任食任點18:15開始。\r\n收費: 成人$318 / 小童$198\r\n每位奉送咖啡或茶一杯。\r\n\r\n* 另設加一服務費。\r\n* 以上資料只供參考,如有任何更改,一切以食肆發出的資料為準,如有疑問請向有關食肆查詢。
12:00 - 23:30
Visa Master 現金 AE
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
日本牛柳 牛肋骨 肉眼扒 西冷扒
食評 (53)
等級2 2009-05-18
500 瀏覽
Know from newspaper that Mt Steakt. got the D.A. Steak..n got great discount (so called” half price”) so went there for dinner. The rest. is fully booked indoor, only few tables left for outdoor.( I think it should be great, since so many people book this rest.) The environment outdoor is bad, maybe cause of maintenance work of that building, so that’s not the problem of the Mr Steak.We ordered the DA rib eye ~$215, the DA sirloin cost ~$29x.The size is 8oz… but the portion is really small when you get the dishes. The DA rib eye is very thin, and just warm instead of hot. (This is my first time to try a warm steak.)When I taste it.. I discovered that I was cheated. The advertisement is saying like to celebrate the moving of the rest. the steak cost $4xx now half price!!.. I just think that… it should cost $40!!!Wtf..Never try such a bad quality steak in the world at this price!! Somehow, the steak at Café de Carol may even better!!. It claimed that the steak are D. A. steak.. is it D.A. is not stand for Dry Aged but other thing else? Mr Steak, instead of reallocating your store, it would be better for everyone to just close it. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2009-05-17
260 瀏覽
上星期見到報導話佢地要搬遷, 會用番舊時的價錢, 品嚐8oz dry aged steak, 於是book左位, 上完堂去食下啦.... 八點幾去到, 店內外都坐滿人, 好彩book左位 原入內會坐近門口, 但隱約聽到要留比人, 安排我地坐近酒櫃, 亦係廚房出口,坐左一陣已經知佢地利害, 佢地主力做all you can eat, d店員不停係我地身邊走來走去傳菜, 眼見原本張枱冇人坐, 於是要求轉過去,可以安安靜靜傾下 我地order左 dry aged ribeye & sirloin,但係等左好耐都未到, 唔知係未要做 buffet 同有一張八人枱都係order steak,追左一次, 佢地好有禮貌幫我地跟進, 等左40分鐘左右, 終於出現......ribeye 比較薄, sirloin 比較厚身,dry aged steak 本身牛肉味濃, 雖然order左 5 成,扒身燒得比較乾, 唔知係未要鎖住d肉汁,猛火燒得耐左, 唔夠軟身, 切開嚟睇, 肉內依然紅潤,如果二選一, 個人比較喜歡 sirloin,因為肉味濃d, 比較軟身, 唔會太"鞋"最後追加 - 青檸sorbet原想味道會比較清, 可以清暑, (因為今日天氣比較悶熱, 哈哈)但原來係比較甜, 顏色仲似深左色的青蘋果,應該唔係自家製 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2009-02-07
169 瀏覽
从今天开始Buffet暴食要从我的字典里消失可以有buffet存在但是不能因为要吃回本钱而伤了自己工作日的最后一个午餐饱饱暖暖果殼蘇三饕餮走四方 餐廳名稱 香港牛扒先生Mr Steak 餐廳地址 香港灣仔港灣道28號灣景中心三裏屯10號(新鴻基中心) 交通 地鐵灣仔站A口香港會議中心出來,沿著天橋一直走到華潤大廈,看路標往三裏屯走,在華潤大廈靠近新鴻基的一側便能看到Mr.Steak,我想樓下停車應該也很方便 餐廳電話 008522802 1128 營業時間 週一至周日12:00-23:30 就餐時間 2009 年 "1月 "16日 和 2月6" 日 12 時第幾次用餐 第 2 次 可否刷卡、八達通 可以刷卡 共幾人用餐 1人 總花費 第一次60元,第二次150元。 如何知道該餐廳 Mr Steak曾有戴安娜牛排餐半價活動,在報紙上看到promotion 用餐目的 每逢週五都到港島,臨逢週末犒勞自己一下 菜名 溫水 番茄蘑菇濃湯 自助沙拉 戴安娜牛排 羊仔骨 牛排 自助甜品和水果 咖啡價格 第一次60元——原價98,半價49加一10,第二次150元——129,加一和小費。 評價 貼心的溫水,非常讓人感動,重要的是,每一次添水,溫度都不會相差太大。 第一次吃的戴安娜牛排沒有自助沙拉和甜品,所以湯好大一碗,味道很香濃,酸甜可口;第二次的湯菜牌上寫“精緻迷你湯”,果然迷你,只有叉子頭那麼大,味道和第一次的那碗一樣。 有十二個冷盤。蔬菜兩個生菜和紫蘇,都很新鮮;切片的火腿味道不錯,但不是很高級的那種;香煎雞肉腸怎麼也拿來充數呢?聖女紅果也作為一盤,不知該被歸在哪一類裏;青口有點腥;三文魚我不吃,所以不清楚;還有幾盤看上去亂七八糟的,粉絲什麼的,也都沒吃。冷盤裏最值得稱讚的是土豆沙拉,非常贊,但是吃多了恐怕就吃不下別的了。麵包味道很好,我吃了五個,導致最後肚子脹到死。提子幹是我的最愛,每盤都放很多。 戴安娜薄牛排味道尚可,下面埋的蘑菇非常好吃,配菜也很入味,焗薯好吃。也許因為是第一次,又有半價優惠,所以印象很好。 五分熟的羊仔骨,兩塊,味道很足,可惜的是——下麵焦了。我不知道該怎麼跟服務員說,後面焦了很苦,能不能給我換一盤。雖然一直到晚上十點打嗝還是羊肉味,但是對這家的steak已經失去信心。 牛排配羊仔骨,太小了也,只有手掌的四分之一那麼大,七分熟,裏面的嫩度和水分都剛剛好,比羊仔骨烤制的夠功夫,但是已經失去再嘗試的勇氣。 自助甜品非常贊,但是由於標籤太小而且不清楚,很多吃了都不知道是什麼。蜜瓜布丁清新爽口,香草布丁配藍莓等水果很漂亮,但是剛開始吃的人,只能吃到布丁,水果在中央,不好意思挖。咖啡慕斯蛋糕非常非常推薦,特別好吃,咖啡淡淡微苦兼甜,蛋糕略帶餅底,口感相當豐富。在我幾乎肚皮要爆的時候,還覺得好吃,真的一定要多吃。燉蛋和蘋果派放在不銹鋼加熱大盅內,燉蛋上鋪一層類似曲奇餅還是麵包碎,好味;蘋果派一般。有四種曲奇餅乾,手指餅,朱古力餅,麥芽餅,介於朱古力和麥芽之間的餅,最愛介合餅,都很好吃,建議都嘗嘗。旁邊還有海綿蛋糕,味道也不錯,加點淡奶,哇塞,雖然有點貴,但是看在甜品的份上,不計較了。水果非常新鮮,而且很多種類,有西瓜、鳳梨、獼猴桃、草莓、火龍果、紅提、蜜瓜,吃了很多很多,造成最後肚皮爆炸。 咖啡一般,裝奶的小杯子好可愛,一般會放一整包低卡路里糖。環境如何 在華潤大廈的平臺上,很多類似的餐廳,有戶外座位,大部分顧客都是周圍工作的白領,一組一組的來吃,像我這種一個人的很少。餐廳有卡座,也有普通座位,典型的簡單西餐廳裝修,自助吧在一進門處,很誘。如時間充裕可以吃到兩點半之類,我就坐外面座位。牆壁上很多裝飾畫,色調比較棕偏橙黃,座位靠得很近,但是拿取食物還是很方便的,就是能聽到幾乎半個餐廳的人說什麼話。 服務如何 服務員訓練有素,服務專業,普通話也挺標準,自助食物補充的還算及時,也是因為如此,我每次結帳都會多給一點。 衛生間如何 衛生間需要跟服務員拿鑰匙才能進門,很乾淨,該有的都有。 餐廳特色 自助沙拉和自助甜品是最大的吸引力,但是下次我絕對不會點超過100元的主菜了,預算一百吃這些東西已經算奢侈了,更何況一百五十,還吃到兩塊煎焦了的羊仔骨。 用餐後的感覺和建議 主菜看來看去那幾個菜色沒有什麼特別的,但菜牌常常換,造成不能確定每次吃到100元以下的主菜會是什麼,但是基本上決定,不會再去吃超過100元的主菜。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-01-04
80 瀏覽
We used to come here a lot in the past, since its early days when Mr Steak had started the ALL YOU CAN EAT TASTING MENU around 3 years ago. Back then the price was $268 plus 10%. 2 years ago it was $298. Now in 2008 and 2009 it is $328. Plus 10% surcharge. Unfortunately the quality has gone very very much downhill and I HOPE management of Mr Steak can reflect on this, because it used to be one of my favourite all you can eat restaurants.************$268 Stage 1During the opening days at $268, the crabs were fresher. They used to say it is French 'bread' crab from memory, but now it is the Scotland's crab? Nowadays the crab reeks of frozenness and even the crab roe does not have much lingering taste from the freshness it once held?All meat dishes were served with Bean or Carrot Purees to accompany the meats as a complement. This extra preparation was already gone by the end of the $268 period, unfortunately.************ $298 Stage 2At this stage, there was still fresh crabs, even if the other seafoods like whelks and prawns weren't that good and seemed too frozen. At least the price was still good, and the Wagyu beef short ribs were still good and there was also Thousand Layer Wagyu option.The normal Sirloin beef was also quite good and I think it is Australian not American, going by the taste.*************$328 Stage 3 - NOWFirst of all, I want to say that service here is very good lately. One of the girls working there is so polite and does everything really well, and other people like the manager and other girls are always quite good on occasions. Now, back to the food.Please remember, the food nowadays is around $60 dearer per person, but there has been reductions in menu as well as quality.The seafood on numerous occasions were no longer as fresh, even a bit 'mui mui dei'. The thousand layer wagyu is no longer available.The sirloin steak is tough and chewy, not much meat taste compared to before.The biggest disappointment is the Wagyu Short Ribs. In the past, this dish had a lot of the unique wagyu beef fat taste, even if it is not 100% wagyu but an F1 mix breed.Nowadays, the Wagyu short ribs are overly marinated in Salt, Pepper as well as some type of Mediterranean spices. Has anyone ever noticed that when eating here, the Wagyu short ribs are ALWAYS BETTER when nearer the end of the night closer to 9:#0 or 10pm and during last order times? That is because, the latter batch are not as marinated and masked by spices. The early batch of beef has probably been marinated from the night before and were uncooked leftovers, and the meat texture has already changed. Hence I always try to order more of the Wagyu ribs nearer the end.The Wagyu short ribs nowadays have absolutely no wagyu fat taste, which is usually slightly sweet. I suspect these are not even Wagyus at all to be honest. The manager said that's because these are non 100% Wagyu from Australia, so she said of course they are not as good as Full Blood Aussie wagyu or normal Japanese Wagyu (which are mostly imported from Australia anyway, but these high quality Australia wagyus are not exported to Hong Kong.) Fair enough, but even usual F1 50% Wagyu x 50% Angus/Hereford beef have a distinct wagyu taste. Here, this taste is no longer apparent and in fact tastes like normal Australian beef short ribs.The fat does not melt even after cooking, meaning most of it is not mono-unsaturated fat, which is usual in Wagyu beef genes. Any person who understand beef will know that even normal Australian or Select/Prime Grade USA or Canadian beef still have a lot of fat and taste in usual Short Ribs anyway, due to the body part.So I suspect that they are cheating a little bit.Not to mention the so called Kurobuta Roast Pork here has a bad smell on each occasion but not the unique fatty taste of the usual Berkshire/Kurobuta porks from say the Kagoshima area. Obviously, fair enough, I shouldn't expect too much for $328 plus 10%, but PLEASE MR STEAK, don't give us pork that is 'ARD ARD DEI'. As such I will no longer come to dine here as things are just going backwards - even if the desserts and service are excellent.I will recommend Mr Steak A-La-Minute instead, as over there in their other Buffet style shop, at least the Wagyu has good wagyu taste and there are many more selections of how you want to eat it. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-01-04
43 瀏覽
同學聚會, 最後差不多有半班人決定出席, 故幾天前落實訂位.星期六部份同學要上班, 部份有空的則較早到達, 大家在戶外座位邊喝紅酒吃小食邊談天說地, 先盡一瓶餐廳的智利cabernet sauvignon, 再喝光另一瓶自攜的shiraz, 不亦樂乎, 店方為我們燃起石油氣暖爐, 室外仍覺舒適. 七時訐全體到齊, 轉移至室內店方安排的長檯.經理早為我們細心編排餐單及上菜次序, 無須我們操半點心, seafood platter內容豐富而品質高, 凍蟹蟹黃豐盈味美, 焗蠔不失鮮味, 翡翠螺, 蛤蜊, 凍蝦均有水準, 再來每人一shot lobster bisque, 然後上帶子生牛肉, main courses有燒和牛, 美國肉眼及羊架, 女同學對羊架尤其喜愛, 自然要多燒兩件添食, 甜點有多款sherbet及雪榪, 香蕉pancake亦得不少人支持, 拿破崙, mousse cake通通清碟, 同學們都對食物及安排稱讚不已.全體享受了愉快的一晚, 更多謝Ken的sponsor及KP的紅酒, 期待下次燒烤會. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)