7.5/10 plates emptied!吉碟幫掙扎了很久,知道一介紹完元豐園之後,恐怕會逼滿了這小店,老實說,元豐園確是我們一行五人韓國餐廳的首選。但我們絕對不會不把好東西介紹給吉碟幫的一眾粉絲!吉碟幫終於齊人來到這個讓人又愛又恨,服務差到街知巷聞但聽說是韓國人至愛的韓國餐廳。也許會讓部分打算『看文解氣、同仇敵愾』的食友失望——這篇食評其實是為元豐園正名的——因為餐廳的靈魂不是服務,是食物。先大體說一下被人一致差評了很久的『服務』再說食物吧。當晚我們比預訂的時間晚了15分鐘,只見Lorling和韓籍老闆娘貌似求情,過不久我們就被手下留情『放進去』了,後來Lorling解釋說老闆娘只是和我們開玩笑。而整頓飯的過程中,服務還算周到,有位侍應大嬸還教我們怎麼喝米酒碰杯。在忠實粉絲Lorling和Dvd的講解下,我們知道了從前這裡的服務確是奇差,近半年才逐漸開始有改進,所以我們才見識不到傳聞中的『阿豬媽』脾氣。閒話不多說,以下的食物環節會讓大家知道為什麼我們想為這家餐廳正名。The Gang has been longing to try out Wong Pun Wong just be
7.5/10 plates emptied!

[Written by Gobay in Chinese, Carly in English]
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The Gang has been longing to try out Wong Pun Wong just because it was our Korean cuisine expert Lorling and DvD’s favorite authentic Korean restaurant in Hong Kong. Openrice reviews have been absolutely notorious and negative when it comes to rating the service, often leaving customers with a raging temper after visiting. We hope that this review will not raise your expectations on the service level, since in Carly’s opinion; it will never be good or even close to ideal. We call this the “complete” dining experience of Korean cuisine just because of the imperfect service, rather thrilling and perfect cooked Korean dishes, and you will be able to understand that, as soon as you glance over to see the place packed with Koreans. No, we were not kidding about the food.

《Barbeque Meat烤肉部分》
韓式生菜 | mixed veggie
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Local Korean barbeque places are equipped with gasoline stoves made in metal instead of charcoal types. Though people usually opt for charcoal grilled meat, Korean authentic places seldom use that, most likely related to cost constraints. Korean barbeque is prominent for their sauce/marinated spices, followed by the beef origin, texture, and freshness. The Gang ordered one serving of mixed veggie (HKD50) to go with “evil” beef, so here goes the verdict:
無骨烤牛肋骨 | Grade Boneless beef ribs
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【無骨烤牛肋骨 | HKD130】

這就是和之前我們去La Vache!吃的牛扒很相似的部位: 牛肋骨之間的肉,只是La Vache! 用的是Entrecôte,必須是上腰部的牛肋骨,所以牛肉味和口感都要更勝一籌。但無論如何,無骨的牛肋骨肉怎麼吃都是讓人感到幸福的!
韓式烤肉醬 | Korean Chilli bean sauce
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無骨烤牛肋骨 | Grade Boneless beef ribs
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【Grade Boneless beef ribs| HKD130】

Very close to the same cut of beef as we compared this with the Entrecôte part we had at La Vache! Beef ribs being the cut right above the waist of the cow, the rich beef flavor and texture at La Vache! is considered higher tier in quality compared to Won Pun Won. Not going to complain much for its reasonable price (Korean barbeque is so expensive these days; you always end up paying at least HKD350 pp for dinner). Boneless beef ribs have to be the favorite kind of thing for meat loves. Enjoy it simply with dipping the sizzling grilled beef in the mixture of sesame oil and grinded black pepper, Gobay noted that Won Pun Won’s sesame oil was particularly aromatic and special to go with barbequed beef. Korea guru Lorling stated that traditionally Korean Chilli bean sauce – blending red chilli paste with corn syrup and pepper powder will be offered at the table. Yet this really depends on restaurants, different dipping sauce will be offered, adding its own twist on the flavors and spices.
無骨烤牛肋骨 | Grade Boneless beef ribs
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Best way of enjoying delectable Korean grilled beef: arugula/fresh veggie, sizzling hot grilled beef ribs, add a bit of sweet chili paste to enhance the savory flavor, chewing that all together in one bite of rice. This, is, life.
鐵鍋燒五花腩 | Grilled Sliced Pork Belly
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【鐵鍋燒五花腩 | HKD120】

鐵鍋燒五花腩 | Grilled Sliced Pork Belly
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【Grilled Sliced Pork Belly|HKD120】

Another authentic way of enjoying Korean barbeque, fatty pork belly grilled till the edges of the fat turned sizzling golden brown, giving off an irresistible aroma. Best combo and rather traditional way of enjoying grilled pork belly was to wrap it with fresh veggie (lettuce or arugula), one small bite of rice, a bit of Korean chilli paste – never too spicy but elevates the sweetness and seasoning of the non-seasoned pork belly. Won pun won’s pork belly was not particularly fatty so it was not the best type of juicy pork you can have around, yet for its price, what more can you ask for.
和烤牛肉 | Marinated Beef Slices
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【 和烤牛肉(醬醃)| HKD100】

和烤牛肉(醬醃)| Marinated Beef Slices
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【Marinated Beef Slices|HKD100】

Marinated beef slices were decent enough on its own, without dipping it into the barbeque sauce served on the table. Noteworthy that each Korean barbeque place has their own houseblend of dipping sauce – Carly’s personal favorite still goes to the simple combo of sea salt chunks mixed with sesame oil, even better, Myung Ga (名家) uses pink Himalayan salt, a type of rock salt that is not processed as much as household table salt.

海鮮煎餅 | Seafood Pancake
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【海鮮煎餅 | HKD120】


【Seafood Pancake|HKD120】
Lorling acclaimed Wong Pun Wong’s Seafood pancake to be the best in town, Carly undoubtedly seconded that. Optimal balance of seafood meat, flour, spring onions, pan-fried till it turned slightly golden brown, heavenly crispy with a light touch, never too oily. Crunchy on the exterior, and somewhat chewy on the inside. Chopped green onions well-blended with chunky seafood bits of octopus and shrimps. Lorling and Dvd as frequent diners at Won Pun Won, acclaimed for their consistency of the excellent seafood pancake served every time. This item is not listed on their menu *shhh* you just need to order it secretly and hope that the ajummas (translated as middle-aged ladies in Korean) do not say no.
煎餃子 | Pan Fried Dumplings
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【煎餃子 | HKD250 (L) HKD130 (S) 】

煎餃子 | Pan Fried Dumplings
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【Pan Fried Dumplings| HKD250 (L) HKD130 (S)】

Profoundly cooked dish of some intriguing pan-fried dumplings filled with chopped cabbage and minced pork. The dumplings were pan-fried till the dough and edges turned crispy and fresh choppy in a sensational way. To get the crispy crunchy texture, Lorling suggested that dumplings can be icy frozen in the fridge for a while before cooking them in scorching oil.
辣豬骨鍋 | Pork Bone & Potato Soup
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【辣豬骨鍋 | HKD350 (L) HKD280 (S) 】

豬骨煲最好的部位應該是用豬膝和筒骨 (腿骨),豬膝肉滑而且有很多筋,筋煮久了會變得很軟,膠質很豐富,筒骨裡的骨髓比較多,煲出來骨髓容易融入湯汁,令湯更鮮更濃。這裡主要用的是豬脊骨,連著骨的肉會比較多,肉質也挺滑,湯上面放了很多芝麻葉 (紫蘇),是韓國人最常吃的蔬菜之一。芝麻葉的味道很獨特而強,吃不習慣的人可能不喜歡。湯不會太辣,吃著十分開胃,下飯一流!推薦喜歡吃豬骨煲火鍋的食友去之前有寫到的西環坤記煲仔小菜,那裡的豬骨就全部用豬膝和筒骨,也是另一種『豬骨』趣味。
辣豬骨鍋 | Pork Bone & Potato Soup
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【Pork Bone & Potato Soup | HKD350 (L) HKD280 (S)】

Pork bone soup cooked bullocks and huge portions of soft, tender pork, the cuts close to the bones are succulent and soft. Gobay recommended using pork knuckles or bone marrows to cook them into a soup base as the tendon will easily turn soft and nutrients will dissolve into the soup, condensed in essences, mild heat on the palate. Handful of arugula leaves were added to the soup, one of Koreans’ favorite veggie. Arugula does come with a very unique and rather pungent flavor, people either love it or hate it. Mildly spicy soup base is very heartwarming and appetizing to go with rice. Kwan Kee in Sai Wan (So far still the highest rated restaurant by the Gang), pork knuckles and bone marrows are cooked to its perfection, another spot worth hitting!
韓國米酒 | rice wine
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鐵鍋燒五花腩 | Grilled Sliced Pork Belly
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It was not surprising to see the wave of notorious reviews on Openrice for Won Pun Won for its unfriendly service, point taken, food is what you should be coming back for when visiting Korean authentic places.
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Unquestionably, Won Pun Won’s cooked dished scored some top marks on Emptyplates Gang’s list. Not the best in town for barbeque meat but definitely reasonably priced. Bill ended up around HKD250 per person for dinner, not too bad as we were all so stuffed, plus we ordered a bottle of rice wine on the side. You may even locate and pin down one of our Gang members there for dinner, happily munching away!
題外話/補充資料: * Call in advance to book, better yet have a Korean to call * Not the most ideal place for barbeque meat yet cooked dishes are lipsmackingly good * Service is never going to be good here so just focus on the food itself *最好預先致電訂位,韓國人致電訂位就更方便! *不算是最高質的韓式燒烤,但其他熱食都是無得輸! *服務永遠都不會算是好,去元豐園都只是為了食物。
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$270 (晚餐)
海鮮煎餅 | Seafood Pancake
$ 120
  • 海鮮煎餅
  • Seafood Pancake
  • 煎餃子
  • Pan Fried Dumplings
  • 無骨烤牛肋骨
  • Grade Boneless beef ribs