2014-10-14 5508 瀏覽
Finally managed to set a day to meet up with J and Sy, and J suggested Elements since his princess bb can easily come down to join us after her afternoon nap.  I rushed over to Kowloon Station after church, and since it was a sunny day, we opted for seats outdoors.  Of course, first thing I've ordered having arrived was a beer to cool myself down.  Probably because they don't have license for outdoor seatings so we had to walk over to the counter to order and pickup food ourselves.  Madam S'ate
Finally managed to set a day to meet up with J and Sy, and J suggested Elements since his princess bb can easily come down to join us after her afternoon nap.  I rushed over to Kowloon Station after church, and since it was a sunny day, we opted for seats outdoors.  Of course, first thing I've ordered having arrived was a beer to cool myself down.  Probably because they don't have license for outdoor seatings so we had to walk over to the counter to order and pickup food ourselves.  Madam S'ate offers a number of craft beers in the menu, and I just randomly picked one.  From my experience, there's always a 50% risk with craft beers.  These ones, I think are so-so in terms of flavor.
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In terms of food, I've ordered the classic truffle carbonara, thinking it couldn't go wrong.  I was wrong.  It was definitely not al dente and the sauce was weak.  It was totally lacking the creamy and cheesey flavor, and the sauce was rather watery.  This pasta, at this quality, was to my standard, quite pricey.  I remember it was something like $180.  I definitely had to do alot of salt-and-pepper'ing to the dish to make it slightly more edible.
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Sy and J ordered the Croque Madam and the fried seafood platter.  Croque Madam looked decent although I didn't taste it, and fried seafood was not bad.  But again, how can anything deep fried go wrong given the batter-food ratio doesn't get too off, right?
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While I wasn't fully satisifed with my pasta, I decided to go for another beer and dessert.
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We ordered 3 desserts to share amongst 5 adults and a baby.  I'd say these were probably the best out of all the things I've tried during the meal.  I opted for pavlova - always my first pick.  Honey and chocolate ice for the baby and rents; rhubarb and berry tart for the couple.
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Not a cheap brunch.  It never is at either of the Madam's, but I was slightly disappointed with the quality of the food at this price, not to mention having to travelling all the way across the harbor.  Only thing I like is the chilled alfresco ambiance, dessert and of course, company of my buddies.  

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$350 (午餐)