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食評 (12)
等級4 2011-07-16
241 瀏覽
新開了一段時間,今天才有機跟「堂家姐」o黎試一試先前看食評都知有o的item 唔係焗,但自己叫時都不慎以為係焗,真係咁先入為主?好一個日式燒汁牛油金菇豬頸肉飯,吃下去就是food court quality 的飯品乙個,絕無特別之處。雖有熱飲乙杯,但索價$36 實在不公道中伏了嗎?對面的鴛鴦汁豬扒焗飯好像也不怎麼樣…… 繼續閱讀
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It was pouring rain at lunch, so my colleague and I did not want to go too far from the office for lunch. Luckily for us, we walked right across the street to Baked Culture, with no wait for a table. I mistakenly thought Baked Culture was a bakery--but I was certainly wrong! (Though they do sell some baked goods in the front.) Baked Culture actually refers to baked rice dishes. At lunch, Baked Culture offers a set menu for around $30-40, which includes a baked rice, drink, and mochi ice cream for dessert. I opted for the mixed seafood rice with creamy tomato sauce. I thought the combination would be a bit odd, but I actually enjoyed the dish. The sauce was flavorful and just the right amount of creaminess, which complimented the seafood nicely. The milk tea that came with the set was average at best, while the mochi ice cream was a sweet treat to end the meal with. All in all, a good value for lunch, especially if you need something quick, easy, and filling. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2011-05-30
48 瀏覽
之前上網買左$28套餐優惠, 咁岩又順到去上環, 所以就用埋佢啦~~黎之前已經睇定d食評, 所以都有左心理準備, 唔會抱太大既期望去到d人已經好醒目咁問我係咪團購, 睇黎佢地既客多數都買左團購一坐低就叫左個藍芝士焗魚柳, 飯未上, 先上沙律同藍莓芝士蛋糕, 沙律有d蟹籽, 同埋唔係罐頭式既沙律, 有粟米, 蘿蔔, 唔會好hea, 自己就覺得唔錯。而芝士蛋糕個份量雖然細件, 不過因為仲有沙律, 飯, 同奶茶, 所以我覺覺個份量係OK既, 但個味道就一般啦, 芝士味唔夠, 同有D乾, 不過係接受到既。之後就係焗飯喇, 芝士太少喇, 成個飯得中間一撻有芝士, 然後D飯又太濕, 成件事, 唔似焗飯而魚柳方面都可以既, 係冇鮮味, 同個胡椒粉味再輕少少就好D喇... ...不過總括黎講, $28食呢SET LUNCH, 係值得既, 唔會失望, 同埋餐廳入面有電視, 可以一路睇一路慢慢食^^10分滿分, 我會俾7.5分 =P 繼續閱讀
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Coupon $28 for $4x? Worth of 沙律+精選焗飯+Cheese Cake+即磨咖啡.$25 Main: only 4 choices of baked rice/pasta? Fortunately 3 sound interesting, seafood, fish chicken blue cheese, or red wine thin beef.Red wine thin beef: Usual red wine brown sauce, not very salty, acceptable. Beef cutlet is a precut lean ham with black peper as from imported gormet shops. It's quite sturdy lean red meat, and salty. Generous pieces. Some random veggies. A pathetic tiny patch of well baked cheese. At least that's real cheese instead of many stores that use aweful cream for baked rice.Salad: Lettuce, corn and lots of pineapple. Best of all there's no potato fillers. Very generous with crispy roe. Probably the best side salad I've seen in cheaper HK stores.$6 Blueberry cheesecake: half slice (1/12 a cake?), 80% shorter and thicker bottom crust than Bonjour Bakery a block away. But for a chatsanting, the quality/price is quite good. Enough real blueberry in jam, not sour. Moist dense cream cheese, dryer on outer rim so maybe over a day old but still good. Soggy crust bland & unacceptable. Overall cheesy enough, but for better quality and more cheese nearby bakeries are equally cheap.Drink: Ice coffee less ice. Really less ice, and thick enough flavor, no dry/sour tastes.Server helpful explaining in detail menu options, saying beef is the hotel quality cutlet. Though the bake rice is so so, the beef was good indeed.Their cheese is too weak for good baked rice, but other things have quality and price worth trying (discounts after 2pm). 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2011-04-23
32 瀏覽
頭一次寫食評..有錯字唔好見怪...小弟先前在綱上買了焗藝坊的食物卷....老實說真係好低~~因為佢11點至2點.午餐係$36跟1飲品+一粒雪米池(勁細)到了2點同一個午餐不過只賣25.不過就冇左粒雪米池......d飯ok好食..好重芝土味..怕肥可以走芝土...咖啡好香~~如果你地頭一次食.唔g食咩好?不如叫個咖哩焗飯.香到不得了..其實我見好多人都係食咖哩的...好野當然好多人識因賞..(勁平同好食)..我諗上環區真係唔會有好多間~.~ 繼續閱讀
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