12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
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食評 (16)
等級1 2010-07-25
143 瀏覽
first time going there with my gf to celebreate out 2nd yr ani. cant believe that was such a bad bad idea of comming here..first, environment were comfy and cozy.. and that i heard the mussel were the best in town so we were pretty excited...oh well service were REALLY bad.. their attitude were bad..seems like they were forced to serve. after looking at thier faces we didn't really wna eat.asked if we wanted water then we said yes tap is fine. but the waitress was like staring at us since we didn't order the sparking water. ok so we ordered 2 white wine, 500g mussels and a salmon steak.mussels were fresh and tasty, no doubt. the steak is OK overall atmosphere were good.. food is ok but service were really bad.. i would give it a 0/5 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2008-09-08
46 瀏覽
第一次寫食評的動力是因為不滿!以前來吃過青口, 覺得美味, 今次特意重來, 吃到我一肚氣, 要不是服務態度不錯, 我不會再另比貼士! (是日晚餐的加一已經60多元)1. 餐廳名稱轉了, 雖然還有青口, 但大不如前, 個汁煮到怪怪的, 我和朋友各試了一口就沒再喝了.. 青口算大隻和新鮮, 但配上汁後就變得不算特別吸引了...2. 牛扒好生, 我們叫medium, 但來的似medium rare or even worse , 朋友接受到就算了沒有叫廚房再煎; 旁邊的外籍顧客叫的牛柳太生, 最後要拿入廚房煎過 (是夜只有我們兩檯客人, 我都不知點解廚師不加多點耐性)3. 最大問題:牛扒好多根,朋友一邊吃一邊吐D渣出來,最後成個碟都好多渣...最激氣係我叫的鴨胸味道一般不特止, 仲要有根! 係每一塊都有! 我係吃到"Meng"囉...我最後的幾塊係放棄左的.... 4. 整晚最好吃的係餐前那幾粒炸的小吃同埋伴碟的蔬菜....我欣賞他們的蔬菜份量夠,種類也幾多,但我不會比六百幾元吃蔬菜囉.....5.我吃到一肚氣,中環有更多好的選擇... 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2008-08-17
26 瀏覽
a bad dining experience.nothing to do with the service, it's all about the FOOD - very disappointed.(1) the rest name has changed to Steak abd Frites. We arrived the place and found the signage is different, but waitress said they are the "same", they still serve mussels.(2) Mussels are not very fresh, just an very average dish. we for sure wont be recommending it.(4) we ordered a mixed grill - the worst we had ever had, the steak was terrible, it tasted very raw. And the chicken breast is even more difficult to chew than gum - u can imagine!(5) we were considering whether to go for the dark choco mouse, but as we were tired, not bother to go over to other places for desert, we gave it a try - again proved we were wrong. Way too sweet for a "dark choco" mouse for me.For sure wont be going again, and also will be warning friends not to go as well. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2008-04-06
39 瀏覽
Surprised to see a Tatlor award when driving down the Street and decided to venture into it, espeically when returning from Europe not long ago.Upon entrance, a nice little restaurant with typical redish golden decoration greets you. The royal family & garden portraits are nice touches too.Food-The mussels are good, and good to enjoy various types of cooking. Fresh but quantity might slightly inrease.(Cannot remember what the main courses were)The Belgium chocolate mousse is rich & satisfying.Overall, a nice restaurant for something different to Italian & French. The quaint environment & friendly service would provide you a cozy feeling too. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-03-25
15 瀏覽
Right, just because we're:1) 2 girls having dinner on a Tuesday night at 9pm, right after Easter holidays, and your restaurant happened to be; 2) devoid of customers save for 2 other girls finishing off their deserts;3) us ordering only 1 main dish each;4) me insisting on tap water and not buying your overpriced bottled water, and my friend ordering a soda;5) paying half price because we're using the GoodTimes promotions (I love goodtimes)DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN BOSS US AROUND AND TREAT US LIKE S**T!!!1) the gweilo manager seated us at a table that juts out from the nice row of tables because there was a wall sticking out at that particular place, and the cashier was right behind me.2) the manager then paced up and down along the corridor behind my hand, knocking over the back of my seat everytime he walked by, and don't tell me it was coincidental because you ain't that fat, the corridor ain't that narrow, and you don't tap rhythms onto the back of someone's seat by accident.3) when asked to refill my shameful glass of TAP water, he filled my glass to ONE THIRD full. Now, that's just bad manners.4) after finishing my coffee, he promptly took away my glass so I wouldn't get a second chance to have him refill my glass.He finally left me alone when 2 gweilo customers came in to distract him. Just because i'm not your regular big spender with a corporate card, i'm not exactly ROBBING you either am I?! Please, respect yourself as the manager of a restaurant and at least do your job properly.Given that, the food was good. I ordered the cod ($158, big piece, tomato sauce) and my friend ordered the lamb ($188, 4 thick pieces with chickpeas and grilled eggplants) 繼續閱讀
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