2013-08-02 2960 瀏覽
Ever since Mango Tree opened in Elements this year, it has become my go-to place whenever I feel like Thai food~ Not that Hong Kong does not already have an abundance of Thai restaurants, but the ambiance in Mango Tree is really something else. Located deep inside the metal zone of Elements it is a gorgeous space. Cavernous with high ceilings (I love high ceilings~), the interior is outfitted in a pleasing palate of tans and browns. If you pay close enough attention, you will notice posts comple
Ever since Mango Tree opened in Elements this year, it has become my go-to place whenever I feel like Thai food~ Not that Hong Kong does not already have an abundance of Thai restaurants, but the ambiance in Mango Tree is really something else. Located deep inside the metal zone of Elements it is a gorgeous space. Cavernous with high ceilings (I love high ceilings~), the interior is outfitted in a pleasing palate of tans and browns. If you pay close enough attention, you will notice posts complete with tree branches positioned throughout the restaurant which is a subtle yet clever reminder to patrons of their name.

Once seated, our menus were brought to us by waitresses wearing Traditional Thai dress and after taking our drinks order we were left to consult the menu. Our drinks arrived just as we were ready to order which was unusual good timing, young coconut juice for him and fizzy lime soda for me. The coconuts served here are always very sweet which are perfect for cooling the fire from the deliciously spicy food, while my lime soda was perfectly refreshing for clearing the palate.

As an appetiser we started with the green papaya salad which was a tasty choice. A mound of fresh julienned green papaya adorned with halved cherry tomatos, raw peanuts and dried prawns, with a side of crisp lettuce leaves, all tossed in a tart, sweet dressing punctuated by a chili kick. A good start to the meal~
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Whenever we dine here Tom Yum Gong is always a must order. Arriving in a small claypot with a candle lit stand it is a big enough portion for two people to share. A semi-clear soup, aromatic from the infused spices and chili, just inhaling the scent will make your mouth water. Two jumbo prawns, each halved, were immersed in the broth, a slight bounce in its meat belied its freshness and don't forget the orange goodness up in the head ;)
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Tung choi stir-fried in shrimp paste was nice and crunchy. The shrimp paste was more mild than I expected, but it was still good.

The highlight of the evening was definitely the curry crab~ A large sized crab with its shell cracked for easy eating where its meat soaked up the mildly sweet fragrant curry. Although it was lukewarm when it was served, the curry was still very addictive, mixed with softly cooked egg white and onions, it was perfect with plain white rice or just spoon it straight into the mouth like I did
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So satisfying~ The Thai food served here is really of quality and definitely worth a visit if you have never been!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)