11-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
55969596 (Whatsapp)
Opening Hours
Tue - Sat
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (6)
難得有個比較長嘅午膳時間今日去咗堅道呢一間意大利小店因為比較近半山扶手電梯小店靜中帶旺11:30入座七位都唔洗等好快就安排入座店面唔算太大只可以招呼20人左右但勝在枱與枱之間唔算太迫坐得舒服Lunch Set 有5款可以揀(唔記得影相🥲)我哋有七個人當然會叫哂五款share 啦🥰店員上菜嘅時候好細心提我地碟好熱要小心通常暖碟都係酒店餐廳先會提供今次小店都以暖碟上菜真係有啲驚喜👍🏻咁多款之中個人最鍾意Lasagna每層中間嘅粉唔會過淋但由於太鍾意食薯蓉嘅關係最後主攻roast chicken leg with mashed potato🤭全部清碟了意猶未盡叫埋甜品(又係唔記得影相..)Crème brûlée x2 tiramisu x2都係share食Tiramisu 味道唔錯但crème brûlée 實在太好味crème好軟滑又帶雲呢拿香然後自己清咗一個🥰後來同店員傾計知道老闆係好有心做意大利菜嘅創業兄弟用心聽食客意見做好每一個菜式希望佢哋繼續努力下次晚餐再去試吓其他款式 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-14
老實果句,唔多選擇,但每樣即叫即做。 食品精緻好食。睇得出好有心去做。店員好用心解釋每一道菜。多謝你。 下次早點話我知有隻特別紅酒,唔好等我飲完兩支再話有支酒唔錯。 小弟真係有心無力。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
新年放假到中上環City Walk,在堅道無意間發現了一間精緻而好坐的意大利餐廳。兩人共order了多款菜品開心share。帕爾馬火腿無花果沙拉(Parma Ham and Fig Salad)沙拉菜新鮮,火腿咸鮮配上無花果及芝士濃淡得宜,好食。厚切米蘭炸豬扒(Pork Milanese)最值得推介:外脆內嫰,juicy不油膩,有賣相有內涵!Yummy,Yummy! 而賣相平實的蘑菇意大利飯(Risotto Con Funghi)食落有驚喜:磨菇及芝士味濃鬱,米飯有咬勁,好好食!飯後來個焦糖布丁(Creme Brulee)配咖啡,劃個完美句號! 聽待應介紹說餐廳剛開業不久,老板及主理人是兩個用心鑽研意大利菜的創業年青兄弟,餐廳會陸續出新菜式,又會不斷優化品質及服務。今次體驗不錯,下次有機會會再去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Recently opened on Caine Road.  My wife and I decided to check this out.  There's a small menu on the window and immediately you will notice that the restaurant is mainly focused on Italian Cuisine.  We went for dinner and I liked how the menu is focused and simple.  No fuss, just great hearty Italian food.  - Corkage - $100 / bottle We ordered the following: - Homemade Meatballs - Parm & Leek Croquettes- Pasta alle Genovese - Shrimp Aglio e Olio Peperoncino - Tiramisu The food was great.  No MSG, Healthy seasoning and most important of all made with "heart".  The story behind the restaurant is great.  Family run, mom handles the front while her 2 sons handle the cooking.  Amongst all the busy and crowded Soho, I'm surprised that there is this nice / cosy / well renovated restaurant on Caine.  I heard the mom speak about the lunch deals as well.  Looking forward to coming back soon. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-12
與姊妹聚舊兼慶祝生日,去完大館打卡,想找一個清靜地方晚餐,在中環自動長梯上行至堅道左轉便見到這間小店,裝修簡單、整潔、便入去試試。店員說:Caine 55的名字原來是堅道55號的意思☺️這店是家庭式經營,我們不懂意大利文餐牌的菜式是什麼?店員很有耐性,詳細地介紹和教我們如何讀這菜式,免費學!哈哈😄我們選了Parma Ham & Fig Salad 和 Parmesan & Leek Croquettes 前菜, 然後跟 Pasta alle Genovese 和 Shrimp Aglio e Olio Peperoncino 主菜。菜式賣相不錯,前菜的醬汁很美味,姊妹當然不忙打卡的機會,左拍右拍時,店員温馨提示主菜趁熱食更加美味😋的確,好好味🤤店員得知姊姊慶祝生日,還送我們一個小森林蛋糕🍰,給我們意外驚喜🥰店員還提議我們下次再來,可以在提早訂枱和通知特別事項,如生日,紀念日等,他們可以預備為客人帶來額外歡喜😃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)