7-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
*Lunch last order : 14:00 Dinner last order 21:20
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (96)
Level2 2024-01-27
身為一個好飲好食嘅foodie , 有時候覺得出街食飯唔係淨係為咗享受美食, 而係成個餐廳環境加上用餐體驗, 先可以令顧客有賓至如歸嘅感覺, 今晚嚟到birdy食飯就明白到缺一不可!事先聲明, 我唔係第一次嚟, 由佢開業以嚟我前前後後去過四次, 我一次都覺得佢哋啲嘢食幾好食, 但係服務一般, 過咗一排, 唔記得咗又會再嚟食, 今次都唔例外以上你見到全部嘅串燒都非常好食,師傅好用心料理, 火喉非常到位, 燒到面頭脆卜卜, 入面仲好嫩滑, 好juicy.但係以咁樣嘅價格, 得到咁樣嘅hospitality, 中環區仲有好多選擇.....🤷🏻‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-28
The service was horrible. They didn’t tell us when we made the reservation that the seats were at the bar so four of us had to sit in a row. And the deposit can’t be refunded. An Asian waitress told me they didn‘t necessarily need to tell us where to seat when we did the booking. That was extremely Food was salty. I’ve got no idea why this place got so popular while the service and reservation process were so unfriendly. No returning again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-21
Booked this place to celebrate my friend’s birthday. The reservation is already not the friendliest system where you needed to reserve with credit card and they have a rather stringent cancellation policy. But that’s fine if they are that hot and in that popular demand (which was not as the place was mostly empty). Anyway I put in a note that I wanted them to write bday greetings on the dessert plate. The restaurant confirmed the bday note with me the day before the meal, and I thought that’s good and proactive. But on the actual day of the meal, they completely dropped the ball. And when I texted them later the day..here’s the response I got. Don’t think I would be returning considering there are so better yakitori place with decent services continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
當日book咗9點2位,朋友早到,8點20分已到中環,當時我塞緊車因為係Halloween正日,叫咗朋友上去先,佢before 9點已坐低,我朋友已經點咗啲串燒因為我同佢講塞緊車同封路會遲到,期間餐廳嘅staff/經理行埋嚟問兩次,問我朋友另一位幾時到?我朋友答:因為封路,佢喺皇后大道中塞緊車,會盡快。我到咗之後,門口reception無人,我自己坐低,第一時間嗌左支sake,同一碗雞湯,一份雞肝醬麵包(兩樣都唔使燒),因為朋友已點好多串燒,之後無再嗌任何野,去到10點last order 無嘢再加,我哋都極快速度食(佢哋啲串燒仲未燒完上齊),到10點半我哋食得7788(當時同有隔離枱,枱面啲串燒冇郁過,後面仲有一枱,唔知食到咩情況冇睇)突然爆燈,女waitress 行埋嚟比單我哋,話埋數,我問左一句:你哋唔係收11點?點解10點半爆燈嘅?跟著waitress Errr….Errr….Errr話我哋差唔多收工,ok 我哋split the bill,唔好阻人埋數。之後大約1040行出露台食煙,呀經理又開門,話佢哋就嚟收工,之後我哋入返去,當時剩返一壺(around 200ml sake),我哋用極快速度飲完,最後係10:58撳𨋢離開😂我哋隔離枱仲未走😂期間我同朋友比(staff/經理前前後後提醒咗差唔多超過六次😂)其實張單都成1800蚊,自問都唔算係乞兒😂,但個用餐感覺令我覺得自己好似乞兒😂我自己都係做F&B,未見過人收11點10點半爆燈,呢個係咩玩法?😂我公司收10點半,10點搭8先爆燈,大家自己諗😂😂😂Anyway第一次喺OpenRice寫食評,從來未試過寫衰人😂仲要隔咗幾日條氣都唔順😂😂😂諗吓我有幾咁不愉快😂😂😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-11
朋友吹雞試新嘢,燒鳥居酒屋個人至愛之一,一於食盡佢!昆布醃雞柳配海膽及魚子醬 9 成生雞肉片配上海膽及魚子醬,個人覺得被件片紫菜搶晒啲鮮味。。。不過不失、不試無妨。。。寶石玉子所謂的玉子其實係半隻半熟雞蛋,加上三文魚子漬及海膽,賣相顏色配搭唔錯,不過入口一般般,但試無坊。爽脆椰菜配味噌點醬 平平淡淡,清清口之選春菊及水菜沙律 一般般,試過就算薯仔沙律抵食飽肚之選,流心蛋做得唔錯日本產拍青瓜 一般般,不過不失辛辣雞胸芫茜沙律 唔識欣賞。。。辛辣味完全蓋過芫茜應有的香氣。。。雞胸絲入口柴,唔食無損失!燒雞肝 $458 成熟,入口即化有驚喜,食材本身靚,簡簡單單輕燒後配以燒汁就可以,喜歡又不怕生的話建議試試燒雞翼 皮脆肉滑,正雞尾 正,入口可以做到皮脆內軟唔油膩,甘香可口,全賴師傅嘅燒烤功力,喜歡飲番兩杯嘅朋友仔推薦必選銀杏 、 青椒仔 普普通通萬願寺青椒 一客兩隻,青菜蘿蔔各有所愛,平平淡淡。。。牛油粟米 唔錯䐁五花腩 $40正、味美有肉汁牛舌 $45一般般,非個人喜歡做法,不過可以試試燒免治雞肉 $45失望,免治雞肉入口效果有點點亁,問題應該在於處理免治雞肉份量和”對水”的功力和掌控。。。加蛋黃$10 (雞蛋實在太靚,效果反而太杰撻撻,建議可以不用加蛋直接吃)燒雞腎 正,爽口味濃有肉汁豚五花腩蘆荀卷 燒得稍為老火亁咗小小 ,完全無晒期待中五花腩應有的油脂香和蘆荀的爽脆燒雞皮 唔錯,外脆內軟博多產辛明太子 $80一般般,非個人所愛,不試無損失燒飯團 $40 個人覺得燒得稍為亁身,入口有點硬,如果燒嘅時間可以小3分鐘左右做到表脆內更柔軟就加分甘口唐陽炸雞翼 $60一客有3 隻,做法係油炸到全隻外皮焦脆後再 蘸糖水食嘅炸雞翼,入口皮脆有肉汁,送啤酒一流,要挑剔的話如果雞翼可以選大隻番小小令到肉汁更嫩更多汁的話會更加分。踪合係一間食物出品上做得唔錯的燒鳥居酒屋(以香港標準),價錢方面勉強係可以接受範圍(話哂係中環區、除咗啲酒水。。。mark 價高得有點過分,所以為有選擇飲小啲、健康啲)。另外要挑剔的話;1)燒物師傅雖然功力足,不過出品嘅順序有點隨意,例如燒雞肝同燒雞尾居然係第一同第二份上嘅燒物,跟住先上前菜同其它嘅串燒,試問食完燒雞肝同雞尾之後滿口濃濃嘅油脂同重口味,會對後面嘅食物味蕾打了節扣。2)男經理(大名係以撒之次子)待客之道真的需要再培訓培訓!例如落單前已表明第一次幫襯,雖然有4 個人(兩對夫妻),份量上會專登點小一點,因為想留肚試多啲款式。但一開始點前菜時例如 : 2 客昆布醃雞柳配海膽及魚子醬 同 2 客寶石玉子時,個經理係咁係耳邊大聲不停話細細份唔夠食架。。。一客好難兩個人分享架等等。。。聲調係輕挑令人感覺唔舒服果種。。。我明白感覺嘅嘢係好個人,但係我哋4 個人全部都一樣覺得被冒犯就並非單一事件。。。。最後佢見我哋越點越多時先自動收聲。。。結論係 : ok la ,世界咁大芳草多啲是,良朋共聚最緊要。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)