售澳洲菜的Wooloo Mooloo的招牌牛扒和蟹餅最為出名,另外還有甜品朱古力蛋糕作為推介菜式。Wooloo Mooloo 在2004 年在香港開設餐廳, 地點包括蘭桂坊﹑灣仔﹑圓方﹑尖沙咀中心和McLovin’s Tavern。好的菜式和服務會為客人得到好的餐飲經驗。餐廳理念是以新鮮的材料做菜餚,加上餐廳輕鬆環境。 繼續閱讀
11:45 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
白汁煮青口 吞拿魚他他 焗牛柳蝦粒伴奶油白調味醬 龍蝦牛脊肉伴檸檬澄清黃油 檸檬批
食評 (40)
等級4 2011-05-18
862 瀏覽
十二點, 沒有很多人可以悠閒地吃個午餐午餐menu 不太貴around $90-150好新鮮的 bread! 還是熱騰騰的!尤其是配醋和olive oil好好味的牛油果沙律好新鮮, 喜歡它配提子乾, crunchy軟殼蟹三文治well made, grilled just right細細件, 可以放進口 大快朵頣一定要提薯條wow, 長過我隻手又大又長又剛剛炸好well doneveal 小牛肉, juicy, 大件, 不老配上炸好的薯蓉haha, 我會來試試牛排的! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-05-15
387 瀏覽
今次去咗 Elements 游蕩...本來想食泰菜...過經過呢間嘢...好有 resort feel...好似好 relax 咁...就試吓... BUT...個男 waiter 嘅態度超差...想問佢嘢...我哋一開口未講到兩個字...佢就好唔耐煩咁B呢爸啦...跟住行咗去... 至於食物... D蠔都可以...但好瘦弱呀...而且...始終唔鍾意佢哋將隻蠔起晒殼... apple & avocado salad...fresh but...dressing no good.......朋友嘅雞肉闊條麵...唔好味 & XXXS size 囉...我嘅牛仔肉 with potato fingers....d肉唔軟腍...其實直情係有d實囉... 之前見隔離枱嘅軟殼蟹三文治好似好靚咁...口多多又 order 咗一份....點知隻軟殼蟹....超腥呀!而咖啡呀...只...濃.....不香....唯一可讚...只係d奶...識得 keep warm....真係好少見....一間食肆...可以樣樣都咁差...好失望呀~~~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
With my friend's recommendation, we came to this restaurant. We got an afternoon tea set for two. When we asked the manager what types of tea he has. He suddently show his "Black face" and turn to bring a wooden box of tea bags. It is mad and odd to have such terrible manner from their shop manager!!!!! It took over 20 minutes for the tea set tower arrived. We followed the "practice", finish the sandwich first, then the sweet food. Plate 1: The sandwich is surprisingly great for me. That's avocado with shrimp sandwich!! My true favorite in the west coast of the states. The other impressive food on this plate is the donut (冰花蛋球). Plate 2: The mini scones have terrible texture and lack of moist. No matter how acceptable the clotted cream or the jam, it failed. Plate 3: The chocolate cake told me the reason of taking so long for this tea set. Unfortunately, the chocolate filling is not at the liquid stage...... The sponge cake has tough and dry texture. The overall food quality of this afternoon tea set is below average. In addition, the service is absolutely terrible. The restaurant manager gave me a feeling like "I am not happy working in this restaurant and I don't like these dinners". I don't know if he is professional restaurant manager but it is no doubt that he want to send diners a signal that "I am not enthusiasm to this role!" I think the only one selling point of this restaurant is the environment...... but we have aother choice in this shopping mall. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-04-12
154 瀏覽
從前眼中的扒房,就只有Outback丶Dan Ryan這些大型的連鎖式餐廳。開始寫食評之後,便知道世界並不是這樣窄小,也開始知道牛扒也可以有不同的特色,只在乎你肯不肯去嘗試。今天,特意到圓方買Chez Shibata的蛋糕,買完蛋糕後當然要把握機會一嘗圓方內的餐廳。這次我們便選了Wooloomooloo作為晚餐的落腳點。先來一些餐包,再送上醋和油瓶。麵包只是帶微暖,而且外層較硬。縱使麵包加入迷迭香,也不能突顯到麵包的特別之處,因其香味不足夠去吸引人一吃再吃。前菜要了Blue Swimmer Crab Cake 藍海蟹蟹餅($135),想起蟹餅,便想起Ruth Chris的蟹餅了。這個蟹餅在溫度丶味道的層次感也比Ruth Chris的失色,而且伴上的醬料也不算出色。蟹餅的外層香脆,不過內裡的蟹肉鮮味不夠,而且調味不夠豐富,味道相當清淡。伴上的青檸芥辣蛋黃醬和自製他他醬,兩者的分別不大,只是蛋黃醬自製他他醬中加入了香料,不過香料的份量也不足以改變醬料的表現。 四道主菜在不久後便隨隨送上,讓大家可以同時開始享用。Pan-seared Free Range Chicken Breast 愛爾走地雞胸($190)的外表和連鎖式炸雞店物有相同,當然兩者是有分別,只不過外表上可以再花點功夫。雞肉被厚厚的炸粉包裹著,依然保持嫩滑。不過炸粉上灑上的香料,似乎對食物的味道沒有任何的幫助,是可有可無的一環。Grilled Tasmanian Salmon Fillet 烤塔曼尼斯三文魚柳($205) 是一件相當厚大的一份主菜,配上什菜,簡單美味。表面焗得相當脆口, 再灑上一點香草,簡單而美味。至於三文魚部份,鮮味仍存,不過略嫌焗得不夠,香味未能散發出來。什菜有紅丶青椒等,很快便一掃而空了。Rib Eye, 12 ounce 肉眼扒十二安士($300)配上蘑菇汁,是今天晚上的主角。牛扒要了medium,顏色對版。牛香不太重,不過肉質夠嫩,而且肉汁豐盈。當中的脂肪比例也相當平均,附近的位置相當軟腍,比較易入口。Ricotta & Spinach Ravioli 意大利芝士菠菜雲吞($160) 是自從上次旅行朋友介紹之後開始愛上的一種雲吞。雲吞是薄薄的一件,內裡的菠菜令雲吞中間部份漲卜卜,令人食指大動。雲吞皮薄,令菠菜青綠的顏色表露無遺。不過味道偏淡,芝士只有碟底薄薄的一層,對雲吞根本起不到作用。中間的蕃茄醬是味道的主導,要不然整碟清淡的雲吞就會有難度清空。餐廳的環境無疑是給人浪漫適舒的感覺,不過有部份位置暗得連看餐牌也相當難。餐廳要知道情調也有一定的界線,不是黑得什麼都看不見就是最好,要顧及到基本的需要,才是皇道。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-04-05
101 瀏覽
Went there for an afternoon tea. The restaurant was not full and we didn't need to wait.We ordered the afternoon tea set for 2. The nightmire comes right afterward.The waiter set up 2 settings despite we have 3 people (my wife, daughter, and myself).No napkin and water to be served. I asked the waiter for water and he gave us two glasses only. Started getting mad and asked another waitress for one more setting.The waitress gave us nothing but one more cloth (no fork, spoon, knife)It really pissed me off and I asked specifically for a fork and knife. My daughter finally had tools for enjoying the meal, but no one served us afterward. No one came and ask if we need more water or napkins.I have no idea why such a high end restaurant can giving such kind of service.I will never come back again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)