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Egg Benedict 意大利香腸薄餅
食評 (22)
等級2 2013-03-07
225 瀏覽
中環soho午飯時間要找一間悠閑但$100以下的確不易。午飯時候,經過這間希臘風格的餐廳,見午餐set 只$78加一 (要知道soho 價算抵),不用等位,試試也可。對於我,餐廳的裝修格調跟食物的質素可謂同等重要。餐廳主要用希臘白色小屋藍色屋頂的色調為主,窗可打開,旁邊是soho長電梯,坐在餐廳裡看到行人上上落落,很喜歡這樣的人民風景。午餐set包括:湯、沙律、主菜、甜品和咖啡。(而不是湯和沙律任選其一,而且有甜品)蘑菇湯 Mushroom soup較稀,像罐頭開出來的。凱撒沙律嫌沙律醬太多。我本來要求沙律醬分開上,但他們說一早拌好,不能分開。主菜- 海鮮意粉 Seafood Spaghetti with white wine herbs source這碟主菜很好吃。白酒蒜蓉炒意粉,有點酒味,剛好,不多。很有水準。意粉的軟硬度適中剛好,不過海鮮比較少,男士們可能不夠飽。甜品是我最喜歡的rice pudding( 跟法式的riz au lait 差不多)。廚師更於布丁裡加了粟米粒,質感特別,很好吃。咖啡是即磨的,不錯。這個價錢這種質素和格調,在soho 區是很好的。有機會會再來。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-02-04
79 瀏覽
走過這餐廰,被它的外型吸引了,白色的外牆感覺不錯。而內裏的牆也是白色的,給人的感覺是頗清新的。食物方面,先來的是忌廉菜湯。味道還可以,不算很濃,淡淡的。跟著還有沙津。以牛油果為主角,配上白醋,中和了牛油果膩的感覺,不錯。到主菜就較特別了,想不到會有蒜蓉白菜仔配青椒牛柳。放在一個大碟上用刀叉來吃都真有另一番情調。但講到味道就真的一般,可能因為自己先入為主,認為是要吃西式食品的,但竟然來了中式的,所以雖然蒜蓉味有,而牛柳也不韌,總不能讓自己給很高的分數。甜品相信是甘荀蛋糕。外型不錯,但可惜較硬,也沒有甜味,不能說是好的飯後甜品。總體來說算是外型可以,但食物質素就要下多一點功夫了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-11-03
86 瀏覽
It was a very nice day outside today, and we were with a couple with a baby, so what we wanted was a place that was spacious enough for baby stuff, and 'open' because the weather was so nice. Greek food sounded good, but we peaked at Olive down the street and it was dark and empty and not 'open' (it was open in a literal sense), so we decided on Rick's instead.The feel of Rick's is very easygoing, great for a casual Sunday lunch. The waitstaff seemed very friendly, and happy to accommodate children (you can't always expect that from a place with "bar" in the title). Here's a rundown of the food:Lamb souvlaki: this is just grilled lamb skewers. This was kind of disappointing: there was less meat than I expected, they didn't come with anything like rice or a dipping sauce, and some of the pieces of lamb were intensely chewy. I would not order this again. C-Grilled octopus salad: the salad looked pretty good, and the greens and tomatoes tasted fine. The octopus was low on flavor and also very chewy. I've been to some Greek places that really know how to grill octopus so that it's tender and juicy-- this is not such a place. DHummus: I've had way better hummus, but I can't complain too much-- I had an overall positive experience with the hummus and I thought the pita was pretty good too. B or B+Sangria: You can only get half jugs or jugs of sangria, so my wife and I split a half jug... this is about 4 glasses. This was good sangria, not overly sweet, and not overly watered down with fruit juice. Maybe a little on the 'pulpy' side, but still good. A-I hate to totally rag on this place, because I liked the atmosphere and the sangria, and I figure that there are probably things on the menu that are not horribly chewy. As it is, my jaw is a little sore from chewing so much through the meal. What's more, you don't get very much food, and while the escalators are pricey, you can normally fill yourself up for $180/ person at lunchtime... but not here. I think that I will not come here again.Final score: C 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2012-07-09
55 瀏覽
Seated right away and tables moved to accommodate the baby.Beers sorted straight away.Tzatziki came with some lovely hot pita bread.Meatballs - nice sauce and not overcooked. All good.Stuffed calamari - really nice. The pork stuffing was good and went well with the squid itself.Seafood medley - nicely presented, hot where it should have been hot and all tasted good - nice crispy deep fried onion rings too.Chorizo sausage - nice, but a tad salty - more than it should have been, but was still enjoyed by all.Beers kept coming.Very nice staff, nice assortment of dishes and a nice chilled lunch over all.Second time there and certainly not the last. The menu looks good throughout so I would be interested in eating my way through it. Really like the tapas style as well.Great place. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2012-03-29
41 瀏覽
We have visited Ricks around 12 times over the past 8 months and have had a great time up until last night. When we walked in there were no floor staff so we decided to seat ourselves. They came out and came and got our drink and food order. The food quality was terrible last night. Everything was under seasoned, grilled items were not grilled, chewy squid, scallops that were not properly cleaned. It was no where up to the standards that we had grown to enjoy. When I asked the server if they had a new chef in the kitchen to try to explain that this was not up to what we have previously enjoyed they switched to speaking in Cantonese and then walking off without saying anything to us. They seemed not to care that we were unsatisfied and made absolutely no effort to make any attempt to keep us as customers.This used to be one of our go to restaurants that would be recommended to friends that needed a good quality meal. Since we have enjoyed many other dinners at Rick's we will try to go one more time, but I'm not hopeful that it goes back to the level it used to be at. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)