2013-10-11 5019 瀏覽
Originally planning to have a relatively healthy night of salad at The Lobby ended up as a night of cheese overload upstairs at Chesa~Stepping inside Chesa is as if you are transported straight into a cabin in Switzerland. With candles lighting every table, it really portrayed a quaint and cosy ambiance that is unbelievably romantic. According to our server, they always have numerous guests that come to celebrate anniversaries and supposedly many wedding proposals have been witnessed here, so ge
Originally planning to have a relatively healthy night of salad at The Lobby ended up as a night of cheese overload upstairs at Chesa~

Stepping inside Chesa is as if you are transported straight into a cabin in Switzerland. With candles lighting every table, it really portrayed a quaint and cosy ambiance that is unbelievably romantic. According to our server, they always have numerous guests that come to celebrate anniversaries and supposedly many wedding proposals have been witnessed here, so gentlemen hint hint ;)

Our main purpose for dining at Chesa was of course for cheese~ but first things first, the bread basket~ Consisting of pretzel-like bread baked in roll form, slices of sourdough and crusty rolls with pumpkin seeds, a very simple selection, but of decent quality. 
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We started with their crab pancake which was a signature item of the restaurant. A single bundle of fresh crab meat coddled in a slightly chewy pancake, it was bathed in a sauce that was very similar to lobster bisque. This was really good, the crab was soft and you could taste melted cheese in the filling which added a hint of richness to the dish. Very comforting~
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Next a plate of slightly torched raclette in all its gooey and melted glory. This was amazing! Layered on the plate quite thickly, it had a wonderful texture, a little bouncy, a little chewy. This was my first time eating Raclette and wow I have been missing out! To prevent the dish from being too one dimensional, tiny boiled potatoes that melted in the mouth and an assortment of sour/salty vegetables played accompaniment in helping relieve the palate from the heaviness of the cheese. 
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My anticipated fondue soon arrived~ Chesa only has two types available and we chose the Fondue Montagnarde, a combination of Emmental, Appenzella and Gruyere cheese, mixed with pieces of smoked bacon.
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Arriving with sides of pasta, boiled potatoes and crusty bread, what else do you need for dipping in cheese? The tubes of pasta still retained an al dente texture and together with the cheese made it seem like I was eating mac and cheese, but of course a more luxurious version. Bread cubes were the most standard pairing for the cheese and it was best to leave the bread inside the fondue for a while so it soaked up all the cheesy goodness making for a most indulgent mouthful~ We did find the fondue a little too strong in flavour from the alcohol, but nevertheless we still indulged ourselves silly.
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Our main dish of the evening was veal. Another of their signature dishes. Slices of tender veal cooked in a creamy mushroom sauce with strips of pan-fried onion. Paired with a sizeable potato rosti, this was such a hearty dish~ Even after eating so much carbohydrates from the fondue, we still managed to fit in most of it.
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We were completely sated after the meal, ingesting so much cheese was bound to do that. Unfortunately no desserts for us, but the slice of chewy gingerbread with hints of citrus made for a delightful ending.
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