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食評 (20)
等級2 2013-04-13
164 瀏覽
I seldom write anything to openrice except for super-good restaurant or most hated restaurantI reserved a table for 2 at night and was expecting a nice sat night but this restaurant ruined my sat completely.When we were seated, a waiter(a junior guy) gave us the food menu. After a few minutes, he asked us to order drink but he didn't give us the drink menu. I told him to wait for a moment and then he came back again to ask us order drink.I said"water please" and he asked "sparkling or still water?" I didn't know hot water was also a choice so i said still water.but he kept asking if we want any beer, alcohol etc..I asked"Can we have the drink menu first?" and he gave it to us.When I was thinking what to drink , suddenly he gave us a bottle of still water.I thought I didn't really order the water, otherwise, why we asked him to give us the drink menu?To be honest, I really don't want to order the still water, but this waiter was too pushy that's why we pushed to order.Afterthat, I saw other tables were served by hot water and I felt quite angry.When he gave us the food, he just put the dishes in the middle of the table without asking whose dish it is.I was pissed again. Is that normal?We ordered a Sirloin steak and Fettuicni ala Aragusta as main course and an appetizer CarpaccioWe want the steak to be medium rare but it turned out to be medium well.The steak was tender but not juicy. I think an Outxxxx steak may be better.The Fettuicni ala Aragusta was quite good.The Carpaccio was quite new to me. I haven't tried eating a raw meat before and I like it.When we were half-finished , that waiter started to piss me off again.He was ready to take my plate but we still had some food on that plateHe asked"have u finished?" while he was asking, he started to put the fork to the plate I hurried and said" NOT YET"He pissed me off again and it was the third time.Although the food is not bad, but the service was extremely poor. I didn't expect a restaurant like thatprovides such a terrible service. HE RUINED MY DAY! and I decided I wouldn't give any tips to this restaurant.There are so many Italian restaurants in Hong Kong which provides much better service but same quality of food than this restaurant .Finally, when I checked my bills, the bills says the steak is medium-well....oh my godI saw other waiters or waitresses(or manager/boss since they were in different clothing), they were so nice to their customers and I felt so unlucky to be served by this man.Not again..doesn't worth at all..I wrote this in English and hope that the managers or boss see this and improve.. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-05-11
24 瀏覽
LUNCH 被朋友帶去呢間劣評多過好評既餐廳..好驚囉.. 心諗見佢SETLUNCH全區最平都知出事咁既價錢真係去邊搵=.=" 唔方好野不過食左又OK.. 服務好好.. 味道唔錯.係上菜慢左少少.. 特別一提佢免費送既餐包.. 非常好食!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2010-03-22
20 瀏覽
今次黎主要係為左個banana caramel cake~因為想同男友分享.不過, 如果淨係食dessert, 好似好dry, 所以我地都要左一個salad 同ravioli.麵包上次都comment過, 真係唔錯, 好有蛋糕質感. 男友都話好食, 但唔敢encore, 怕太飽.叫左個Insalata Al Salmone - $79, 係煙三文魚salad, 佢係served with 黑醋&橄欖油. 有牛油果, 新鮮既vegatable, 車你茄, 茄乾, 三色椒. 每樣料都好新鮮, 而且又大碟, 真係好味又抵食!因為上次個pasta唔掂, 我唔係好敢試其他, 所以要左個ravioli served wtih cream sauce - $108. 味道普通, 同上之個carbonara好似. 最大問題係份量太少! 只有10件! 個雲吞又只有cheese做餡, 好唔抵食! 叫番pasta仲抵d...算啦, 佢都唔係主角. 主角係dessert麻~本身諗住淨係要一個Banana caramel cake - $48, 因為個雲吞實在太少了, 所以就要多一個dessert - Tiramisu - $48.個Banana caramel cake今次兩個人食仲大件左, 正!男友都話冇介紹錯! 而且仲覺得好抵食, 其他意大利餐廳, 一個dessert 閒閒地都要6-70蚊啦. 仲要好細份. 但呢度唔止好味, 仲大件夾抵食. 所以真係要再讚!到個Tiramisu, 話, 都唔細件! 味道都好好味, 酒味唔會太濃, 質感唔會太濕! 係我鐘意既口感! 所以, 今次我既評分係比salad同dessert既~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-01-03
14 瀏覽
最近友人W約食飯都選址於此,最初無非因為與老闆認識,可免corkage. 一試之下倒發覺食物質素不俗. 特別是pizza,餅底夠薄夠脆,而pasta亦能如店名般al dente.樓底高,環境裝修均不錯,又有outdoor位置可供吸煙一族,平均食物質素亦可,分量亦足,評分理應可以更高. 可惜招呼一如之前食家所評,有懶散,趕客之嫌. 希望日後會有所改善. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-10-02
10 瀏覽
工作完畢後跟四位同事到此吃飯 (實是陪我試美食), 在三里屯行了一個圈, 好像沒有太多選擇, 這店名字跟謝斐道那間一樣, 反正未試過, 五人坐了一張小小圓桌!中午時分也有 set lunch, 可惜選擇不多, 侍應拿了些香草包, 幾香, 但若然再暖一點就 perfect! 我們單了兩個午餐, 另單叫了兩個菜色!凱撒沙律, $65, 羅馬生菜夠爽脆, 但芝士略少!招牌薄餅 (Pizza Al Dente), $108, feta and mozzarella, 夠多夠黏口, 蕃茄仔很 juicy, 批底夠薄, 吃完也不會太飽!Set Lunch:餐湯 + 主菜 + 餐飲, $88, 磨菇薯茸湯, 沒有試味, 單看是濃稠的, 也聽到同事說不錯, 主菜是牛柳伴薯茸什菜及蒜香魚塊炒扁意粉, 為了遷就同事…前者叫了 well done, 不太能作準是否合格, 只因"全熟"是不適合處理牛肉! 而後者的意粉是真的 al dente, 很好…我覺得"如果"有下次...也可以再試試其他意粉! 樓底夠高, 夠舒適, 只可惜服務真的有待改善, 先說收碟, 拿碟就有大意, 侍應介紹食物也不太有笑容, 無心裝載, 最後, 經理在我們沒有叫埋單又自動送上單據, 此舉等同趕客, 唉…這裡不是茶餐廳, 服務實在令人受不了! 會否有下次...朋友選擇時, 我會相陪, 但絕不會跟老公再來! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)