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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (28)
Went to this restaurant which was located in the urban areas of Hong Kong, I had no expectations due to its location and the other branches they have which are located in Kwai Chung and Kwai Fong.The restaurant was spacious and not busy, probably due location and it being a weekday.Ended up ordering: tofu and meat patty, spinach with salted egg and preserved egg, raw prawns and bittermelon pot, pork and lotus patty, and steamed fish.The food was terrible BUT the menu was hilarious, fit for terrorists with fury such as exploding items, madder soup and dam soup!Pork and lotus patty:The meat patty was too dry, salty and so oily which you could visually see. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-10-09
星期六中午,人不算多,無需等侯便有座位。之前光顧過很多次,一直都覺得尚賓樓可以接受,可惜今次吃了一肚子氣。服務方面真惡劣。所有侍應都無視我們舉手、揮手,有些更借了「聾耳陳」的耳朵,叫也不肯過來或停下。拜託一個看似部長的男侍應拿BB椅,他點頭後一去不返;於是再走到另一個侍應前,他竟然揚一揚手,說:「哥張枱有。」說罷帶頭行過去,並叫我自己搬,實在令我意外。負責上菜的嬸嬸也不好對付,她竟要求在正在喝奶的BB旁上菜。吃完的碟子、蒸籠久久無人收回。想要添水?請耐心等候喇,事關他們不會主動留意有沒有打開蓋子的茶壺!最離譜的是推着食物車的侍應狠狠地撞到我的椅背和另一桌顧客的輪椅背,她竟然沒有道歉,兼低聲埋怨我們令通道變窄。衛生方面屬中下。桌子與桌子旁的通道不太清潔,地上有一些蒸包點時墊底的白色紙。BB椅甚為殘舊,並黏着一些食物殘渣,真骯髒!食物方面,質素尚可。$12.8的米線、米粉,真的很抵食!牛肉和叉燒都很多,味道不錯。點心以蒸腸粉最佳,又軟又滑;但煎腸粉卻最糟,又乾又硬。鳳爪、鮮竹卷都好味道!整體而言,如有其他選擇,我不會再去尚賓樓了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-08-09
陪母親到將軍澳探太婆,之後一起去商場的酒樓飲茶,我們不用等位,但非假日飲茶也頗滿座。椒鹽九肚魚,炸得好靚,很鬆化,灑上黃金蒜粒,很吸引。掛爐鴨配米線,半隻鴨都很大份,味道唔錯,窩米線有幾條菜心。沙薑雞腳,處理乾淨,剪去指甲,不太軟身應該是新鮮煮成。青瓜海淅,青瓜爽口味道頗辣,海浙粗幼適中,夠軟身,有麻油香。燒腩仔,味道好,唔會太咸,燒豬皮算是鬆脆。其他蒸煮點心味道也可以,份量適中,奶皇包的餡很流汁。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-02-12
我同屋企人聖誕果陣去左尚賓樓打邊爐每位: 約$108包湯底 醬料 飲品而且有私人電視 都夠方便(不過坐卡位先有同數目較少)我地要左個澳門豬骨鍋 有一舊豬頭骨湯底一開始都幾濃味 不過之後係咁加水 -_- 沖淡哂值得推介ge食物有:: 牛肉片比肥牛更好味 特別鮮滑我地叫左3碟 每碟都吾少ge 牛根丸一碟有8粒 超級彈牙 烏冬很爽口 而且吸哂湯d精華 加埋辣椒醬無得彈不過呢 九肚魚 就真係吾多好味同埋服務方面都吾太好, 可能因為太多人我地叫野食好耐都吾黎 收銀果陣就最快但總括黎講都算吾錯不過距離地鐵站較遠 要行10分鐘地理位置吾okay continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-11-15
其實呢間野d野食好唔好就見人見智既..但係d員工態度就認真麻麻..(有時仲會聽到d員工行過個時細細聲講粗口..)下午去飲茶..d野食等左好耐都未黎..叫d員工仲要望一望住我..之後再行左去..仲要2-3個都係咁..真係吹脹..仲有入去個時佢無比張特價點心紙我都算數..我諗住咁下午茶時段..我叫一籠牛肉..人地又叫一籠牛肉..應該都係一樣價錢架嘛..點知黎個時佢圈返正價我當然即刻同佢講啦..點知佢竟然答我話:下..你剔左特價紙就有得特價..無剔就收返正價架啦..我當時真係唔知講咩好..不過好彩佢之後都幫返我剔..而且無再講第d野..呢到係抵讚既..(P.S:不過d蝦餃係下午茶同早茶時段好抵食架..) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)