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Black miso cod DOZO! Ramen Rice paper roll tempura Signautre bento Spicy tuna roll Tuna Salmon with signature sauce
食評 (28)
等級2 2013-08-13
260 瀏覽
我這個壽司迷食完這間DOZO DOZO之後, 激發我不得不開個ACCOUNT, 寫寫食評.次次經過這間壽司酒吧都覺得很有形, 外紅內黑很特別, 那天就決定入去試試.入到去坐上卡位, 茶水都沒有一杯, 壽司價錢比普通壽司連鎖店貴一倍, 不過都沒所謂啦, 就想試試嘛, 隨便點了帶子, 三文魚, 曼魚等海鮮壽司, 還有些飯卷, 滿心期待等食....店裡沒有音樂, 只有剌耳的冷氣聲, 嘈到連坐在對面的朋友說話也聽不到....等的途中, 聽見旁邊的壽司師傅A與壽司師傅B的對話, A:這樽是甚麼? B:是黑椒.我想: 天呀, 黑椒都認不出, 哪裡來的壽司師傅?仲有...B: 曼魚要淋曼魚汁...A: 枝汁塞左, 唧唔出喎...結果來的曼魚冇汁.壽司的新鮮度與味道跟我的心情一樣差, 根本不值這個價錢; 這時候, 有位姐姐對我們說: "你們沒有點飲品, 要兩杯綠茶嗎?" 終於有點安慰, 微笑地點了頭, 然後喝著熱呼呼的綠茶...壽司勉強地吃完了, 一位估計是老闆的哥哥走過來, 得意洋洋地問我們:"點呀? 今天的食物如何? OK嗎?"噢, 我真不知如何回應, 勉強兼比面地說:"一般啦." 事實上, 卻沒有一般, 真係唔值. 埋單夠我地兩人去"千兩"食到飽, 仲發現兩杯綠茶原來要十蚊再加一.以上是我真實的經歷, 講真, 下次有人請我都未必再去食. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-11-09
129 瀏覽
Seriously thinking...after finishing dinner there..the place should be called no go for DOZO!It is expensive and not worth it. I rather pay the same price and go to an AYCE restaurant. The fish/scallop/eel was pretty fresh. What I couldn't stand was how HARD the rice was. I feel like it has either been undercooked or overcooked to a point it was crunchy. I felt like a was eating popcorn kernels!I spend about $250 and I was not close to full. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(非會員) 2010-08-04
73 瀏覽
I went ther for dinner last week, the sushi are NOT fresh, Salmon in very light color and break a partI saw chef didn't wash hand after toliet.I call 3 time waitress to get a waterFOOD POSION at next day morning 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-01-18
48 瀏覽
I had quite a late dinner at Dozo so considering the sushi & sashimi dishes on the conveyor belt where probably left out for a while and the selection might have been a bit dwindling. All in all though the cuts and freshness were not bad and the creativity of some of the rolls were interesting. The biggest issue with this place was the lack of attention to renovation, walls needed painting, none of the water taps in the bathroom worked, hinges and fixtures were coming off walls and corners. With the prices they charge you think the owners could care a little more that the establishment looks bright, clean and well maintained. The staff too seemed a little unhappy to be working there and were somewhat dragging themselves around. I would go back but maybe for a quick bite for lunch. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-04-02
28 瀏覽
我不太愛好日本菜,已經記不起上次食是何時何地,今次是好友想食壽司,唯有奉陪到底。數年前食過一次,以前份上下兩層,中午時段只有幾枱客,何況現在經濟不景,只得地下一層,客人仍然不多,迴轉上的壽司只有四、五款轉個不停。想食其他就要看餐牌另叫。燒鰻魚壽司-鰻魚不夠結實,肉地稍腍,專用的燒汁不夠濃郁。燒三文魚檸檬壽司-是好友推介,一粒細細的檸檬與三文魚一同吃,由於檸檬太細幾乎食不出它的酸味,反且有好重的油溢味。三文魚壽司-魚肉很薄,肉質不夠肥美。軟殼蟹卷-卷內的軟殼蟹早已腍了。辣三文魚壽司-對我來講當然不夠辣,但其辣度幾香口。蘆筍壽司-很嫩綠的蘆筍BB加上蠔油,做成中日crossover。軟殼蟹手卷-張牙舞爪的申出來,非常酥脆,以比例來說,蟹與青瓜絲比飯更為多。食了幾款壽司後,最欣賞是壽司飯,師傅扼得很結實,沒有鬆散情況,而且有淡淡的醋酸,就食多幾個件飯,也不會很滯肚。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)