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烤牛肋骨 特級牛肋骨
食評 (45)
等級2 2010-02-11
341 瀏覽
服務 9 流 :11 點左右已經打去 book table, 我地準時到達, 見到 reception 位係一堆 mess, 冇人理會岩岩黍到既人, 我地走去同個菲藉既女人講, 我地 book 左 table 架, 但佢冇理我地, 只係不斷問有冇 2 位既, 於是, 比我地 late 既人, 冇訂 table 既人, 都一一入左去, 前後入左 3 paire 2 位既, 仲有一堆 5 位既, 都仲係唔比 table 我地, 有乜理由, 5 位就比左, 3 位都仲未入得??再問多女人幾次, 佢都係完全 ignore 我地, 咁既 service, 搵鬼去幫襯, 先前食過一次, d 野又唔係平, 又唔好食....依家 d service 仲要咁差, 我勸大家唔好去幫襯 繼續閱讀
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(非會員) 2009-12-16
162 瀏覽
聽女朋友d同事話好食~~so 去試下食~!!!!閒日夜晚去~~冇咩人咁.........少食韓式野~~唔知咩價~~一打開menu同女朋友就覺好似幾貴咁~~樣樣都百幾蚊.....so都係叫左兩樣野~~烤牛肋骨肉同撈麵~~d配菜都幾多下~d主菜好快黎到~~即試烤下個牛肋骨肉~~well done~!!!so good~!!!!最攪野係個經理見我地好似唔係好識食咁~~就走埋黎幫我地燒下d野食同吹下水~好好人~佢話佢好少咁好人wor~!!!哈哈^^個麵都ok wor~!!!辣辣地~幾大碗~~夠一男一女食~!!!!整體都滿意~~ 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2009-10-10
97 瀏覽
平時行過都有留意到有這間韓國餐廳,今曰珍珍話想食韓國野,於是上去試下,差不多兩點,只有兩枱客,經理滿面笑容帶我倆坐窗邊的大枱,幾舒服,餐牌上的午市套餐有成 20 款,每款 $80 - $85,叫咗什錦肉類燒烤及炆牛肋骨。先來 8 碟各式前菜,都幾好味,由其是泡菜,味道及辣度適中,好啱我食。好快炆牛肋骨連湯及飯送到,先飲啖湯先,清清地、有的胡椒同肉味,都幾好。牛肋骨,嘩!有 6 大塊,又淋又好味,重好多肉,超正!連其中的青紅蘿蔔都好好味。跟住什錦燒烤都到咗,原來幫我地燒好咗,份量都幾多,味度都好正。下次一定要晚上來試下的燒烤和其他食物。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2009-07-06
41 瀏覽
Saturday night dinner with parents. I have long wanted to try this Korean eatery with a pretty long history and apparently a solid reputation.Although we didn't book a table the restaurant was still very empty when we arrived at 7.15. We were seated immediately in a booth. Dining area is big, comfortable, clean with sufficient lighting.Banchans were served - all generally very nicely made indeed! Better than average, I would say. Even the very basic napa cabbage kimchi was crisp, has a refreshing tang to it, yet was not too sour. A good variety too.For 3 people we ordered1. Marinated chicken for grilling ($110)I haven't grilled Korean meats at a restaurant for quite a while as I have been eating so many casseroles, so I wanted to barbecue something. Meats are mildly marinated, tender, naturally flavorful and fresh.2. Stir fried pork with rice ($110)Very mild tasting pork, slightly sweet, supposedly kimchi with pork but my mom doesn't want it spicy which was quite disappointing. I would personally prefer the original kimchi pork. Colorful assortment of vegetables.3. Stone pot rice with seafood ($130)(In case you're wondering my mother is a non-beef eater, hence the chickenSeafood Jajang Myeon ($110)Egg noodles served with quite pungent dark, slightly thick soy-based sauce. Especially enjoyed the sauce, which had quite a lot of tiny shrimps and squid (this IS seafood jajang myeon, after all)Generally everything was good - portion sizes are quite hearty. Ingredients used are very fresh. Service is also quick, waiters are very friendly and courteous as well. A very pleasant dinner indeed - in fact, I can say it's among one of the best Korean restaurants that I've been to in HK. And for 3 people plus the quantity of food we'd had, the bill came to just $530, as we ordered drinks as well. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2009-07-05
32 瀏覽
叫左碗辣麵有芽菜 魚肉等前菜幾開胃碗辣麵黎到....餸不多大多是雜菜配料(伴菜幾時做左主餸 )..麵質適中 可是湯底竟接近超市5蚊包既辛辣麵湯底...但記得餐牌碗麵好似要成80...慘 最後有個橙埋尾解味精幾好..但點都補唔番80..好少食韓餐...若呢D係韓食就不吃韓食也罷鋪名冇錯 "明" "洞" 人荷包既 "屋" 繼續閱讀
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