2012-10-28 1349 瀏覽
I was a little bit worried about coming here having read reviews for this restaurant. However, I was coming here with my Aunt, who has never gone wrong.I want to state at the outset that I agree that this place is exceedingly overpriced. However, if you ignore the value, the food is really good. I will write the rest of this review solely on the quality of the food. We arrived promptly at 6:45pm and were seated immediately. My overall impression of the place was that it was very small and intima
I was a little bit worried about coming here having read reviews for this restaurant. However, I was coming here with my Aunt, who has never gone wrong.

I want to state at the outset that I agree that this place is exceedingly overpriced. However, if you ignore the value, the food is really good. I will write the rest of this review solely on the quality of the food.

We arrived promptly at 6:45pm and were seated immediately. My overall impression of the place was that it was very small and intimate. The lighting was excellent, which made me very happy, allowing me to take good photos. There was a sushi bar, and three other tables. I later learned that there were more tables in the back. We were seated at a table for four, but they added an extra chair for the fifth person. The waiter gave us menus, but did not really give us time to really peruse it. She started suggesting the fish of the day, and all the specials. Normally, this would really tick me off, but she was extremely friendly. My Aunt was not in the mood to choose, so we specified a couple things we really wanted to try, and then let the waiter help us suggest a myriad of other dishes. The waiter also tried to push us to buy alcoholic drinks, however when we politely declined, she just smiled politely back. After a couple of minutes, our food started to arrive.

shredded carrots and cabbage

This was a tiny appetizer, but very potent and delicious. I really enjoyed the simplicity of this dish and the little kick of spice was very refreshing.
salmon and taro sashimi
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The sashimi was very fresh. The taro was amazing, it literally melted in my mouth. I loved that some were sliced thickly and others were sliced thinly, this catered to everyones taste. The salmon was scrumptious and very fatty. Sashimi of the highest quality.

frozen salad with peanut dressing

The frozen salad leaves were a neat touch. The tomato was fresh and the peanut sauce was good. There was nothing else really special to say.


I am not a big fan of snail, but this was nice and juicy. The snail was very fresh and there was no dirt in the shell which was excellent.
seared scallop with seaweed
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I am a huge fan of scallops. Normally, I really love scallop raw, but this one was cooked thoroughly and perfectly. It was really large, probably one of the largest ones I have ever had. The scallop and the seaweed combination was lovely. It was served piping hot and presented beautifully.
sweet crab
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Super fresh, super sweet, super delicious. The portion was large and also presented beautifully. My only problem was that it was served warm. I think that it would have been great if it was served cold with a chilled spoon or fork for an extra touch of class.
assorted sashimi
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This dish was an assortment of the monthly specials and fresh catches of the day. It was so fresh, and every piece melted in your mouth. There were four different sauces that accompanied all the different fishes. The presentation was excellent and the variety of colours was enchanting.
salted fish
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At first, this just looked like an ordinary sea bass. I love a good salted fish, and this was a really good salted fish. It was very fresh and very succulent. The salt really added an extra dimension to the whole experience. The fish meat was juicy, tender, and soft, like a really good piece of steak. I would highly recommend this dish, although it took almost 45 minutes to prepare. It was piping hot when it served and once again presented beautifully.
uni sushi
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The uni came from Hokkaido and was orgasmically good. It was really big and the colour was inviting. It melted in your mouth and left a sensational after taste in your mouth. Each piece is charged separately, but worth every dollar.
tempura soba
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The soba was very tender. The soup was not over seasoned. The shrimp tempura was excellent; the shrimp was huge and cooked beautifully. My favourite part was the sweet potato tempura. It was large and very floury. Absolutely delicious and the portion was ideal.

eel rice

The portion and presentation was great. The eel was not over sauced and the japanese sushi rice was great.
fried tofu
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The presentation was impeccable. The colours complemented the dishes perfectly. The tofu was fried perfectly. The actual tofu was very smooth and soft. It was amazing. The sour mild sauce also added so much to this dish. We had to order another round of this dish, it was this good.

green tea ice cream

Just ordinary good old ice cream. A great way to finish the meal.

The waiters were very friendly throughout the entire course of the meal. They kept refilling our tea and changing our plates in an orderly manner. When the bill came, I was shocked by the price, but I'll have to admit the food was amazing. I hope this review will reinstate the good status of this restaurant, which has received a slew of poor reviews. Unfortunately, I won't be coming back in the immediate future, but definitely in the distant future.

題外話/補充資料: You have to book in advance if you want to come here in the weekend. The sushi chefs are also very friendly. When we left, everyone waved, said good bye and made eye contact with me.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1300 (晚餐)
salmon and taro sashimi
seared scallop with seaweed
sweet crab
assorted sashimi
salted fish
uni sushi
tempura soba
fried tofu