港鐵元朗站 A 出口, 步行約11分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 21:00
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食評 (21)
等級2 2015-04-14
1043 瀏覽
星期日咁岩經過 想試好耐 終於食到了揀左套餐 (一款小食,豆花米線,紙包飲品一包) total $32 有啲貴 因為好細碗 而且料都好少下不過真係想試 所以照叫青瓜無咩特別米線淋左少少 可接受而且碗中嘅豆花唔多 我覺得重點係啲汁到 撈埋啲米線到好食!Errrrrrrr...不過$32 我唔會再食嚕 份量太少啦可以試 不過...一次就夠了 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-03-05
965 瀏覽
早餐都吃那麼多但又勁想試豆花米線就外帶一碗上甜魔家吃吧!!豆花米線加一款小食只賣$28仲有豆漿送豆味頗足,其實豆花喺撈米線內發揮作用不大不過那雜醬非常雲南風味充滿昭通醬香味是我好like的味道份量也頗多呢~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-03-01
720 瀏覽
Quite a novel indea blending tofu custard and rice noodle in one bowl, enticing to me and I came at peak lunch hour, but strangely found no other customer inside.  Wasn't that enticing to the others too?The photos here show all the foods I've taken, so I don't need to introduce them one by one anymore. They came as a concessionary set, $44 in total.Upon arrival of my food the waiter reminded me to give the rice noodle a well toss with the spicy paste, and the tofu custard atop.  Very considerate and courteously so, as otherwise the paste will taste too strong, to me at least.The rice noodle is extraordinarily velvet, to the extent that losts the variation in textures that some may treasure.  Besides, don't put high hope in rice aroma, all you'll get is the spiciness of the paste, in which you can find peanut and green onion among the others. Where's the tofu custard? After tossing with other ingredients, the tofu will disappear both in sight, and taste, forget it!The rounded dish is a bit more interesting, to hear about at least.  There're lettuce, chicken, eggplant, and pig intestine.  They're supposed to be cold so nothing to complain about temperature here, but the chicken absolutely comes with no taste, though the eggplant and pig intestine taste bit better. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-02-19
1141 瀏覽
掃街當日,也幫襯了甜魔媽媽覺得挺不錯的 豆花妹撈米線。我太少留意飲食新聞,還以為這有傳奇故事背景的小店是元朗專有,原來已經開了很多分店了~大家看過豆花妹的故事嗎?就在店內就給印出來了,也可以上它家的網站收看(http://www.dfm.com.hk/about.php)~真心喜歡它家的豆漿,另外豆花與微麻微辣米線的組合也挺美味好吃啊~連上一款自選小吃(這次的大腸據報質素平平,之前吃的花雕涼雞會好吃很多啊~),定價才$28,太抵食了。絕對會再來的一間店子~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-02-04
754 瀏覽
呢個豆花撈米線上過電視,就連開幾間分店。分店開左響元朗,放工就去試下。成日聽人講話好平好平10幾蚊有一個米線。但去到,多數都係套餐,唔知係咪真係通脹問題,已經無10幾蚊果回事。叫左個豆花撈米線,加左個手拍青瓜,再配多個豆漿。手拍青瓜,無拍過,三大條。我覺得豆花唔錯,的確配米線撈黎食幾特別,係食到豆花好滑好豆味,不過如果可以再多d豆花更好。醬汁都幾惹味同濃味。但係米線食到尾有d碎得滯食唔到。如果整體來講,只係覺得上過電視出名,豆花配撈米線係配搭新鮮,其實味道普普通通,我都係鍾意食番有熱湯的米線多d。 繼續閱讀
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