2013-01-11 224 瀏覽
Burger joints have been popping up everywhere in Hong Kong in the past couple of years. I have tried them all and have been unimpressed. Having walked past BLT Burger countless of times, I decided that it was finally time to give BLT Burger's a try and the benefit of the doubt. Every time I saunter by, the restaurant is empty and hollow. The place has great character, there is a typical American diner bar and nostalgic diner pictures on the wall. The seating is spacious, comfortable, and the env
Burger joints have been popping up everywhere in Hong Kong in the past couple of years. I have tried them all and have been unimpressed. Having walked past BLT Burger countless of times, I decided that it was finally time to give BLT Burger's a try and the benefit of the doubt. Every time I saunter by, the restaurant is empty and hollow. The place has great character, there is a typical American diner bar and nostalgic diner pictures on the wall. The seating is spacious, comfortable, and the environment is very cosy. We were seated immediately in a booth (since there was only one other dining patron) by the very amicable waiter. We perused the menu, placed our order, and our beverages were served immediately after.
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Your typical classic burger that looks great just from the ingredients. A beautiful red juicy tomato, a leafy green piece of lettuce and then an over zealous amount of mayonaise and mustard on the top of the bun. The patty was cooked well, and there was no cheese with the burger. However, it was just good, it was not brilliant. A good warm and toasty burger. I think this burger would have been better without the egg.
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This burger was more sophisticated in its ingredients and flavours. The mushrooms were soft and complemented the caramelised onions well. The onions were not overcooked and soggy. These still had a crunch and were sweet; that is a sign of well cooked onions. What really put this burger over the top was the blue cheese. It melded perfectly with the patty and the experience was overwhelmingly good. The egg this time added a good level of moisture and the yolk went great with the cheese. This is a unique burger, and I recommend that you try it, but its not for the faint hearted.
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Crunchy, delectable, perfectly fried golden goodness. These are the specific words I choose to describe these crispy delights. Presented in a beautiful simple metal pot. The colour was alluring, and that smell of greasy delicious just wafting through the air, I was thoroughly impressed. One bite and I was sold. The chili was more powerful than I thought though, but it added a very fine kick. These are an absolute must have, with or without ketchup.
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Being unique and different in todays creative world is difficult. I thought this cute little addition to the burger added a very personalised touch to the burger. A simple wooden rarity of meat indicator got me all excited to taste the burger. As always it is the little things that count.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$135 (午餐)