主打歐陸菜的小店,清雅的布置加上柔和燈光及輕快音樂,甚具情調。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:30
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Pizza 三文治 羊架 香煎澳洲羊排伴薯蓉配紅酒汁 煙三文魚他他 豬肋骨
食評 (188)
等級4 2013-09-09
414 瀏覽
Olive Cafe has a fancy look and interior decorations.  Candle light dinner also provides!!!!!  I thought I picked a nice restaurant for a gathering with my friends.  However, I actually came to a conclusion too early!!!!  Here are my opinions for this Olive Cafe. Candle light dinner with loud voice around is pretty annoying!!!!  The restaurant is very noisy inside.  We could hardly hear from each other!!!!  Also, there seemed like having only candles as light, therefore it was very dark inside.  I could not clearly see what the dishes looked like.  I really think they should also turn on some lights for seeing.   Bread and Butter!   Ok quality but nothing special!!!!  The butter has some herb inside so it provided some nice herbal aroma to the plain old bread!  Roasted German Pork Knuckle: It was just a normal bake salted knuckle with some sour cabbages, potato wedges and a little bit salad!  and the skin is not crispy, just fatty!   The meat was tender at least!  I am not that impressed by it!B.B.Q. Spicy Dutch Baby Spare Ribs:  First, the meat was very dried! Plus, the ribs were not warm only the BBQ sauce on top was warm.   Grilled N.Z. Rib Eye Steak with Baked U.S. Potato Green Salad:  Looked very attractive when it was put on the table.   A pretty good size rib-eye steak with black pepper sauce.   Nice!  And we wanted it in medium rare so it did come as what we ordered.  Not bad so far!  Ok, the bad part hit right after the first bit.  The steak was chewy, not tender at all.  And there is not much seasoning, like the basic salt and pepper, on top of the steak.  Therefore, there was not much flavor of the beef to come out.  I was actually wondering if this steak was really from New Zealand!  I have had many steaks before, so I know what a decent steak should be!  For this price, I should really expect a decent steak from the restaurant.  But  we didn't get one for sure!  Talk about the black pepper sauce, should we?  Well... the sauce was thick but not much black pepper flavor in it.   So, this dish turned out to be another disappointment!  The bake potato and salad were fine!  Smoked Salmon Tartar with Papaya & Avocado:  It is an interesting dish!  It looks absolutely grogeous, don't you think?  The perfect layers of smoke salmon, fresh salmon tartar, diced avcocado, and diced papaya!  Beautiful colors!  So, we totally thought it would taste great!  Because it was a salad, I thought the sauce would be acidic!  Well... after the first bit, Wow (in a bad way), the sauce was super sweet!!!!  I felt like I was eating a dessert!  So, I asked a waiter what the sauce was.  The answer was shocking..... Blueberries and Cream!  Oh!  That's why it was so sweet!  The sauce and the smoke salmon didn't match at all.  It just tasted weird!  The blueberries sauce will be much better with dessert!!!!  Roasted Iberico Pork Sausage with Fresh Mashed Potato:  This dish was a little better than the other dishes that we ordered!  Although the sausages were a little dried, the flavor of the meat was rich.   The mashed potato was creamy also and the BBQ sauce was tasty!!!    Pepperoni Pizza:  The pizza top tasted good, full of cheese, pepperoni, olives, green bell peppers.  Very attractive looking!!!!  However, the pizza dough was a little hard.  It was not soft dough pizza, it was actually a thick cracker.   Well... i personally prefer a normal soft dough pizza and not the a cracker base pizza.  oh well....This restaurant could be a great one if they can cook the food better!!!!   But until they can change, I will not go there again!   繼續閱讀
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等級3 2013-09-04
143 瀏覽
好耐之前去過印象唔錯,行過便一試了,因為時間還早唔需要等。同之前一樣所有main vourses 可以加錢轉餐,而佢另外有當晚set dinner。當天set dinner 有喜愛嘅三文魚扒,就點了一個,另加一個安格斯牛setAppetiZer 可從湯or 沙律or 頭盤揀一: 有french onion 湯,素菜沙律同蕃茄海鮮盒,我地都叫了海鮮盒蕃茄海鮮盒:有心機嘅頭盤,原以為係pastry 入面有好杰嘅忌廉,但黎到係原隻蕃茄入面有小蝦同鮮魷好清新三文魚扒好少配salsa 醬,多了西班牙風味😃意想不到嘅係扒煎到外脆内還係半熟,無諗過荃灣食到soho chef 嘅煮法,通常都亂煎到全熟嘛Angus steak: 無西冷咁重牛味,但好淋意想不到別轉眼間就多左咁多分店,一向覺得小店擴充食物質素一定下降,但從頭盤到主菜都見到小店心思同食物質素。只係員工長站在旁望實吃得有點不安可能太窄了。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-06-29
93 瀏覽
原本計劃到到元朗開餐覓食,可是延遲了下班時間,唯有選擇在荃灣覓食。在荃灣眾多食店裡,刻意選擇西餐廳,讓在下可以有不同的菜系。Olive Cafe 是在下一直想在這裡開,但是卻又沒甚機會,於是今下定決心來試一試,晚餐暫且不試住,留番下一次吧,今天卻在這裡吃個午餐好了。餐廳環境較為狹窄,餐廳內有著不少食客,而且在用餐途中,食客綿綿不絕地進出餐廳,餐廳生意都不錯嘛!而在下坐下的地方,剛好在酒吧位置,可以清楚看到酒櫃裡的酒呢!餐牌上只有是日午市套餐,有葷有素,餐廳可謂照顧素食者呢!從餐單中不停鑽研,最後還是點了一客漢堡包好了。在主菜中,加上八個大洋,就可以有湯和飲品,加十八個大洋,除了有湯有飲品外,還有沙律和甜品享用呢!在下還是加八個大洋,配湯和飲品。餐湯是雜箘忌廉湯,湯裡有著不同的的菌類,包括草菇磨菇等,湯是不稠結而稀爛,而且有著粒粒的雜箘且有口感和咬口。漢堡包是澳洲黑椒牛肉漢堡包配薯角及素菜沙律,這個漢堡包份量不少,加上沙律和薯角也十分大。漢堡包鋪滿了芝麻,而且經過烘焙,包身十分之脆,牛肉多汁而夠滑和不靭,加上黑椒汁就更惹味,而且辛辣味適中,內裡的生菜也很爽脆。不單只有生菜,還有蕃茄洋蒽和沙律醬在內,增加了漢堡包的酸甜味道。素菜沙律也不少和清甜,加上沙律醬,也令素菜就更甜。薯角炸得微脆和內軟,加上不可缺少的茄醬,可口美味呢!在西餐廳來一杯凍咖啡,可算是不可或缺的。凍咖啡味道濃郁,富有咖啡的味道,回甘度也較強呢!整體味道不錯,只是坐位間略為狹窄了一點,服務上蠻滿意的,沒有挑剔的地方。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-06-07
60 瀏覽
呢間意大利餐廳來過幾次,食物質素同招呼都不錯. 今日仲有"lady night" 有甜品送芝士雞翼 : 炸得好脆, 芝士較少,不大覺有燒豬仔骨 - 甜甜地, 都幾入味, 但就沒特別, 似一般海鮮醬味道辣肉火箭菜PIZZA - PIZZA皮好脆, 辣肉好入咪, 火箭菜好新鮮, 但d菜略為少, 多d就更好吞拿魚長通粉- 個汁好味, 好濃, 食時連汁一齊食好好味帶子意大利飯- 飯很好,不會好唸,如再生少少更好. 汁好夠,好濃, 好味, 帶子夠新鮮,肉也好爽任選4款甜品, 選咗藍梅cheeze cake, Timisu, 雪糕夾餅, cheeze cake, 我以為食落佢, 應該d cheeze味道一樣……….點知真係有分別, 好驚喜. 有誠意, 唔會因為送就求其. 另外夾餅幾鬆化 繼續閱讀
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本身經常去Olive cafe西樓角街的分店今天到達荃灣街市街時已經10點 就不想再走太遠的路了1st惠顧在眾安街的Olive 感覺這里比較局促 空間很細燈光亦較亮 經理好詳細介紹今日餐湯和set dinner 服務態度很好our orders:-Grilled US Black Angus Sirloin Steak 7 oz 美國西冷牛扒($148)-Chicken Penne ($98/$108)-House Red ($46/2 gls *tasting price)一開始侍應會放上面包和牛油可惜第1碟是凍掉的後來要求黑醋和olive oil侍應亦表示面包可refill 今次的面包是熱的 而且好脆!加分!Grilled US Black Angus Sirloin Steak 7 oz 美國西冷牛扒($148)叫了medium rare 牛扒用了黑椒汁淋上面 size比較小只有2小片 說實在的不是太抵食肉質好淋 好嫩滑 一點都不老黑椒比較大粒 令黑椒味好濃 更帶出了牛肉的甘香不過牛扒好像有點不夠熱 有點奇怪至於碟上的炸薯角就有好多 起碼有十幾舊 跟侍應要來ketchup薯角炸得好脆 咸咸的 熱騰騰的 份外好味Chicken Penne長通粉用了忌廉和牛油去煮 入口非常軟滑creamy的通粉 每一口都帶著濃厚的cream butter味道 十分夠味 加上一點香草dressing 味道洽到好處 至於雞肉就比較失色 只感覺到係一般的雪藏肉毫無味道 這有特改善 繼續閱讀
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