港鐵西營盤站 B2 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
2568 8007
08:30 - 17:00
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食評 (9)
余均益 (Yu Kwen Yick) is arguably one of the food ingredient culture icons of Hong Kong. While it may not be a worldwide recognized brand (like the dreadful Srriracha chili sauce manufactured in Southern California, famous with Vietnamese pho restaurants and alike), it is a vastly superior product and has a very loyal following. Those who are serious chili sauce heads, will have their eyes lit up if you mention 余均益, and they will know that you know your stuff. You can make friends just by talking about this brand of chili sauce! This is how influential the product is, whether you are living locally, or coming from overseas like me.Getting here is pretty easy. The best way for me at least, is to take the "ding ding" tram and get off Eastern Street. Walk up about two blocks (yes quite the uphill battle!) then turn right on 2nd street. It is best to call ahead to make sure they are open before you go, just to be safe. They are closed Mondays and I remember calling on a Tuesday once when nobody answered.The storefront is very small and is basically a showroom with a cashier. The shelves basically have a few of their standard offerings. In addition to their signature chili sauce, you can also buy a few other varieties of their sauces, including chili oil, and chili oil with chili flakes. There is a sample jar of 蘇梅醬 (plum sauce) that would be fantastic for dipping roast duck or roast goose, but was unavailable for purchase during my visit (the young owner himself recommended that it could be added to claypot rice!).The younger generation owner is a really cool and helpful guy, and we had a great chat about local food, who also recommended that I go check out 波記. The level of customer service and interaction here from a small family run business, to me is out of this world. They gave me excellent advice in terms of storage, transportation (as I was taking their products back home out of the country), and even suggestions on how to apply some of the sauces for optimal enjoyment. We also spoke at length about how I wished it were possible to have their products imported overseas, but the logistics would not work out.There are not many restaurants that carry 余均益 but I have had the pleasure of trying some local dishes with it and have gotten some friends addicted to it as well. Lau Sam Kee in Sham Shui Po has large bottles available, so you can squirt a few dollops of the stuff with prawn roe noodles to kick things up a notch. And as Chinese New Year is coming, this stuff would be sexcellent with turnip cake 蘿蔔糕.You will have to wait until after Chinese New Year before the shop restocks pocket sized and larger sized bottles. In the meantime, the medium sized bottles are $35 each. The larger gift boxes contain two medium sized bottles of the signature chili sauce plus a different kind of chili sauce in a jar.   繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-03-15
4162 瀏覽
今日的蘋果日報副刊,有余均益的專訪,小弟因在某個地盤內,寫過一篇有關余均益的文章,正因如此,負責這篇文章的記者,也找我來訪問一下。我說余均益配炒牛河,與炒麵是最好,好像,忘了還有煎蘿蔔糕!本來在住所附近,有三數間辦館,醬園,仍有余均益出售,但現今這些地方還在,可惜是再沒有余均益賣,要我老遠走到去西環本店買。隨身物品除了鎖匙,銀包,手機,耳機之外,你們或許會帶白花油傍身,我就少不得一支細瓶的余均益,在我皮袋裡面,尤其是當你預計,會在當日吃炒麵,牛河,蘿蔔糕。。不要說我奄尖,當你吃過老余,像與一名近乎完美的女生交往過,之後對其他女生失去興趣,回頭太難了,現今用余均益的地方越來越少,沒辦法,成本貴,要自救,還是自己帶辣醬。若然,蘿蔔糕,炒麵,炒河本身質素平平,憑著余均益,也可以過關,像一名硬功騎師,死馬當活馬騎,那麼,蘿蔔糕本身的質素已經很好的話,便成為完美組合了。早前女友親手造的蘿蔔糕,在朋友家中開派對時,與大家分享,香甜的蘿蔔絲,與余均益愛得死去活來,不能自拔,愛情,就是如此地盲目。正如我對余均益一樣。蘋果副刊專訪上,少東其中一段說話:「超市有所謂霸權主義,他們總要我(在超市)減價,但雜貨店也要搵食呀!若雜貨店比超市貴,誰去雜貨店呢!結果我做了一個商業上很難理解的決定,就是拉倒了交易,暫時都沒有超市代理我們的產品。超市還有很多上架費、Eye Level(成人視線高度)一個價錢,減了價又要跟他對分……如果純商業決定,這決定是錯的!」這份不為五斗米而折腰,與大集團抗衡的高尚情操,值得比個Like啦。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-03-19
2148 瀏覽
連辣醬也可做一個食評.呢一隻辣醬當然是不平凡的.如果每一種辣醬都可以做食評.openrice就要.開多一個平台..俾各位食家硏究下超市內邊種麫..薯片好食等..要做埋市場調查...就大件事....從openrice得知...呢種辣醬在西環有得賣..而我當天在灣仔見完工...門口有車出西環...到了西環後立刻買辣醬...第一次認識呢隻辣醬是在油麻地食車仔麵.係大大支放左枱.任客人享用...平常食其他牌子辣醬.辣度不足..呢一隻辣醬.酸度同辣度..平均.是食湯麵.炒麵的靈魂..而且市面食店難見的...因成本貴.... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-03-17
1573 瀏覽
二月中旬‧陰天早上行經這裡,順手買了支辣椒醬。轉頭去了茶檣吃煎腸粉,正是應用的時候。夠辣勁,香,一點酸味,還有蒜香,是煎腸粉的最好朋友。至於同場買的另一瓶辣椒油,就會之後才出場。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-01-21
1282 瀏覽
每年新年, 最期待就是婆婆親手煮的蘿蔔糕, 但食蘿蔔糕之餘, 更想是食的蘿蔔糕之友, 就係老字號的余均益辣椒醬, 缺一不可, 今天我去西環總鋪為自己入定貨之時, 給我發現余均益辣椒醬出了禮盒裝, woooooo 正呀!!!!!!!可以靚靚仔仔的送出去為各位親朋戚友入貨啦 ~~~~ 大家就不用食蘿蔔糕之時, 才發覺無辣椒醬啦!!!!禮盒裝內包括 2支250g 辣椒醬 + 1瓶255g 豉椒醬, $98, 還給我發現, 余均益辣椒醬有新包裝, 靚仔左好多wor!!!!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)