餐廳: 寶彩軒


港鐵上環站 B 出口, 上地面轉右, 5分鐘左右就能到達 繼續閱讀
星期一至五午餐時段可直接上餐廳進食 (午餐由$59起), 其餘時間為私房菜, 需預先訂座。
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 21:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 21:30
Visa Master 現金
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
泊車 詳細介紹
電話訂座 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (45)
等級1 2024-04-13
254 瀏覽
昨天第一次去試齋菜私房菜,男侍應不斷望住每枱客人,如果用錯餐具,例如公筷,碟和碗都去提醒,令到餐食得好有壓力及不愉快。私房菜$493/位,朋友遲到,想等齊人先上菜,佢不斷催促,好不愉快嘅一餐😣 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-03
382 瀏覽
素菜比較少食而素菜私房菜嘅Omakase真係第一次見識呢度最大嘅特色就係經理個經理係呢間餐廳嘅寶物做MC帶氣氛問問題上菜斟茶分菜睇得出佢係好鍾意呢份工同好投入呢份工工作坐低覺得好特別,食齋菜有筷子有匙羹又刀叉有啲似Fine Dining咁唔同嘅餸要用唔同嘅餐具第一道菜拼盤真係大開眼界唔止份量大,而且好靚,同埋好好食而松茸燉湯真係好好飲,飲完出一身汗而且飲得出冇味精好足料其實飲完個湯都已經飽咗一大半之後嘅意式豆腐,素叉燒,飯卷等等,都係正正常常係一個好特別嘅體驗會顛覆咗你食齋嘅感覺養生松茸燉湯寶彩歡喜拼盤意式千層豆腐招牌即燒厚切叉燒配荷葉包日式海苔酥卷香煎菇扒 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-02-13
243 瀏覽
素食私房菜,二月份厨師發辦Omakase 。老闆好客招待,好像去朋友家食飯一樣開心,非常細心介紹每一道菜並養生食材,最驚喜原來素叉燒燶邊原來是用欖角碎慢慢”貼上去” 真係好好味;還有源源不絕送上石榴汁,為大家2024年送上最大祝福。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-11-27
1454 瀏覽
寶彩軒係夜晚會提供素食私房菜,7點開始上菜。餐廳經理好着重同客人之間嘅互動。我哋一入去,佢先問我哋係咪第一次黎,如果係就要上堂 (其實就係聽佢介紹餐廳同用餐程序)。每一道菜上嘅時候,佢都會講解菜式嘅用料同特別之處。經理亦好識得搞氣氛,當晚另一枱有人生日,佢唱中、英文版嘅生日歌,仲投入到一邊唱歌一邊跳舞。當晚經理送咗紅石榴汁比我哋每位客人,紅石榴汁酸酸哋,似飲蘋果醋,可以消下滯。店員幾細心,係食荷葉包前會先比濕紙巾我哋抹手,食完會收走抹過嘅濕紙巾。食到尾聲,店員會主動派發外賣盒比我哋拎走食剩嘅食物。11月私房菜菜單 ($398/ 位)寶彩歡喜拼盤御品養心松茸燉湯三絲腐皮卷招牌即燒厚切叉燒 (配荷葉包)上湯有機BB菠菜苗沙律芒果卷鮮茄香煎菇扒健康薏仁麵冰糖桃膠寶彩歡喜拼盤款式嘅數量係按人數而定,我哋一行5人就比咗8款菜式我哋,包括炸鱔、麻醬秋葵、炸紅菜頭、咕嚕猴頭菇、話梅車厘茄、百葉豆腐、香橙雲耳同欖菜四季豆。松茸燉湯矜貴之處在於野生松茸片,其餘材料有猴頭菇、冬菇、栗子同腰果。湯好夠熱,有濃郁菇菌嘅香味,湯底夠清。三絲腐皮卷嘅餡料主要為爽脆嘅食材,包括甘筍、木耳同酸蘿蔔。BB菠菜苗嘅表面放上炸牛蒡絲,菠菜苗嘅味道比較淡,配上枱面嘅豆豉辣椒油一齊食,會更好食。沙律芒果卷係我最愛嘅菜式之一,脆漿包住蘆筍、芒果、甘筍同雞髀菇,連埋旁邊嘅蘋果片一齊食。就算係炸物都唔會好膩。番茄同雞髀菇中間放有蝴蝶粉,賣相幾靚,整體味道酸甜。健康薏仁麵其實就係炒公仔麵,配料有木耳、甘筍、銀芽、芝麻等。經理話呢道菜要撈起先好食。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Dinner with VeggieGal. 9 courses Set menu at HK$398 pp.BYO booze + wineglasses.Full house with a rowdy older crowd in the partitioned semi private area.We were briefed that the brown titanium chopsticks were for personal use and that the green ones were 公筷; and that plates would not be changed unless specifically requested.Manager highly recommended the organic 鐵觀音.Here’s what we had. Appetizer Platter comprising:--Peeled tomatoes marinated in plum vinegar. Very refreshing.-Mushroom in sesame oil -涼瓜 (not a fan of the bitter taste)-deep fried battered 猴頭菇 from Taiwan (warm). Pleasantly surprised by the density and meat-like texture.Dish of Condiment on the side: homemade spicy Black bean sauce.御品養心松茸燉湯- favorite course of the nite. Very substantial with loads of 猴頭菇, chestnuts, cashews and the precious slice of Matsutake (松茸). Never would have thought that a meatless soup could be so flavorful. Apparently Matsutake grow in the roots of red pine forests (hence the name 松), so are nearly impossible to cultivate artificially. These habitats are diminishing fast; coupled with the slow growth rate of Matsutake, explain their low production rate and resulting rarity. Taste-wise, it had a rich autumnal flavor, piney and a bit spicy. 黑松露片金湯白玉- tofu topped with asparagus and truffle slices on carrot in Pumpkin sauce. Second favorite- sauce was very flavorful also. 招牌即燒厚切叉燒(配荷葉包)- the so-called char siu was actually 麵筋 in BBQ char siu sauce. We were instructed to wrap the piece of steamed bun around 3 pieces of 麵筋, a piece each of lettuce, organic Italian zucchini, pineapple, and red Pepper.娃娃菜扒百靈菇. Manager emphasized that a lot of effort had been put (by the Ah-Yat trained chef) into making of the sauce- stewed for at least 48 hours from a vegetarian reduction from water chestnuts etc etc. (Sorry, I prefer the abalone sauce made from oysters etc.)荔茸百寳酥盒- taro deep fried using sunflower oil from Argentina. Indeed, light and airy. Not oily at all. Some inconspicuous Vegan Mayonnaise on the plate.Pomegranate vinegar as palette cleanser.麻香珍珠焗萬壽果- papaya baked for 5-10 minutes topped with sweet corn mixed in Vegan Mayonnaise and white sesame. Pleasantly surprised: not normally a fan of papaya but the baking erased the vomity taste, leaving a sweetly luscious melt-in-your-mouth texture.欖菜松子仁炒飯- too full; tried a bit and packed the remainder.舊陳皮淮山十勝紅豆沙- too sweet. Weird taste with 桂花. Couldn’t taste any 陳皮 at all. Manager began ushering guests to leave at 9:15, saying that servers needed to be out the door by 10pm. (We started at 7pm; those who didn’t wanna feel rushed can start at 6:30pm.)Last but not least: plum candy.In summary: 有水準!有驚喜! Epitome of modern Chinese vegetarian fine dining. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)