Restaurant: | Blue Bottle Coffee |
Offer: |
Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant ! Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
Opening Hours
08:00 - 19:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 19:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 19:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.

Restaurant: | Blue Bottle Coffee |
Offer: | Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
第一次朝聖Blue Bottle不在日本, 而在首爾?Blue Bottle持續大熱, 當時在首爾簡直是一位難求, 印象中咖啡水準不俗, 小清新的形象也十分討好。香港的Blue Bottle已落戶多時, 今天趁著來IFC的空檔, 一試港版藍瓶子的水準。 這家香港店走開放式格局,除了咖啡以外也有好多週邊商品, 論環境就是尋常的咖啡店, 但必殺技是全維港海景, 該會是全球藍瓶子迷必訪的景點。Ice Latte($45), 紙杯沒韓版透明杯子好看, 但非常環保。 奶味較重帶淡淡堅果味, 啡香也是淡淡的,比印象中的首爾藍瓶子表現稍遜。#中環美食#文迪漫遊慢生活
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呢間blue bottle咖啡店唔算好大,但個view就好正,可以一邊坐著飲咖啡,一邊對住維港🌊咖啡方面,叫咗杯iced americano ($40),味道正常、唔錯👍🏻 咖啡豆都香,較為fruity少少。另外都叫咗杯expresso ($36),好特別佢serve埋一杯sparkling water😆
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星期三佛誕同老公去長洲之前特登嚟IFC嘅Blue Bottle Coffee朝聖一下。我哋叫咗一杯熱Cappuccino $45、一杯凍Latte $50、一個Liege Waffle Plate $78,落完order就等部機響,再自己去counter攞嘢食。熱cappuccino有少少苦,未覺得好驚豔。凍latte口感比較順滑,但同樣都未係我覺得超好飲嘅咖啡。反而Waffle比我想像中好食好多,可能係即整嘅關係,所以口感唔會硬梆梆,都幾軟熟,加埋一球雲尼拿雪糕就正啦。
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Had a chance to grab a quick bite at Blue Bottle and went for their Avocado Toast. It’s simplicity done perfectly. The bread is thick and toasted to just the right level of crunchiness, and the avocado is fresh, creamy, and generously piled on. A sprinkle of sea salt, red pepper flakes, and a drizzle of olive oil make this a flavorful, satisfying breakfast or lunch option. It’s filling without being too heavy, ideal for a day when you need to keep your energy up.
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這樣環境真寫意,雖然是正午時分,但客人唔多可以靜靜嘅望着窗外嘅海景,遠眺對岸嘅尖東景色,休閑地一個人嘆吓咖啡,享受寧靜,真係寫意。Latte這鮮奶咖啡口感香滑,咖啡豆有堅果風味,咖啡味道圓潤甘醇,沒有太多嘅酸味或苦味,係比較mild嘅咖啡豆風味,加上入口嘅溫度剛剛好, 加上豐富嘅泡沫,這杯咖啡很合我心。
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