2014-01-21 2292 瀏覽
Arriving 5 minutes late, I was surprised my 3 other friends were already there and had even ordered. Even more surprised was that we were the only table there in this new and nicely decorated restaurant. My friend explained that she had been to the branch at Elements and thought it was greatIt is a wonderful concept to share plates of small food and they ordered braised tripe in tomato sauce, deep fried whitebait with vegetables, spinach and pinenut salad with a runny poach egg on top, truffle h
Arriving 5 minutes late, I was surprised my 3 other friends were already there and had even ordered. Even more surprised was that we were the only table there in this new and nicely decorated restaurant. My friend explained that she had been to the branch at Elements and thought it was great

It is a wonderful concept to share plates of small food and they ordered braised tripe in tomato sauce, deep fried whitebait with vegetables, spinach and pinenut salad with a runny poach egg on top, truffle ham and cheese toasted sandwich and a pasta with tomato based sauce. Excuse inaccuracy of dishes names as I arrived after ordering and didn't look at the menu. Also since everyone was hungry, no one wanted to wait for photo taking.

The tripe was well cooked, soft and soaked up all the delicious taste of the tomato based sauce. The deepfried vegetable and whitebait came as 3 big cakes with a green dip (tasted like avocado), these were crispy but a little greasy and was the only dish we didn't finish. I had more than my fair share but guess my friends are health conscious and not big on deep fried foods. Toasted truffle sandwiches were delicious but I think can't go wrong if the ingredients are available. For the spinach salad, it was baby spinach and the dressing tasted like balsamic vinegar. 2 of us were careful not to touch the runny poached egg as we don't like raw egg yolks. The egg sat on top of a piece of aubergine and we managed to take a bit of that without breaking the egg. Nice and refreshing salad and leaves very fresh and sweet.
The pasta is one I had never tried. It resembled very thick sphagetti, a bit like udon. Sauce was tomato base and quite acidic. I was not so impressed with this dish, no second helping but my friends liked it more. Perhaps I was expecting bucatini with a hole in the middle and was a bit disappointed that it was solid.

We were full after this but as we were female, decided to share some desserts. We ordered a fresh fruit pizza and a panacotta. Really liked the fruit pizza and didn't even mind that the rind was still on the orange, pizza base was light and thin. There were chestnut pieces on the pannacotta but I only had a little taste as I don't like the strong taste of milk, hence not a fan of pannacotta.

By the time we were leaving, there were 2 other tables of customers. I think it shouldn't be long before Papi becomes popular as it is in a convenient location and the concept of sharing Western food would suit Hong Kong diners. We left as happy customers!

Fresh fruit pizza
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Pannacotta with chestnut topping
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$290 (午餐)
Fresh fruit pizza
  • braised tripe
  • fresh fruit pizza