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Review (12)
Level4 2017-11-26
Passed by this small street food shop and saw few people lining up for food, so decided to try their food.Prices are reasonable... about $7-9/skewer. Was not too hungry, so I only tried their “red sausage”, the lady asked if I wanted spicy sauce, and I said a little just to give it a try. The sauce was quite delicious and the sausage was normal. Many people were lining up for the fake shark fin soup with lettuce, but I wasn’t that hungry so didn’t get one for myself. Steamed stinky rice looked delicious too. Will definitely try next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-10-25
天微寒,想吃些內臟脂肪暖身。心知心理作用為主,但想起那只是$8 一大串的牛雜(是香港最平的了),就不期然心思思去吃一串冒著大煙的牛雜鹵水盤。$8 是不應有特別期待的,但出期地每一塊也軟諗入味可口,特別是哪豐脂滿腸的大腸,鹵滿鹵水的熱騰騰花脂入口即溶的感覺,是找不到其他形容詞的滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-05-04
有日行過萬事達小食, 突然好想食豬紅,試完之後,幾好食喎。又有口感。 聽啲店員講係本地生產, 有衛生保證。 其他小食都唔錯,一般香港嘅地道小食都有。價錢便宜。 如果口痕可以試下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-03-01
萬事達小食係我住在美孚10多年其間幫襯過好多次,每次行過總是想去食番串魚旦或墨魚,呢到種類都幾多款,有車仔麵,蒸飯,腸粉,碗仔翅,生仔魚肉,咖哩魚旦,牛雜...等等,應有盡有但要數每次在附近做完運動多數必食,一定係生菜魚肉呢到嘅魚肉食落幾滑身帶魚香味,但唔算爽口彈牙,姐姐會即時用影手馬上片魚肉去幫你滖,而湯底都幾清,會有魚香味,飲完唔會口渴,另外一定要試埋佢個辣菜脯,新度剛好又夠香,另外個碗仔翅都不錯食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
聖誕當日,約左屋企人去荔枝角公園野餐,等人來之際想買一串串小食陣間一齊食。店面有紙煮有咩賣,我跟住叫,有d食材無好正常,但相中店員語氣同態度都極差,我叫魷魚,佢就同我極晦氣地講:"係呀,邊度有,你睇你前面邊度有"。我心想唔通全店所有食物就係我面前呀?無唔緊要,講聲就可以,而唔係咁樣趕客mode,可能佢屋誕開工心情唔好,但唔需要咁將不快散播囉,我後來等人時眼見佢對男女老幼同樣差,好似全世界欠左佢咁。想受氣撩交嗌請儘管幫襯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)