2012-09-16 1285 瀏覽
A legendary Seafood restaurant! Talking about Sai Kung, the first thing we would think of must be seafood. Loaf On is of the famous Seafood restaurant in Sai Kung, in fact in Hong Kong I would say. It is the only Seafood restaurant with Michelin star. More importantly, it has consistently been award 1 star for the past 3 years. The restaurant is not big, booking is definitely need. The reason Loaf on doesn’t has fish tank, is because they believe in freshness, they cook for what they have each d
A legendary Seafood restaurant!

Talking about Sai Kung, the first thing we would think of must be seafood. Loaf On is of the famous Seafood restaurant in Sai Kung, in fact in Hong Kong I would say. It is the only Seafood restaurant with Michelin star. More importantly, it has consistently been award 1 star for the past 3 years. The restaurant is not big, booking is definitely need. The reason Loaf on doesn’t has fish tank, is because they believe in freshness, they cook for what they have each day!
Cuisine: Chinese

Food rating: 6/10*
Service: 5/10
Ambiance: 5/10
Price: HK$350pax

* Food Rating: 6/10 is equivalent to 1 Michelin star, 8/10 to two Michelin stars, and 9/10 or above to three Michelin stars

椒鹽豆腐 (7/10)
The tofu was really soft and smooth in the inside, and it was extremely crispy out the outside. More importantly, it was perfectly season with the salt and pepper. It is always my top pick starter at Loaf on.
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Garlic steam king prawns (6/10)
The king prawns were fresh with great sweetness, and lovely texture. Steamed to perfection, wasn’t over cooked. It was a very simple dish, using the freshness of the prawn with garlic, soy sauce and coriander to finish the dish.
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Razor clam in black bean sauce (7/10)
The razor clam was really fresh and very sweet. Slightly chewy texture nicely washed, not sandy at all. Stir-fried with the black bean and finished the sauce with chicken stock, it was stunning. More importantly, even the bell peppers were handling with care, not over cooked.
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椒鹽鮑魚 (6/10)
I have heard so much about it, but salt and pepper style, are you serious?! The flavour itself was great. Crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside. Perhaps, a wee bit too innovation to my standard.
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Stir-fried squid with broccoli (6/10)
The squid was outstanding! It was juicy, yet crunchy and it went perfectly with the broccoli, I was so glad that we didn’t go with the garlic fried!
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If you are looking for highly recommended seafood restaurants, this is one of the two I would highly recommend in Sai Kung. Don’t let the size of the restaurant fool you, it is a really good seafood restaurant that live up to its reputation.
Give me a thumbs up if you like it!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$300 (晚餐)