Exit A1, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station, Exit A2, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station, Exit E2, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*last-order 21:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay EPS
Other Info
Accessible Environment Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (42)
Level3 2023-08-26
嚟豚王食拉麵有個好處就係差不多乜都可以自訂,由醬汁既濃度、配料既多少、麵條既粗幼軟硬基本上都可以選擇。雖然有啲選項會因為有預設立場而不能配合,但都算大部分都乎合需要。今日我地揀左2個拉麵海鹽王湯底既味道十分濃厚,黑木耳十分爽口,豚肉肥瘦程度恰到好處,入口淡淡油香,唔會硬掘掘,十分易入口。不過略嫌海鹽既感覺相對較弱,反而似淡味左既豚王多一點。豚王一如以往,豬骨湯底既味道十分之濃。同海鹽王一樣,配料同麵條各方面都調較得啱啱好,而豬骨味就更加濃厚,麵條十分掛湯。👍🏻👍🏻另外各自加左隻溏心蛋,味道十分入味,食到醬油既清香。同時蛋黃流心程度值得一讚👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻整體來講,2碗拉麵都好食既,不過食完就覺得好口渴🙈🙈🙈,同埋份量好似比以前少左咁,食完都好似食左陣風咁,要再去買件蛋糕填肚先🥶 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-03
一碗味精水,劣質麵($5 包果d上海麵),3片肥豬肉(唔係日式义燒,係譚仔果d垃圾肥豬腩,凍肉舖$20一包廿幾塊果d),蔥都冇粒,蛋都冇隻,要$19加一隻,又細碗,都夠膽攞畀人食,仲要收人成舊水,完全當食客弱智,永不再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I believe this is one of the most popular ramen shops in Hong Kong, with several branches across the city. I recently visited their Tsuen Wan location.I opted for their lunch set menu, which offered a fixed selection of options for hardness, soup, spiciness, and condiments. Each set came with a side dish, and I chose the fried dumplings. Although the menu options were not flexible, I was pleasantly surprised by the delicious taste of the food. The broth was full of flavor and complemented the toppings perfectly. The char siu had a wonderful balance of fats and meat and was extremely tasty.The dumplings were crispy on the outside and burst with meat juice in every bite. The entire set was only $88, which I thought was a great deal, especially considering it also included a drink.我相信這是香港最受歡迎的拉麵店之一,喺不少區都有分店。我最近去了他們的荃灣店。我點左午市套餐,拉麵係fix左唔可以揀軟硬度、湯、辣度同配料。套餐都可以揀一款配菜,我揀左煎餃子王(3隻)。雖然冇得跟自己喜好揀,但我都好滿意拉麵嘅味道。湯底濃厚,同配料好夾。叉燒肉質肥瘦均衡,非常美味。餃子外皮香脆,每一口都爆滿肉汁。套餐只係88蚊,包埋飲品我覺得都幾抵食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-03-26
今日一早瞓醒想食拉麵就去咗食豚王,見到限定王出咗鰹魚拉麵,就試吓,不過通常新嘅都係無驚喜,豚王啲拉麵其實全部都偏濃味,唔係好食到鮮味,堅魚湯拉麵上面就會係配京蔥,筍,冇咗我最鍾意食嘅黑木耳,所以我覺得黑玉赤玉好味啲🤣,面可以自己揀軟硬,啲肉肉質都可以,跟住我就加咗個糖心蛋同餃子,糖心蛋同餃子都冇特別,超級普通,餃子都要42蚊,再加多一支柚子味嘅汽水30蚊,真係唔平,講真支汽水真係好好味,我次次嚟都叫🤣,唔係好甜又好夠氣,我男朋友叫左黑玉,味道依舊濃,墨汁湯有啲蒜味,如果當晚餐嘅話就可能覺得唔夠飽,就要加少少小食或者加送,而家拉麵多咗好多選擇,所以呢間對比之下性價比唔算太高,因為唔算好好食😆我比較鍾意較清嘅湯底,但係鍾意濃湯嘅人就可以去試吓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-26
久仰豚王拉麵,在荃灣行行吓開始肚餓,竟然發現就係附近,決定一嚐豚王拉麵的美味。到達後,只見長長的人龍。既然一場來到,再長也要一排。初次到來,梗係要點原味,湯底充滿濃郁豬骨味,拉麵口感彈牙,加上配菜滋味無窮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)