港鐵香港大學站 C2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
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食評 (56)
等級4 2020-11-06
755 瀏覽
完全唔需要試,野食好一般,衛生情況亦唔覺得好(可能燈光裝修影響?同埋枱同地板都感覺好lup)唔知點真係好有一種大陸小餐館嘅感覺肴肉算係正常,但無我expect中好似果凍嘅感覺菜飯少少太油,而排骨唔香酥,似平時茶餐廳啲煎豬排,好硬好乾小籠包大家見到個樣應該都睇得出,無湯汁😕雞絲粉皮都算正常,除左佢似河粉多過粉皮紅油抄手我無理解錯的話應該係雲吞?但佢係水餃,同埋汁都唔夠酸 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-03-29
2187 瀏覽
Hungry, boyfriend and I stopped here for dinner as it there were a good amount of people inside. South & North Restaurant serves Shanghai style dishes.Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge. Along with a la carte, they also have sets. It seemed everyone ordered from the sets, so we followed.We decided on the $148 two people set which included one starter, two mains and two bowls of soup. They quickly ushered out a glass of soymilk. This was super super sweet and not much soybean taste.Soup we could choosesour spicy soup or daily Chinese soup. We ordered one of each as I can't eat spicy.  The sour spicy soup was well ... only spicy. There probably was a sour element but it was so spicy, it covered it all. The daily Chinese soup was just daikon and carrot. It was pretty good. Just your regular Chinese soup. For the starter, we chose xiao lung bao. These were really salty inside. I think they just drenched it in soysauce as the liquid was brown in color. The skin was also super thick and the meat was dry.  Not very good at all.For mains, you can choose vegetable rice or yang chan noodles to accompany your main. We chose pork ribs and Shanghai drunken chicken wings. They came together in a plate. The ribs were a bit dry and super greasy. The chicken wings were just salty and had not taste of wine at all.We chose one vegetable rice and one yang chan noodles. The bowl of noodles were huge! This we didn't expect and after finishing this, we couldn't finish the rice. The noodles were actually pretty good. Chewy and smooth. The soup just tasted like salty MSG.The vegetable rice was ok though a bit on the oily side.The food portions were huge and prices cheap. It was no wonder so many students seemed to eat here. More for your money. But the food was terrible.  Everything was so salty. And this whole place was so greasy. Walking on the floor was more like sliding as it felt greasy. The tables were greasy. Everything was greasy. I definitely won't be back. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-02-20
1149 瀏覽
突然好想食上海菜飯 咁岩經過南北美食館就入去試下打開menu發現菜飯的配搭有雞/牛/豬/素食/魚 總共有11個選擇豬:香脆排骨 滷鍋肉雞: 醉/炸雞中翼 日式燒雞素食: 素雞 脆皮素鵝牛: 五香牛筋/牛展 紅燒牛腩魚: 美味燻魚 仲配紫菜蝦米湯/炸菜肉絲蛋花湯/酸辣湯/粉絲湯/雲吞菜湯同送豆漿/例湯 成個set只需53蚊 真係好抵食咁我就揀左香脆排骨菜飯配紫菜蝦米湯同熱豆漿金黃色的排骨又香又脆 最重要係唔乾 d切到細細的菜完美咁混入飯度  菜飯加排骨呢個配搭真係幾match 紫菜蝦米湯加左一點蔥花作點綴湯有點咸 唔知係咪因為我未有將蝦米同湯好好混合的關係成個set大份得黎又抵食  (大份到食唔哂) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
以前讀書嘅時候都幾常食呢間係西環嘅菜飯 開頭$50樓下 食食吓變咗$55 依家$60 百物騰貴啊😂 不過講真$60都仲係好抵食嘅 一個餐又包豆漿又包好大碗嘅菜飯 仲有碗湯碗裝嘅湯🙊最多人叫嘅通常都係排骨菜飯 我同意的確係最好食嘅選擇😂 皮炸得好脆 肉又唔會太鞋 配菜飯成個配搭成個味道感覺都幾正宗🤤不過咁岩今日食個飯有少少少少爛 唔係粒粒分明嘅 我就冇咁鍾意😂另外我哋又叫咗牛展菜飯 配榨菜肉絲蛋花湯 牛展都OK嘅 唔韌 但係如果再凍啲或者係 味道再濃啲就更加好 之前仲食過醉雞翼 好似都係差唔多嘅問題🤔榨菜肉絲蛋花湯就少少酸 因為好多榨菜係底 都幾足料👍🏻不過通常大食嘅朋友都會揀菜肉雲吞湯😂 直頭要另開一段推介 有四粒菜肉雲吞同埋菜 夠晒飽肚 仲要雲吞係好香好味道嘅😂綜合以上 黃金嘅組合係排骨菜飯 菜肉雲吞湯同埋豆漿🤓 食完包你唔會夜晚想食宵夜 只係盛惠$60😂😂😂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-08-14
1155 瀏覽
這晚跟朋友來到香港大學站附近,打算吃個便餐,就隨便找了家上海菜館。餐廳格局跟舊式茶記差不多,有種懷舊感!晚上8點左右來到也接近滿座。餐點方面,點了招牌湯麵,原來就是雜錦配菜,有炸雲吞、牛𦟌、豬排等,算是不過不失。個人挺喜歡寛麵的口感。上海炒年糕相當有驚喜!配料充足,年糕很煙韌,而且鑊氣十足!非常好吃!上海小籠包賣相一般,但味道相當不錯,皮薄,一口咬落充滿肉汁!除了食物之外,還點了兩杯豆漿,人均消費約$80。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)