Exit G, Central MTR Station/ Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Nestled in the heart of Central, CAFÉ LANDMARK is recognized for its excellent international cuisine with an Asia-inspired refinement. The restaurant is committed to be a gourmet paradise within the concrete jungle, allowing customers to savor delicacies at ease. continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
09:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sat
08:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
08:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (409)
Level4 2024-08-09
已經有一段時間冇嚟食過,質素依然👍🏻👍🏻喺中環開完會大約11:30am,walk in有位,但係要12:45nn交枱,都有充裕嘅時間,可以接受。唔使諗,一定要食佢個Signature Lunch Set,每一次嚟都必定要食。頭盤係「鮮🦀肉牛油果🥑沙律🥗」,牛油果🥑同蟹肉🦀都好新鮮,份量都大份,好開胃👍🏻。餐包🍞烘得啱啱好,香脆😋主菜就當然係「波士頓龍蝦🦞意大利扁麵」,意粉個汁做得好creamy ,好恰當,唔會太「漏」。佢嘅賣點係會幫食客起龍蝦肉,所以食落去係啖啖龍蝦肉🦞,10分美味。咖啡☕️就中規中矩冇乜特別。星期五食咗個好滿足嘅lunch✌🏻✌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一個星期前已經book左位,準時去到門口,入面有幾張枱係吉既,我去到話我book左位但係佢話有枱埋緊單你等一等,我話入面有枱,佢黑我面話個啲枱有人book 左,我話我一星期前已經訂咗枱,佢話比你更早book左,但係我食完餐飯都唔見有人坐落去,枱亦都冇講留坐,野食幾好食,不過佢哋嘅服務態度非常惡劣,入嚟一睇原來好多人都係同樣感受以前呢度係出名,依家呢度都出名態度差同服務差,如非方便選擇呢度,今次之後我唔會再去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It has been years since I last visited Cafe Landmark for dinner. However, same as before, I absolutely love their lobster bisque and lobster 🦞 linguine, they are must try!I arrived earlier than my friend, so order a red wine (Vigneti del Salento), happy hour price $148/glass half price for 2nd glass My friend ordered a white wine, happy hour price $98/glass, half price for 2nd glassThere were several set dinner menus to choose from, we chose $588 set dinner with appetizer (crabmeat 3/5), lobster bisque (5/5), lobster linguine (5/5), tiramisu (1/5 rating)Everything about the food was good 😊 but both my friend and I agreed that service at Cafe Landmark has deteriorated a lot over the years. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-02
For some reason I had a sudden craving for Eggs Benedict made the western way, so what better place than the Landmark Cafe right? Well let’s go and see. We got there around 9am on a Sunday morning when it opened and lined up in the que (must be really good 👍 with a que). We ordered 2 x breakfast meals which are served with a croissant and hot tea or coffee. You can add $10 for fresh juice as well, which we thought was a good deal. We ordered: • Steak and Eggs with Roasted Tomato - The steak was tender, but had no beef flavour as it frozen meat (this is well understood for the price), hence it was smothered with the sauce on top. The fried egg was slightly runny and the best things on the plate were the grilled tomato and string beans. It is well presented and reasonable for the price. • Eggs Benedict with Bacon 🥓(take one 1️⃣) - When it arrived it looked the real deal with the toasted English Muffin and Hollandaise Sauce on top. Most places in HK substitute the English Muffin for sourdough bread, which just ain’t proper ! When I cut into the fluffy looking poached egg it was instead a hard boiled egg 🥚 the yolk was a like a stone and this was not acceptable. Usually I don’t like to complain, as firstly the chef might give your remade dish his special recipe sauce, and secondly, your remade dish goes to the back of the que and you need to wait even longer for it. However, an overcooked poached egg for an Eggs Benedict is unforgivable and I couldn’t ignore it. Therefore I pointed this out to the server and they immediately understood, apologised and offered to remake it (hope for the best). • Eggs Benedict with Bacon 🥓 ( Take 2️⃣) - My new dish came back quicker than I expected and this time the poached egg was runny and cooked perfectly. The hollandaise sauce was creamy and smooth but lacking acidity (needed more lemon 🍋 juice. The bacon was shoulder back bacon, I prefer crispy streaky belly bacon as it is more tasty. This time the dish was acceptable, and considered ok. We had to follow up with the croissants 🥐as they were not timely served. The croissants were hot and crispy. We added an orange juice and apple juice, both were ok but it seemed the apple juice may have been more fresh due to the foam on top. The hot tea and coffee was served last and a great way to finish our meal.For the size of the meal, the price paid is value for money especially given the location. Customer service is good, and they were apologetic about the first take of my Eggs Benedict’s. I would definetly come back again due to the convenient location and the atmosphere of dining in the Landmark. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-25
好開心,有兩位靚女請我食飯。佢哋因為消費滿咗一定嘅金額已經成為咗呢度嘅高級會員。泊車唔使錢,所以就帶咗我嚟呢度食。其實成日都經過呢度,不過都冇試過。而家佢做緊promotion,有個晚餐嘅set買一送一都係九百幾蚊,又唔算太貴。我哋嗌咗三個set share。個龍蝦湯好濃郁,入面重有d蝦肉。而個蝦肉好似有炸定煎過,好香口。跟住試咗佢嘅招牌龍蝦spaghetti個龍蝦好彈牙好juicy。都幾接近係新鮮嘅龍蝦肉㗎喇。如果啲面就加咗超多嘅芝士粉。承諾超級飽肚😜和牛扒就比較普通,覺得唔夠多肉汁,好似有小小乾乾地個香煎鱸魚就非常好食,個被係先到非常脆,超級香口。但係入面啲魚肉仲係好嫩滑👍👍👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)