新同樂酒家有魚翅大王之稱,由袁氏家族於六十年代創辦,數拾年來不斷維持服務佳,出品精良。招牌菜包括各式鮑參翅,燕窩,另設精美點心和中式小菜。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 15:15
18:00 - 23:30
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:30
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吉品鮑 皇冠大網鮑 原條北海道刺參 乾燒排翅
食評 (10)
等級4 2009-10-26
418 瀏覽
Crystal prawn dumplings (水晶鮮蝦餃) - these were very, very good. The prawns were fresh, firm and sweet. The diced bamboo shoots inside were also nice and sweet. Most importantly, the outer skin was soft yet able to keep the filling wrapped up inside. We're off to a good start!Pork and prawn siu mai (蟹子燒賣皇) - I didn't see - nor taste - the usual crab eggs on top. Rather there were bits of tasty Chinese yam on top, and of course the whole siu mai was very yummy with bamboo shoots.Steamed char siu bao (蜜汁叉燒包) - this was also really good, with delicious bits of real char siu and a nice, runny sauce inside. So now I've got two restaurants in my neighborhood which does this very well.Pan-fried rice flour rolls with home-made spicy sauce (XO醬煎腸粉) - I think we left this dish alone until it kinda cooled down, but it wasn't very popular with the crowd. I thought it was not bad, but needed the extra serving of XO sauce to give it enough flavor.Baked abalone puffs (特色鮑魚酥) - this was the waiter's recommendation and it took about 20 minutes to prepare. I thought this was very good, too. The nice puff pastry gave way to fillings of abalone slices and mushrooms. Very tasty indeed.Steamed jade scallop dumplings (玉蘭帶子餃) - this was one of the highlights of the meal. The skin was as soft as the ones on the har gau (蝦餃), and inside was a delicious mix of diced scallops, kailan (芥蘭), crab eggs, bamboo shoots and minced ginger. The combination was not just delicious, but also an interesting blend of textures - with a good mix of soft and crunchy ingredients. I think most of us liked this.Fragrant shogun oysters in claypot (奇香將軍生蠔煲) - the giant Japanese oyster was coated in corn starch, which reminded those of us who are Taiwanese (in the majority today) of oyster pancakes (蠔仔煎). Interestingly there was liberal use of basil in the claypot along with glass vermicelli, probably to overpower any potential unplesant smells from the oysters. Deep-fried salt water dumplings (金牌咸水角) - these were also much better than your run-of-the-mill dumplings from elsewhere. The outer dough wasn't too oily, and was crispy and firm enough to the bite. The filling included chives in addition to the usual mix of minced pork and other stuff, so the flavors were more intense. Pan-fried soya pigeon (紅燒乳鴿) - this was not a small pigeon! Unfortunately it came at the end of the meal, and we were all pretty stuffed. I had a piece of the breast meat, which was reasonably tender. But I wasn't terrible impressed, as the bird was a little lacking in flavor. Perhaps I needed to dip it into the five-spice powder provided on the side? We were pretty full to take in any dessert. But I'm certain that I'll be returning to this neighborhood restaurant time and again for some high quality dim sum on the weekends, so I'll be trying out the desserts in the future.original blogpost with pictures: http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/2009/10/high-end-dim-sim-in-my-neighborhood.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2009-10-16
223 瀏覽
事隔兩日同朋友入嚟再食過,試吓佢地啲餸菜係咪一樣咁得!今次就一行四人,叫咗四個餸三個飯一個粥、四杯汽水、加四人份量三款甜品。埋單都係一千二百有找,計落每人三百蚊,仲抵過前日食添 主菜:蔥爆班球、砂鍋蝦醬唐生菜、梅菜扣肉煲、菜甫帶子煎蛋角甜品:奶皇馬拉卷、酥皮馬蹄糕、生磨杏仁露服務同上次嚟一樣咁好,抵讚! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-07-14
129 瀏覽
有機會去新同樂食飯, 並無想像中樂而忘返的感覺。去時不過六點鐘, 太早了, 空無一人。侍應可能未熱身, 所以對於有客到可能感到訝異。我對筷子有漬, 想表達意見, 類似部長的物體已經皮笑肉不笑地說, 這是象牙筷子, 對對如是 ----- 對於如此虛偽的表情, 我的反應也慢了, 忘了回敬他:「我要北極長毛象的象牙造個播~」座位窄, 幾乎入唔到, 裝修, 係浮誇一點, 但也無可厚非。好了, 談回食物。雞燉翅湯味極佳, 但翅極軟, 不知是不是貴的貨色, 平常人會覺得無咬口, 雞肉亦理所當然地鞋晒。燒乳鴿倒是十分出色, 不過同上的西蘭花鴿肉就沒有肉味了。肘子麒麟豆腐, 所用的火腿只得一個鹹字, 幸好不靭, 但白白浪費了軟滑的豆腐。賣單是八百多元, 值不值得, 真是見仁見智。值得一提的是食食吓, 一行四人兩大兩細的大陸客來了, 打扮極街坊, 小孩們只顧玩電話game, 連翅(一人一盅)擺在眼前都唔食住。有疑似熟客的中年男女來了, 見此情況, 不足十分鐘又走了, 可能被大陸客嚇跑了。我看到, 心情變得極愉快: 扮高檔又如何? 象牙筷子又如何? 還不是睇錢份上, 人哋著短褲拖鞋入嚟, 畀得起錢, 你咪一樣涎著臉招呼人? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2009-04-06
77 瀏覽
Food, service and atmosphere is good. Their brand has a good reputation. Price is resonable compare other high range chinese restaurant. Their staff are very caring.Prawn Dumplings : Prawn is so fresh and some bamboo inside - very goodPastry with abalone : Taste is good and the Pastry is so crispyPigeon - Large pigeon, special cooking - GoodI know that their Sharks Fin and goose feet is good, but we didn't try. Should try next time. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2008-12-07
55 瀏覽
在跑馬地飲午茶的地方只有三處,駿景軒、譽滿坊及新同樂。今日到新同樂飲午茶,開了一壺龍井,叫了一個上湯浸荳柸($108)、西洋菜湯($55/位)、水晶蝦煲($168)及幾個點心。水晶蝦煲一客有六隻水晶蝦,還有菜、粉絲和薑片。餐廳標榜他們的蝦是無污染蝦,其實蝦的味道不很特別,反而是煲裹的粉絲吸收了蝦的鮮味而味道不錯。點心吃了水晶蝦餃($40)、蟹子燒賣($40)、陳皮牛肉球($35)、鮑汁鳳爪($50)、叉燒包($30) 和蝦肉芝心球($40)。最喜歡的是陣皮牛肉球,牛肉球真的很大很大顆,吃的時候有很香的陣皮味。這餐四個人,連茶芥($68)加一,埋單$750。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)