3-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level4 2020-11-04
呢間小店我耐唔耐都黎買午餐,店舖好細只做外賣,不過都幾多上班一族幫襯。除左價錢抵之外(兩餸飯$40,三餸飯$46連湯加飲品),d餸都算多選擇又有住家菜feel,感覺無咩味精。餸菜款式不時都會轉下,就算成日食都唔會悶呀😋 呢d就係今日有嘅餸菜,不過影唔曬,店主好nice會問你夠唔夠飯,動作快,就算條隊好長都好快排到。我今日揀左蕃茄炒蛋同埋煎雞扒,好好味!唔多油,食完唔會口渴。個南瓜湯都唔錯☺️今日自備左餐盒減少用發泡膠盒(唔記得帶多個裝湯)!鼓勵大家買外賣都自備餐盒,支持環保♻️😎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-05-04
太古坊附近都有好多間賣燒賣腸粉早餐店試過大概4間都係覺得呢間最好食呢間早餐唔包野飲啱曬我呢d鍾意喺公司沖茶飲既人呢度都有唔少餐選擇有米粉 三文治 腸粉燒賣魚蛋等等我通常都係叫$16既燒賣腸粉餐 呢度d腸粉好滑 味道都算香燒賣就有好有魚肉味而且夠彈牙唔會好似有d燒賣咁好彈牙但係冇魚肉味我有一次試過加奶茶飲但佢唔知係我果日唔好彩定咩個奶茶係超唔好飲 我好少會未飲曬杯嘢就掉左佢平時朝早都幾多人買呢間既早餐通常我經過都見到最少5-6個人排緊隊對比附近既早餐店我覺得呢間係高質而且價錢合理既👍🏼👍🏼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-10-22
早餐時段有$15腸粉燒賣魚蛋,皮蛋瘦肉粥,經常要排隊 ,店員服務很好。中午有$35蒸魚飯,鯇魚大份,有例湯,好好味,仲送埋幾條菜,健康。晏晝都有腸粉燒賣。簡單嘅食物,經常去幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-05-18
因工作關係,今早去了鰂魚涌。9:00要開始會議,下車時已是8:40,怎辦?仍未吃早餐一路急步走見到有4至5個人在小食店排隊,便想……這個時侯仍有人排隊買早餐,這店早餐會不差,快食碟腸粉應該仍夠時間。$14有6條價錢偏高,但鄰近係大型寫字樓,難免價錢會較高。意想不到腸滑爽滑,豉油汁帶有微微五香鹵水味,麻醬的芝麻味不足,幸五香鹵水味彌補不足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Boyfriend and I were in the Quarry Bay area to check out an art gallery and stopped here for a quick bite.Cute? Yeah. Just me being silly with the camera.This place is your typical roast meat shop. They do take away only and have very inexpensive lunch boxes. So we both ordered a box and took it to a nearby area for a little picnic. But what stopped us was they also seemed to sell eggettes and other take away snack items like curry fish balls and siu mai.Soysauce Marinated Chicken with Siu Yuk ($32). The chicken was pretty good. Moist and nicely flavored from the marinade. The siu yuk was not so good. Wasn't flavored enough and the the skin was soggy and chewy. The rice was soggy and not that good. Extra sauce was asked for but there really wasn't much of it. The amount of sauce looked like the one where no extra sauce was asked for. I am wondering if they forgot or they didn't hear?Roast Duck with Char Siu ($32). This was much better. The duck was moist and wasn't overly fatty. The char siu had no fat hanging out of it but yet it wasn't dry. It tasted pretty good, too. I must be eating at Happy Valley's roast meat place too much but for $32, this is quite cheap. Both boxes came with a free drink box. Man...that is cheap. I have definitely been eating in Happy Valley way too long.Fish and Pork Siu Mai ($9). While waiting for our lunch to be made, boyfriend ordered a few siu mai. They had two types, fish and pork so he asked for a mix and they gave it to him. They were ok but the pork ones tasted better.Oreoberry Eggettes ($22). While we were waiting for our food, I saw they had a variety of eggettes. The owner said it was something new they were trying out and said eggettes are the only thing that are served on weekends. The owner said they are trying out various flavors to see what is good and what is not. I couldn't help but order one and tried something called oreoberry. As they are made to order, I had to wait for my order.The eggette itself was very crispy. Crispy to the point of being crunchy. I prefer my eggettes to be a bit more cakey in texture. The inside had some blueberries in it but not every eggette had one. The batter was mixed with Oreo cookie that was ok tasting. As they are trying out something new, this is obviously in beta mode so I hope there is continual room for improvement.Interesting combos of both popular Hong Kong types of food: roast meat and eggettes. Perhaps they should start mixing the two and skip the rice and use the eggettes as a base for the roast duck? Service was friendly and seemed to be a very small neighbourhood business. Unsure if I'd return as I don't live in the area. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)