1-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
17:30 - 03:30
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level4 2017-04-09
First time tasting Filipino food so cannot comment on the authenticity. Ordered the braised pork with fried egg to takeaway (they don't have proper seating). The portion was huge! Taste-wise, the pork was very tender and had a slight sour tinge. Not a taste my palate is familiar with but I grew to enjoy it. This place is perfect for a takeaway dinner although the service was a bit slow. I waited almost 20 min for the food although there were only 2 other people in front of me. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
鍾意周圍搵食的我,今天午餐又搵到間金蒂菲律賓快餐企食外賣小店!其實我早餐都幫襯過數次,其三文治製作出色,麵包新鮮,有午餐肉,火腿及豬肉做餡料,食過番尋味,是絕對不錯的滿足大家的五臟廟,早餐能夠使我們有充滿活力,工作一天的開始!當然午餐中又去試食菲律賓製作的飯盒!我買了一盒雜菜豬頸肉飯,食落味道特別,豬肉脆濃可口,有多種類配菜添加,雖然製作簡單,不過感覺既脆且鮮而不肥膩,是午餐中的多一選擇,不妨去試食,飽滿而足!順帶一提,店舖外在位置可以企食,只可兩人並立而食,都有特色!是一間菲律賓人做實味店子,食得多本地絷,轉換口味品嚐賓味便當!就係咁簡單又一餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-10-13
由細到大因家庭關係,總會嚐到不同國家的食物,近日同事時常跟我提起菲律賓的芋頭雪糕很聞名,好想試...blablabla...其實我細細個已經吃過,但提起又好像好耐無食過,味道已漸漸忘記了。午膳時間,忽然看到一間菲律賓小店,平日不為意的。好想買雪糕之際,發現更新奇有趣的 "Ice Candy"$12@ 有3種口味- Avocado 牛油果- Buko (What is Buko?? 椰子)- Mango 芒果本人擁有一顆好奇的心,想試牛油果~可惜得到多人的反對,另選了椰子及芒果解究一下:其實Ice Candy應以奶及冰混合,入落一條狀膠袋雪藏而成,看似雪糕但實質係o者o者冰咁,而且內含果肉,好美味!在下之見,椰子味較為清甜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-07-20
在公司OT很多時都會杯面、餅乾、麥記........等等。今次到了附近一間小店,好似菲律賓人開的,有很小吃好似好好咬,便走去買黎咬下。買左隻炸豬手。買到返公司睇睇都幾大隻,皮脆肉嫩!我唔鍾意食太肥嘅部位!食半肥瘦最好!肉質滑得來有少少油香!還有兩個醬汁,一個好似醋,可以解些油(利)。一個肉汁醬,可以提升肉味。兩個都不錯的,我較喜歡不點醬汗,可以脆D。不過又(留)左D。幾個同事可以一齊咬個豬手。價錢又不貴。都是不錯的選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-07-17
Pinakbet is a northern Philippine dish made from mixed vegetables steamed in fish or shrimp sauce.The one at Cinta J express consists of bittermelon, aubergines, French beans, pumpkin and some pork steamed in shrimp sauce which the bright pink colour is coming from the shrimps.Overall, it was ok, but the vegetables were not soft enough and the pork was too oily for my liking.◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $36Service: OKNapkins provided: yesEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)