港鐵銅鑼灣站 E 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
店名在意大利文意指「活著、體驗」,而餐廳位於商廈高層,可眺望維多利亞公園景色,你可以時尚的裝潢下細味高質意大利菜、當地的葡萄酒及特色雞尾酒。 繼續閱讀
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食評 (220)
等級4 2024-05-27
137 瀏覽
友人私心推介😚嘅格調意大利餐廳响📍銅鑼灣Sugar+𥚃面,隱藏于12樓, 居高臨下,有極佳景觀, 私隱得嚟又安全, 見到有不少顧客帶同一家大少👭👬共聚。🍭 Bubble Trouble,Frosty Apple🥂食好野緊係要配好酒🍸。 鮮蘋果🍎泥加清酒🍶嘅雞尾酒, 好清新好有果味, 😍。🍭柚子汁🍊牛肉🐂他他看似製作簡單嘅菜式, 牛肉🐂質素最要緊。 牛肉鮮甜有咬口🤤,用咗清新柚子🍊醬汁, 大大提升牛他他嘅肉汁, 好 Juicy😋.🍭鴨腿🪿意大利粉鴨腿絲🪿穿梭响京蔥,青瓜🥒絲同扁意粉中🍲, 軟糯嘅肉絲同爽脆嘅菜蔬, 味感豐富。意粉用意大利🧉醋調制, 新玩法,新口味🥳。🍭魚皮🐟虎蝦🦐檸檬🍋蛋黃龍蝦🦞汁魚皮用烈油炸得開花🪅,魚鱗全部立正, 好靚好立體。 魚肉🐟仍然肉質腍甜,果然是愈邪惡愈美味😅。🍭拖肥木糠布甸🍮加咗拖肥嘅布甸🍯令味道層次加強但唔會加甜, 口感新穎, 為味蕾帶來驚喜🤤。 繼續閱讀
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等級7 2024-05-09
276 瀏覽
XO仔生月第二炮由四位靚女舞伴安排於週末有DJ打碟兼變裝表演嘅潮店「Vivere」大玩活著VIVA!樓上意大利餐廳佔用面積全層,樓底高高,開揚通爽,而且仲有維港靚景睇。中央位置為DJ嘅大舞台,週六晚餐後餐室四周即搖身變成酒吧及舞池,相當熱鬧。一早訂座嘅五人派對喺最殺食嘅弧形一角進行,唯一圓櫈仔個椅背位較矮,未為最舒適,有酒意後尤其危險。黑色嘅雲石餐桌上擺有齊備嘅自用餐具。紅色皮套餐牌只有英文版,女伴們聽從哥哥仔推介點選咗幾款前菜、沙律、意粉、主菜大家分黎食。Avocado Salad($128):沙律內含爽脆嘅青瓜、蕃茄、洋蔥等雜菜,鮮潤嘅牛油果主角亦十分足量,個人最欣賞當中混入咗啲甜中帶微微酸酸嘅神石榴果粒,直令沙律倍添清新!Caesar Salad($108):反而平時穩陣之選嘅凱撒沙律就較為失色,除咗沙律醬偏少,炸麵包大粒得黎竟然全部腍哂,煙肉絲仲要又硬又韌,不吃也吧。Tomato Bruschetta($78):意式蕃茄多士一客五件,沾上黑醋及碎芝嘅蕃茄粒粒開胃爽潤,無奈敗筆在於堅硬嘅多士,咬完都覺得牙仔痛痛。Stuffed Mushrooms($88):一客四件嘅釀菇菇一口一件,極易入口,小食外層酥化,香草芝士餡心芳香幼嫩,送酒一流。Parma Ham and Melon($108):彎月形嘅哈密瓜清甜可口,連同滲出咸香嘅火腿薄片食落口,傳統意式組合互相中和嘅同時仲多咗份綿滑,簡單美味。Beef Cubes($238):以肉眼扒做出嘅牛肉方磚鬆軟惹味,且肉汁豐沛,配角大大隻西班牙辣椒雖然一啲都唔辣,但食落帶點苦澀,唔係咁啱小肥口味。Aglio Olio($128):蒜香意粉所選用嘅寬扁麵條感覺好似煮得太耐,其質感厚身得黎好腍同好黏,黐住嘅香草同蒜茸仲有啲糊糊地咁漿住個口,個人唔推介。Beef Lasagna($198):意外地,烤焗牛肉千層麵嘅肉醬甜濃軟嫩,有肉汁得黎整體又唔會太濕,當中嘅芝香奶香勻恰到好處,口感同味道豐富得好和諧。Honey一早預訂嘅生日驚喜甜品上場時好似煙花咁震撼,DJ一播生日歌,全場連食客都一齊拍住手手唱「Happy Birthday」,堅有氣氛!Lava Cake($88):心太軟蛋糕外鬆內流心,加配一球雲尼拿雪糕剛好減輕朱古力嘅甜溜,食落零負擔。哥哥仔飯後呈上一個迷你寶盒,大家仲以為係牙籤盒,點知內藏單單,又真係幾棧鬼嘅!潮流熱店「Vivere」環境時尚,外籍服務生落力生鬼,西餐菜式雖略為參差,但勝在價格唔會太過份,晚飯後不時更有特備節目搞起個場,開P夠氣氛。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-03-09
580 瀏覽
I was randomly looking for restaurants with views and comfortable spacious seatings and this restaurant caught my attention.Walking in with classy design with a sunset background from a projector. High ceiling with dark reflective floor and big windows of the victoria park night view, it feels elegant and roomy. Menu includes most typical Italian dishes while what drew our most were their half bone marrow. Obviously we did order the bone marrow, pumpkin soup, soft shell crab risotto and crumbled pork chop. First came first, house bread and something like crisp flatbread. Crisp flatbread was very herby with strong rosemary flavour. Even on its own without olive oil and balsamic vinegar, it's already delicious. House bread was very dry and chewy. It wasnt heated up or toasted. Even the crust was chewy and it stopped the dough to absorb the vinegar and olive oil. Really let down. Bone marrow came after. Visually, very promising. The richness could be smelled through. The sliced baguette was toasted perfectly this time. By spreading the bone marrow on the baguette, it was a heaven bite. Bone marrow absorbed by the baguette which lightened the richness. Meaty and savoury. Beef tripe stew unfortunately had a very strong beef flavour which I did not like much. Even I could see the diced cooked tomatoes, apart from beefy flavour, I couldn't taste anything else. Pumpkin soup was a thumb up and it was my all time favourite. Creamy and light. Definitely tasted the roasted pumpkin flavour and its sweetness. Love the sprinkled walnut nibbles for some texture. Such a light appetiser to balance out the previous bone marrow richness. Crumbled pork chop visually looked a bit messy. Leafy salad was spreading all over the melted mozzarella marinara sauced pork chop. Salad was soggy because it was swimming in the marinara. Cutting through the pork chop, it was well cooked and seems moist. Sadly, some parts were chewy and tough that were uneatable or I cut it out. Batter was soggy, not sure if it's because of the marinara. It was similar to a schnitzel but in pork chop. Nothing special and I was kind of regretting not to order one more pasta dish. Soft shell crab risotto was the star. Creamy and crabby. Rich and savoury. Love the hint of lobster flavour from the broth while Risotto was cooked to perfection. Little chew while well absorbed with broth. Soft shell crab was still crispy even topped on the risotto for awhile. It was a surprisingly light dish. Absolutely amazing! Obviously, even with that amount of indulgence, we would try their dessert for a good ending. We asked for two, tiramisu and earl grey parfait. Tiramisu was absolutely delicious, no wonder it's their signature. Even the bottom lady fingers with soaking espresso were still a little crunchy. Love the creamy mascarpone while covered with rich quality cocoa powder. The pistachios nibs on top gave a little crunch but most importantly they mastered the whole classic masterpiece.Earl grey parfait was again a surprise. It held its shape until the last bite. Strong earl grey tea flavour while paired so well with the dried raspberry. Fruity and earthy at the same time. Not bad! All in all, the dining experience was not bad. Atmosphere was cozy and romantic. Smoothing piano music with the dim lighting and a full Victoria Park night view. Comfortable seatings and variety drinks options. Highly recommend for a gathering or occasion celebration. P.s they only serve filtered brand water/ sparkling water which costs hkd20 per person. 繼續閱讀
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朋友看中它高樓底的空間感,還有巨大玻璃窗外的維園夜景😆而原來店名“vivire"在意大利文,是指「活著、體驗」,整體都是很chill的vibe! 本以為是欣賞景色為主,但餐點也很有驚喜🤤 🍴加一服務費:✔ ✿ 清酒煮藍青口 $168青口新鮮,而且很嫩&juicy,有點像蠔😳醬汁偏鹹一些,不過配酒可以的 ✿ 香脆魚皮甘鯛魚配虎蝦 檸檬蛋黃龍蝦汁 $278魚控表示好驚艷😱這個魚皮!!大癲!! 超脆而且很乾爽,完全不覺油膩,想請教師傅是怎樣做到😳魚肉緊緻、嫩滑、多汁,跟魚皮的口感形成強烈對比虎蝦也煎得很香龍蝦汁味道很濃又不太鹹,分量多些就好😋 ✿ 蟹肉燴意大利飯配炸軟殼蟹 $188軟殼蟹香脆、挺厚身,吃得到蟹肉口感飯粒是濃濃的番茄味🍅酸甜不膩我喜歡質感較硬飯粒,不過朋友就很喜歡這個偏軟的😆 ✿ 抹茶蕨餅提拉米蘇 $88cream的部分芝士味濃郁,顏色淡黃,感覺是正宗的做法!😍蕨餅混合在cream中,存在不是十分突出,但的確有增加口感底層手指餅被咖啡酒浸透,很綿密,而且平衡了甜度,私心想要多一層😋但整體都是我們滿意的口感味道٩(♡ε♡ )۶推薦! ✿ 串燒:雞腎 $26 | 雞髀菇 $23 | 燒鱔 $58雖為意式餐廳,但也有串燒提供,配酒聊天正好串燒調味本身不重,可按喜好自己加上柚子鹽等調味,更有變化😆雞髀菇賣相像帶子,超吸引🤣燒鱔彈牙有魚油香,厚身些更滿足 ✿ Rainbow Blast $108 June special 當然要試試🌟有芒果汁成分,酒精濃度不高,甜味像果汁,超易入口😜 ✿ 洋甘菊茶 $68想不到也有提供茶,(偽)養生的話點杯茶也不錯,看著夜景喝茶也是很chill😎 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-06-12
0 瀏覽
🔷環境沙發卡位闊落,可以望到維園夜景,唔係樓景所以唔會有焗促感餐廳有巨型LED mon播美食節目,加張DJ枱,整體設計有格調又浪漫🍸Frosty Apple$128Rosemary Berry Breeze$88店員會幫手按客人喜好推薦飲品❣️Frosty Apple用了sake同蘋果汁更飲到有青瓜同蘋果蓉好驚喜😍好清甜易入口 女仔可以試下朋友唔食牛,所以我地2個人叫咗一個意粉一個雞肉 // 晚市價錢都好親民,份量又唔算少,好抵食!🍝Tom Yum Linguine$178大蝦新鮮彈口,意粉有微微辣味,冬陰公既香料味好突出,惹味非常❣️🍗Spring Chicken$278雞肉係用咗豆乳作基調,好有日式感,雞肉如果再嫩啲就更好,調味溫和易入口,而且好入味🐮串燒牛舌心$68雞爽肉$28雞腎$26燒虎蝦 $48翠玉瓜$23另外叫了啲串燒,邊傾邊食串燒唔貴,更附上柚子檸檬鹽&羅勒鹽加添風味🍰Tiramisu(Black Sugar) $88甜品叫咗黑糖味,所以比平時既tiramisu更甜更濃,賣相都幾靚,而且份量唔係細細杯,兩個人share都夠食🥰 繼續閱讀
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