港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
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店主曾於美國世界咖啡拉花比賽中奪得亞軍,並曾於台灣及悉尼開設cafe。餐廳提供多款咖啡豆,食客也可與店員交流咖啡心得。菜式則以澳洲菜為主,且賣相精美。 繼續閱讀
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
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食評 (315)
等級1 2024-05-15
102 瀏覽
服務欠佳,差到我要寫食評(1)全日早餐圖片文文介紹講到明有牛角格仔包🥐,上菜後冇左個牛角包俾左片酸種麵包,我哋即刻問店員,一開始店員回答冇貨,我見到隔離枱有牛角包,店員回覆甜品先有!?及後,店員再問我們要不要轉其他食物。我們再重申只需要換返個牛角包(我們都是因為有牛角包才選這個餐)。最後店員話要問廚房再轉先換返俾我哋。(2)會員卡已經冇折啦該店結帳時,店員見到我哋張卡,話已經冇再有折,不過在該店的網站為何仍有相關折扣資訊?總結一下,不會再光顧這間店! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-05-01
173 瀏覽
失望而回@Ninetys @利苑沒有3-4 年前的好吃,食物質素下降了,沒有味道的豬扒,只有酸酸配菜味,而且有濃烈豬膻味,牛油果多士上的牛油果完全唔香,配搭都突出唔到牛油果嘅香味,半熟水波蛋竟然都熟哂,唔似係一間做左咁耐餐廳會發生嘅情況,咖啡又冇驚喜,感覺都幾失望,不過都要比返credit 餐廳,個炒蛋同埋包嘅味道係好食嘅,包香有麥味,蛋香又有牛油香,而茶葉黎講都唔錯,茶香滑口。P.S: 如果只係想搵地方坐下都唔錯,地方大,環境優雅,但係cp 大低,只係一人一份餐同野飲,已經埋單每人$300蚊,太貴了。推介指數: 3.3/5人均消費: $300 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-04-07
314 瀏覽
The Crab & Burrata Cheese Pizza was a delightful surprise. Despite initial confusion about the cheese, the combination of crab and mozzarella worked harmoniously. The well-balanced seasoning elevated the taste, while the asparagus added a unique twist, enhancing the overall flavor profile.The Boston Lobster Pasta was equally impressive. The perfectly cooked lobster boasted a natural sweetness that shone through in every bite. Paired with perfectly cooked pasta and cherry tomatoes, it offered a delightful balance of flavors. This dish comes highly recommended.We also enjoyed two slow-cooked fish dishes: the Slow-Cooked Salmon Pasta and the Slow-Cooked Mackerel. The salmon, with its buttery texture, blended seamlessly with the pasta. The mackerel, known for its robust flavor, was expertly seasoned, resulting in a dish that was both flavorful and balanced.The real highlight of the meal, however, was the Piccolo Latte. The coffee was exceptional, offering not only a silky smooth texture but also an exquisite aroma that lingered long after each sip. It truly set the standard for the rest of the dining experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-26
250 瀏覽
餐廳裝修有型有格,樸素又有現代感,而且座位幾舒適,大少少禪意。這天早上嘅客人唔多,這兒是用QR code自行落單,枱上有水供應。牛油果多士看似很簡單嘅牛油果多士,但味道也不錯,簡單嘅調味加上果仁,令牛油果的軟滑口感中帶一啲堅果口感,再加上水波蛋和酸種好啊麵包份量少少,但飽足感十足,味道亦都唔錯。Flat white奶白咖啡帶nutty 的咖啡風味,溫度剛剛好,入口醇香,吃少少藍莓乾,果甜令咖啡的堅果味突出一點,不錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-19
225 瀏覽
Hamachi and Scallop Cold Udon:            The delicate slices of Hamachi and plump scallops were perfectly complemented by the chilled udon noodles, creating a harmonious blend of textures and flavors. The dish was beautifully presented, with vibrant colors that were as pleasing to the eye as they were to the palate. Salmon Udon:              The tender slices of salmon were generously portioned and cooked to perfection, while the udon noodles soaked up the rich broth, infusing every bite with savory goodness. Each mouthful was a symphony of flavors, making it difficult to resist going back for seconds. Holy Crab Benedict :             This inventive twist on a classic brunch favorite features a generous serving of succulent crab meat atop perfectly poached eggs and toasted English muffins, all smothered in a velvety hollandaise sauce. The dish was decadent yet well-balanced, leaving me craving more long after the last bite. Siu Wan Rice:        The tender chunks of pork belly were melt-in-your-mouth delicious, while the fragrant rice and flavorful sauce tied everything together beautifully. It was a comforting dish that felt like a warm hug on a chilly evening. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)