Saturday evening, absolutely pouring with rain, venturing into Causeway Bay with no dinner reservation may not have been the brightest idea. We were originally wanting to have robatayaki at an oft frequented place, but unfortunately they were full house that night. Since the rain was getting heavier, we decided to step into the closest restaurant and hope for availability. This turned out to be Hee Kee crab general so I guess we were having crab that night~Only after a short wait, we were direct
Saturday evening, absolutely pouring with rain, venturing into Causeway Bay with no dinner reservation may not have been the brightest idea. We were originally wanting to have robatayaki at an oft frequented place, but unfortunately they were full house that night. Since the rain was getting heavier, we decided to step into the closest restaurant and hope for availability. This turned out to be Hee Kee crab general so I guess we were having crab that night~

Only after a short wait, we were directed downstairs to the dining room which was busy for a rainy Saturday night. Service was a little haphazard since there was only one waiter looking after our section, but that at least gave us time to study the menu and decide what to order. After we were served tea and pre-meal snack of preserved vegetables, we waited and waited... and waited for our meal to begin...

At first we thought to be patient, but after half an hour with no food arriving we flagged down the server to see what was taking so long. It was only then we were informed that both of our main dishes and soup we ordered needed to take a longer time to prepare, but what was most astounding was that they only had three available stoves to cook on... since this was the case, we just told him to serve up our fried rice and vegetables first hence our meal sort of began backwards...

Our egg white and conpoy fried rice was cooked to a nice dryness where it was full of wok hei. Both of us found it delicious... but that could have been our hunger talking.
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The spinach in broth with salty and century eggs was tender where the yolks of the eggs were boiled to a nice mushy softness.
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Half-way through the vegetables our crab finally arrived~! Satay crab with vermicelli served in a claypot. The meat of the crab was firm and pleasantly sweet confirming its freshness and I also adored the slippery smooth vermicelli soaking up the flavourful satay sauce. So good~
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You would think the crab was the star of the show, but that was until the roasted beef on bone arrived~ On the menu, it looked like a decent sized serving of eight slices of beef, but in reality it was a whole hunk of meat de-boned and chopped into irregular slices. Gorgeously roasted, the outside was crispy while all the fatty juices were sealed inside the tender meat. This was jaw-droppingly good and definitely brought out the carnivorous side in us ;)
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The pot of chicken feet and whelk soup was the last to arrive and unfortunately was the most disappointing item of the evening. They did not boil it long enough, so the soup was quite bland and they tried to make up for it by adding a lot of salt... not fooling anyone though...
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So it's true, sometimes no plan is a good plan and in this case Hee Kee was a surprisingly great find. The food was delicious despite the wait being somewhat ridiculous... but if you are prepared to wait maybe at least an hour for your dinner I would really recommend the crab and the beef~
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
10 分鐘 (堂食)