加拿大多倫多設有6間分店,正宗越南人經營超過20年,秘製湯底用鮮牛骨炮製20多小時而成。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 23:00
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沙嗲牛肉湯粉 特製牛肉粉 順化豬手辣牛肉湯濛粉 雞酸湯粉
食評 (44)
等級1 2012-11-27
269 瀏覽
點了一個招牌牛河,叫得招牌,唸住差極都有限,點估到原來真係幾差都可能發生!招牌牛河是有牛丸,熟牛腩,牛栢業,肥牛片。碗粉送來時,賣相已經奇差,又唔跟青檸辣椒,唔問根本唔會比!牛丸得一粒再一開二,熟牛腩得小條又細又硬,牛佰業也一樣得兩小小小小條,肥牛细少得要花時間才能找到出來!每樣都咁細少,真係試唔到係乜嘢味,亦唔想食!湯底亦很不認真,淡得很!做食物做得咁無誠意和責任,實在很不應該!這個用餐經驗實在令我覺得浪費金錢又浪費時間! 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2012-08-18
109 瀏覽
Walked by this place and thought... nice and close, why not. How badly can you F*#&^% up Pho. With this much talent, Pho Delight over exceeded how NOT to prepare PHO by a mile.I ordered a Rare Beef + Beef Ball Pho. One of the easiest they can cook since the only moving parts here is freshness of its meat, a properly prepared soup base and that's about it Here goes: - 4 tiny slices of beef that was well done by the time it got to me (might as well because the soup was luke warm, hardly capable of cooking the beef had it been actually raw) - 3 1/2 of beef balls (how you do end up with 1/2 a beef ball) - luke warm soup (are you kidding?) - so much MSG in the soup you can chew it (I was dying of thurst by the 3 bite/spoon)Amount of meat you get was rediculous no matter how you look at it; but this was not the end of the world.Luke warm soup? Are you kidding? It takes no skill to boil a pot!!!For a place that has a ton of left over beef and most likely bones, making a proper soup should be second nature and takes literal no effort. But they chose to take the lazy way out and dump in a TON of MSG into their soup pot. FOR SHAME!With so many average and so many amazing restaurants around, there is really no reason to waste a meal at this place. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-07-11
49 瀏覽
六月二十六日 (星期二)近期,渣甸街最人氣的食店,不用多說定是樓上鋪秀殿前兩次在小店用膳也遇到食友,今日在這條街也遇上剛去過秀殿的龍五兄,真巧合今晚的目的地不再是秀殿,而是這家過江龍肥牛粉肥牛粉原來在加拿大設有多間分店,主打當然是越南粉麵,還有生牛肉以及手撕雞等一場來到,當然一試生牛肉湯粉,再加多個撈檬湯底是以用鮮牛骨泡製二十多小時製作,味道尚算濃郁生牛肉質地嫰滑,但牛肉味則不太突出見其他食評都說牛肉質時好時壞,看來我們今晚是行運的一群,不過僅希望店方能保持質素之穏定用的河粉較一般的幼但較韌,入口欠暢雞扒份量頗較少,不過香茅味道濃郁肉質也頗滑溜,還挺惹味的唯撈檬用上的卻是粗身的"米線",令人失望粉本身也不夠凍,做不到凍檸的效果此外,所用的魚露很甜,甜得察覺不到酸味既沒醒胃的效果,味道也不夠怡人兩個粉的質素平平無奇,但價錢尚算相宜,難怪在銅鑼灣這區仍然能吸引不少食客 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2012-05-18
45 瀏覽
餐牌有幾款撈檬,叫左碗扎肉撈檬! 一黎到見到係米線而唔係撈檬,原來佢地所講ga檬粉就係米線....每人得一小碗魚露,唔夠撈朋友唸住入黎陪下我,點知個待應話唔叫野要收$30,食物質素麻麻,價錢貴,陪人食野果個仲要收$30完全唔掂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-03-15
57 瀏覽
I don't understand where all the hate for this place is coming from (admitidely I can't understand most of the reviews).Tip 1: The door is a lateral sliding door. Don't worry if you try to push and pull, most do, but there's your heads up It's a small little place but nice atmosphere. Not tacky, not luxurious, not dirty. Menu is in Chinese + English btw.The menu isn't terribly extensive but the prices are all reasonable. Expect your usual choice of chicken, pork or beef, with either soup (spicy or not) and/or noodles or rice, and a number of sauces/flavourings.Tip 2: Don't go there if you don't like Lemon grass. Seriously, 80%+ of their meals have lemon grass in the title.I had one of the lemon grass noodle dishes with beef and a tea with lemon. Service was quick and presentation was very good (they have those weird rectangular bowls without straight edges and a wavey rim). Noodles at the bottom and then the lemon grass beef layered on top before some sprinkling of beansprouts, grated vegetables and peanuts.The presentation, flavour and ingredients somewhat reminded me of Wagamamas back in the UK.Now I'll have to offer one caveat, although I expect this may have been a one off, I'll have to go back and see if it's recurrent: My noodles were luke-warm, so only the ones in contact with the meat and sauce were warm.That didn't stop me finishing my plate but served as a slight disappointment. My guess is maybe they'd been prepared sooner and cooled off, in which case it may just be unlucky that I'd walked in after a period of no-one ordering noodles. Luckily the food was tasty so I definitely intend on returning. 繼續閱讀
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