This is my second time dinner here for my family member's birthday. We are 8 persons since I am VIP member, I got 1 head free ^_^Dishes changed but keep tasty as before. Keep the standard - foods are very vietnamese which are not locate vietnam food can be found easily on the street.Banana flower salad mixed with slice chicken and fish sauce which is special and tasty.vietnamese Pubbing will fish sauce - I tried in other restaurant, but not as good as this. The skin is soft with green beanSpring roll keep standard last time.Seafood - special sour sauce with crab - local vietnamese's way cooking crab, quite specialDessert: Mango with white preserved rice - we are full already but most of us can finish it. a little bit sweet.After all, specially they have a special gift - red eggs for birthday present to serve which remind me the traditional way to celebrate birthday (when I was young).Recommended to try the chill sauce - it is fresh brewed. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)