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食評 (35)
等級3 2011-11-17
522 瀏覽
經過Pacific Coffee,看見客人不多,可能因為時間還早吧!雖然架上食物種類繁多,有麵包、鬆餅、三文治、蛋批、酥皮卷……等等,但今天胃口好像有些微納悶,所以,午餐不想吃下太多東西,想清爽一點,所以就要了一盒煙肉薯仔沙律,賣$34,咖啡也沒有點,好讓自己稍後可以睡個午覺!煙肉薯仔沙律內容原來材料都非常豐富,沙律菜作底,還有車厘茄、迷你薯仔、雞蛋及大量煙肉碎,另配多一小樽油醋汁。沙律菜食落非常清新爽甜,薯仔很有薯味,加上粒粒碎煙肉,令味道添加一點點鹹香。吃罷,胃口又好像好了很多,至少個人再沒有厭悶感。偶爾吃頓輕怡午餐,感覺確是不錯! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-08-12
117 瀏覽
i came here with my friend for gathering,which we actually just bought one cup of cinnamon coffee.the drink was usual,(of course~!)the coffee was strong enough, and cinnamon added a hint of like we were eating caramelized apples XD~!!!we sat there for some time,enjoying cakes from other shops secretly,(i guess that they actually knew)but service was still good,once again,thanks to that who cleaned up our table after my friend and i had messed up it, THANKS~! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
每客$188/兩位, 星期一至六下午2:30pm至6pm及星期日中午12noon至6pm只在ifc的pacific coffee供應, 最好早一日前訂, 咁樣一定是menu斉晒咁多款.昨日下午2:30pm帶友人去試:兩層英式下午茶(兩人份)共14件鹹及甜點(分兩層), 叫了兩杯熱mocha.底層 - 鹹點(1) 2 pcs of 熱烘烘的法式磨菇蛋批 (2) 2 pcs of 美式燒烤醬炆手撕豬肉意式麵包三文治 (3) 2 pcs of 三層麵包三文治內有兩層餡(一層是超薄火箭菜+黑椒碎+百皮軟心的芝士而另一層是parma ham+牛油) (3) 1 pc of 薄片鴨肝醬三交治 (4) 1 pc of 煙三文魚忌廉芝士卷(外層是三片薄溫室青瓜)上層 - 甜點(1) 2 pcs of 橙味macroons夾黑朱古力餡 (2) 2 pcs of 熱烘烘的青提子scones伴strawberry jam+clotted cream+butter (3) 2 pcs of 黑朱古力餅中央是檸檬吉士心 (每樣兩件) (4) 一杯朱古力慕士上面鋪了一層芒果粒mocha好飲, 但下次要叫苦味base的咖啡, 因為可以balance那些甜點的甜味, 不宜叫chocolate/mocha/tea.所有鹹甜點都做得好, 賣相又靚.呢間pacific coffee間開上網區, 幾骨仔.下次要霸套sofa set坐先perfect, 唔知星期日會唔會易d.下次食完要問counter取兩杯偏熱嘅水飲清吓味蕾, 飲左mocha要食塊香口膠!超抵食, 重好美味, 抵過去酒店啦! 而且服務很好, 洗手間距離只是二十多步! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-11-30
42 瀏覽
Sunday morning...tasting the life of a retired person, hahaha, went to movie before noon and sat down at Pacific Coffee for a late breakfastHot Chocolate, ham and cheese croissantI like the hot chocolate there, using hot boiling water as some cafe do it with just hot water and you won't have the warm cozy feeling. The croissant taste good, or I was just so hungry...Reading newspaper, magazine, chit chat with friends, looking out to see people walking around, chit chat chit chat and almost late for the movie, hahaha.It's good to be there in non-working days, non-peak hours...no stress 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-11-02
16 瀏覽
早上路過中環 I F C 時,見客也不多,環境幽雅,坐坐吃個早餐,要了一杯Grande的泡沫咖啡,招牌咖啡,味道不錯燕麥Muffin預先加熱,那個Muffin 很鬆軟,我十分欣賞這偷閒的時刻........ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)