4-min walk from Exit P3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
It is a Sichuan restaurant of Chuan Po Po. It offers Sichuan grilled fish, hot pot and skewers at affordable prices. The dishes taste rich. Both are good to pair with alcoholic beverages and share with friends. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
烤魚 串燒 啤酒 粉面 水煮魚 酸菜魚
Review (63)
今日去烤魚叔叔食自助餐,有雞煲,烤魚,麻辣火鍋串串,品味多,烤魚真係烤出來,魚肉新鮮,最重要烤魚可以無限添加,非常抵食,有機會下次還會再來,吃完烤魚,可以轉麻辣湯底,食材就可以係後面雪櫃自己挑選,食材都算高質,飲品選擇都多,總之非常開心,另外服務都好好,經理不斷過來幫我們加湯,雪櫃被其他客人拿完的食材,可以同員工講,佢地會立刻叫廚房做埋比我地,仲有燒烤,海鮮送,元貝大大隻,真的是驚喜不斷。。。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今天下班和同事食飯、想吃烤魚選了這間👍我們叫了烤魚、雞煲、還有燒烤🍖🥰🥰店員好熱情❤️整體環境很乾淨❤️例如放醬料的地方有清理得好好、醬油瓶拿上手不會有黏膩感👍👍👍一次過可以烤魚、打邊爐吃串燒、烤肉🍗滿足你所有需求🤩特別推薦烤魚、我地叫不辣的都好入味、魚煎得好好外面香脆內裡依舊嫩滑😋😋😋下次再帶朋友黎食😊最好平日黎、因為沒咁多人唔洗等位、又可以和朋友吹水😊😊😊😊👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
⚠️起碼有4隻老鼠⚠️⚠️食食下聽到上面有聲,有幾隻老鼠係燈橋度行黎行去。服務員:佢哋唔小心行左入嚟,走左架啦!放心啦,唔會害你既下?你有老鼠唔處理,仲叫我地慢慢食?你收三百幾蚊一位,唔係同老鼠一齊食呀嘛我話我會報食環署,另外一個服務員仲話:我地個個禮拜都有滅蟲架,你去報啦你有滅蟲都搞成咁,仲理直氣壯咁話冇問題😷食物質素一般般,但係環境衛生好差門口寫烤魚叔叔,入到去menu又有川婆婆入到去侍應都係著川婆婆制服 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-23
🧡烤江團魚有4隻辣風味揀 我地揀泡淑味小辣條魚好入味 亦都好多肉湯底有豆卜呀芽菜之類都好索味 好正🤎雞煲又係有3種味揀 我地揀重慶麻辣呢個真係比烤魚差好多雞肉好老 唔知係咪煲得太耐 好乾身由於太乾 所以唔係好食到汁底味關注度去左個肉質方面💛串燒拼盤有牛、豬、雞、羊肉、脆玉瓜、菇落左孜然粉超級惹味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-03
咁岩係尖咀買野,之後諗住食川菜,搵搵下見到寶勒巷有間烤魚叔叔,所以就試下呢間!呢個都係必點!咖啡菇唔會燒到好乾,仲好爽口,味道正常,尚算新鮮!羊肋條肉質軟嫩調味好好惹味而不太鹹!豐富的油脂烤起來非常的正而且完全冇果種咬極都唔斷既感覺😝估唔到係勁大兜🤩麻辣雞煲!d 雞肉好肥美!見到d 雞肉都係白雪雪的,d 貨幾新鮮🥰🥰🥰🥰今次揀左小辣,覺得都夠惹味😍😍😍小辣得黎都夠麻😍唔好👀得半隻雞,但都好多件肉,細食d 既朋友仔食可能已經半飽😚👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻整個來說,烤魚叔叔嘅麻辣雞煲好出色,味道很不錯,值得推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)