I seem to have visited a lot of steakhouses in close succession recently and the amount of red meat I have consumed has been off the chart, but that doesn't mean when Hugo's comes up as a suggestion for dinner I would decline...Inside the Hyatt Regency, Hugo's gives the feeling that you are dining in a room dating back to the medieval times with the timber crossbeams across the ceilings and the iron-wrought chandeliers. The open kitchen is right by the front of the entrance where diners can watc
I seem to have visited a lot of steakhouses in close succession recently and the amount of red meat I have consumed has been off the chart, but that doesn't mean when Hugo's comes up as a suggestion for dinner I would decline...

Inside the Hyatt Regency, Hugo's gives the feeling that you are dining in a room dating back to the medieval times with the timber crossbeams across the ceilings and the iron-wrought chandeliers. The open kitchen is right by the front of the entrance where diners can watch the chefs in action while being serenaded by the guitarist whose lilting strains were quite perfect for the restaurant's ambiance.

Once shown to our cushy booth, a bread basket was served. Garlic bread, baguettes and a crusty roll, I liked the baguettes ideal for smearing with my butter, but the garlic bread could have done with a little more salt.
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Spying Fin de Claire on the menu was something we had to order since they are one of our favourite types~ They were cool and sweet with a textural crunch which can only come from the freshest oyster.
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Looking like a fresh garden, our salad of king crab arrived with big chunks of the crustacean centered in the middle while scooped domes of avocado and tomato were arranged as a ring around it. All the ingredients were fresh, but they were some obvious brown spots on the avocado which was not the most attractive.
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Steak tartare was served at the table, mixed and seasoned to your taste pending your level of spice tolerance. The raw beef was tender with no hint of gristle and while I enjoyed my first few mouthfuls, the saltiness of the sauce became a little overwhelming. Steak tartare is normally paired with thin crisp pieces of toast or chips, but our toasts were not brought to us until we asked and even then they were too thick to be considered a good pairing with the tartare.
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Again prepared by the table was our lobster bisque, watch for the huge flame as the chef ignites the cognac in the pot and if you want to take a photo better get your camera ready unlike me who was too busy gawking at it and by the time Mr. C reminded me it had gone out =.= The bisque was stomach warmingly hot, but the dollop of cognac cream was a little too much, making it overly creamy.
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Yes I ordered fish at a steakhouse which may be blasphemous for you carnivores out there, but I felt like something lighter. Originally wanting cod fish, I had to replace with sea bass since it had sold out. I opted to have it oven cooked rather than grilled as I was after more of a moist mouthful. It was a lovely cut of bass, tender and juicy, but the scattering of tiny prawns outshone it. Really good~ I just pity the person who had to peel them.
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Mr. C chose scallops which looked a little plain and dry with angry markings from the grill. Although soft, they could have done with some sauce.
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I really recommend the fries, not your shoe string type these were piping hot with a wonderful crunchiness. Served atop a burner, they won't get cold any time soon.
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Peering through the dessert menu, Mr. C pointed out that Hugo's serve some really traditional French style desserts. With that said he settled for the crepes suzette while I was content with an apple tartin.

Once again the crepes suzette were prepared table side (hi again chef *wave*), with a flaming finish from the pour of Grand Marnier. It wasn't the most attractive looking dish with the watery sauce and rapidly melting ice-cream, but the crepes were moist and thoroughly drenched in alcohol making for quite a strong mouthful.
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My apple tartin was a stunner. It required a short waiting time, but so worth it~ Topped with caramelised apples encased in a light flaky pastry, one bite of this with the vanilla-bean specked ice-cream left me speechless... So good and I loved how Hugo's were so generous with the ice-cream as there is nothing worse than finishing all the ice-cream and being left with just the tart.
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And to end, a smoking bowl of chocolate bon bons as our petite fours~
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Service was attentive, a little erratic at times, but at least all our dishes arrived on a timely basis. I know I will want to come back for that amazing apple tartin and having steak next time wouldn't hurt too ;)
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