港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約9分鐘 繼續閱讀
06:00 - 01:00
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食評 (2)
等級1 2012-03-29
281 瀏覽
This is my first time to have dinner here. My wife saw so many people eating inside. We guess this one should be ok. We get in the restaurant and ask for table. Staff are so friendly and tell us is full at the moment. Ask us if we don't mind can wait for the next table finish. I ask the staff how long will take? He told me about 5-15mins. I said ok, so he get my phone number. Then we went to have a drink next door. Maybe the bar's music so loud, I miss few call from the restaurant. Suddenly I see the staff come in the bar and tell us the table is ready for us. Honestly they give me the feeling is care of customers. So good the service. This is my first time feel that in HK. About the food is quite good, especially the deep fried chicken is so nice(hot 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-11-30
128 瀏覽
被少年食神所害,為食貓想到之處全有長龍之患. 可能是本貓暗藏鬼婆因子,最後與兔兔二人到了大紅燈籠高高掛的北京食府. 正當貓兔倆笑說此店的裝潢跟在讀書時期唐人街的中國餐館何等相似,又分別訴說在英美唸書時的點滴,發覺此店的食客亦以洋人居多. 甚至連食物的味道亦有唐人街味!! 何謂"唐人街味"? 例如所點的北京肉絲炒手拉麵,以”正常”的中式餐廳,會用韮王加麻油與肉絲清炒; 但這裡韮王欠奉,反用了紅蘿蔔,西芹,荷蘭豆及日本拉麵! 食材與本貓兒時在倫敦吃的簡直一模一樣(當然,現在倫敦的中菜質素已大大提高)! 連侍應叔叔也用英文落單,後期更到廚房煮菜! 以上種種,令本貓不禁說句 – “呢度真係好Chinatown呀~”同晚還點了酸辣湯,片皮鴨(半隻),麵醬炒雙茄 + 2 cokes.老實說,招呼可以,但食物味道真的一般. 偶爾來懷舊一下(或許一年一次?),倒算不錯 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)