9-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
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Review (12)
坐喺泳池旁邊, 大大的太陽傘下, 🏖溫暖的陽光, 可愛的小麻雀 ,🐦紫紅色的杜鵑花 ,🌺⚘️🌷一齊享受一個鳥語花香的逍遙自助午餐。 雖然食物唔算多 ,但係都新鮮精緻 ,服務周到 。十二點食到兩點半, 從沙律開始 ,各種新鮮沙律菜,🥬🥒🫑🌶🍅🥕🌽撈醋汁,開胃又健康。中湯是紅蘿蔔老黃瓜排骨湯, 煲得超正 ,是這裡招牌菜,飲完一碗再一碗。 今日嘅海南雞特別出色, 皮薄肉滑, 有雞味 ,點薑蓉特別美味,加幾條正菜心,唔怕食滯。 印度咖哩青豆芝士加烤餅,和味醒神。 魚生刺身有肥美三文魚, 吞拿魚, 立魚 ,配青瓜壽司。 凍海鮮有海蝦 ,海螺 ,大蜆。 自助餐點少得燒牛肉, 一塊好薄嘅就夠啦,加黑椒汁,黃介辣,牛肉超嫩,美味非凡。最後食水果甜品,酸甜多汁的菠蘿是我致愛,麵包🍞布甸加香滑雲呢哪汁,食不停口,在鳥🐦語花香的環境,食得特別開心❤。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-05-28
Hong Kong Football Club是位於銅鑼灣馬会旁的私人会所。今天有Citibank 贊助的球賽,令入內的保安更深嚴了!預期今晚晚餐会多肉少菜所以就在下午茶時間點了個煙三文魚凱撒沙律來補充補充纖維。向來Football Club的食物都不差,這煙三文魚凱撒沙律,生菜非常爽脆,有4大片煙燻鮭魚,很是美味。50元更是合理價位。唯一有點失色是它沒有放脆脆麵包粒。凱撒酱倒是不錯! 咖啡是中上質素!今天下午很熱選坐室內涼冷氣,不坐室外遠觀球賽。隔著窗户看向Football field 及看台倒是賞心悅目的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-03-03
好耐冇嚟呢度,每次嚟都一定係食Lunch buffet,今日受朋友邀請嚟聚餐。論食物呢度款式少,味道一般,但係室外環境有陽光令人放鬆同舒服,就算天氣熱,每次嚟一定會坐室外位置。服務員有笑容亦有禮貌,會不停為客人加水飲用。午巿無生蠔及刺身,海鮮吧只有龍蝦仔及涷蝦,肉質新鮮,煙三文魚亦唔錯。熟食嘅魚柳唔錯。燒牛肉太熟,但肉質出奇哋嫩滑。小籠包穿晒,無咩湯汁,而且只係微暖。甜品做得出色,每樣賣相都精緻,而且用料足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-11-13
所有野食都好好味。好新鮮。服務員態度好好。而且價錢非常合理。環境又一流。過適合一家大細聚餐。生蠔好新鮮。而且有火炎雪糕表現。地方又夠大。唯一既缺點係大多人一齊講野就會比較嘈。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-09-08
My friend invited me to have lunch at Football Club. To my surprise, the food is decently good! Am I then came here 2 times within one month!Lunch is semi buffet with a main course and then salad + appetizer buffet. Of course I will not compare with a hotel in terms of variety and choices, but there are enough choices, from oyster to cold shrimp, sushi to cold cuts, cheese and salad, and desserts. I don't eat a lot and I must say just by eating a few rounds of oysters, salad, I am already full.Among the main courses, there are choices of steak (prime rib), fish, risotto, Indian curry etc. I so far only tried prime ribs as it was so good that I just want to try again and again. For the prime rib, the size is HUGE, like both of my hand and palms added up together, while the meat is really tender and soft. The dessert is ok but not exceptionally impressive.There are plenty of rooms between each table and so it is a very comfortable dining experience. The view is terrific that you can oversee the whole Jockey Club race course. I am sure I will be very happy to come again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)