11:00 - 22:00
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食評 (5)
因為轉左工嘅關係,我而家係中環金鐘附近返工。朋友約食飯,就介紹呢一間佢好鍾意佢嘅意大利’餐廳‘。開頭我心諗:吓!係Taste 嘅Basement度咋喎,唔係有其他更加好嘅選擇咩?不過既然朋友話佢成日去啲嘢又正, 咁我就跟埋去啦。就好似你睇圖片咁,佢只係一個好似好普通嘅foodcourt,你問我我都會寧願走去對面食burger咁我朋友話啲酒喜酒都OK咁我哋就叫咗杯,同埋叫咗啲嘢食。個老闆娘非常之好人,有講有笑同埋都好努力咁介紹嗰啲酒同嘢食。我哋叫咗兩個starter , 我覺得要講一講呢樣Vitello Tonnato , 係Veal 加tuna sauce. 一上菜,嘩!啲牛仔肉仲有少少粉紅色好似好好味咁(佢真係好好味架! )Parma ham 同melon 就係啲好正確,唔太咸唔太油melon 又甜又fresh 果種。。。另外叫咗pasta同 ravioli ,都好好味同埋絕對係Al dento 㗎~(我懶打字,你睇相啦。)值得一提嘅係啲酒,根據同老闆娘傾計所得嘅資料,老闆娘本身係買酒嘅批發商,同埋做pasta 嘅廠嘅老闆。。。開呢個餐廳仔因為佢覺得可以同人客溝通。 (我偷睇到老闆娘自己都整咗碟牛仔肉😆😏)所以你可以問佢介紹,而佢會好樂意咁同你講每一隻嘅backgound 同配襯嘅美食。我frd 話Tiramisu 好味。。不過去到嘅時候已經無哂。叫咗pina cotta 同 lemon tart....個pina cotta , 一樣不得了。我唔鍾意牛奶,呢個係朱古力味,又滑捋捋。。。。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2016-12-11
4803 瀏覽
My Italian friend was suggesting to take me to a place where they made genuine Italian cuisine. Corso Italia was located at the basement of Pacific place , right next to the cashier of the great supermarket.The setting of Corso looks like a refreshement kiosk in a shopping mall but the food they served was well beyond food court quality.The tomato paste they used in their dishes were made of real tomatoes instead of canned ones.Fettuccine were simply "Al Dente".Guests have to sit on the high stools , it's not a comfy place but for sure the food quality has surpassed many proper and fancy-renovated so-called Italian restaurants, 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-10-29
3033 瀏覽
The food is made from the Italian ingredients which are very delicious.Also,staff in there is very nice and helpful.Rated 5 stars for both food and services!!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-10-24
1924 瀏覽
Definitely one of the best Italian restaurants that have been too being Italian, it's a must see when in HK. The staff is extremely courteous and there is an extremely large variety of Italian specialties. Also one of the advantages of the restaurant are the range of great wines they have.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-10-24
1564 瀏覽
I absolutely loved eating at Corso Italia, the food was amazing and the service very fast and welcoming. All the staff makes you feel comfortable and take care of you. It was fascinating to have such an authentic Italian experience at Corso Italia, understanding the uniqueness of the dishes and the ingredients used by them. I highly reccomend it to everyone who is looking for a unique italian experience here in Hong Kong. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)