食評 (19)
等級4 2008-07-10
175 瀏覽
有一天, 去開文文公司開會, 就順道同佢食LUNCH...佢係依到BOOK0左位, 好啦...食啦...3既時候都覺得D食物唔錯的, 但係, 食完, 過0左半個鍾到, 大鑊! 超口渴! 覺得口渴到....唔識形容...飲0左好多杯水....都唔係好解到...我以前完全未試過咁GA...嗚嗚嗚...我以後都唔黎依到食野呀...我0個日食既係...燒雞午餐.... 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2008-02-08
93 瀏覽
好耐無寫食評喇~上個月尾去左呢間餐\廳食印荷菜,男友book左7:00左右,去到時人客得一兩枱,但餐\廳有濃厚印尼巴里風情,天花有很多剪紙既掛飾,感覺幾特別^^我地叫左個2人餐\,佢\地話呢個餐\係以前印尼皇族先可以食,所以我地要試下呢~~約有15道菜:用炭爐燒的沙嗲、咖喱牛腩、魚、魷魚、烤雞、重有佢\出名果個dirty duck、甜品有三款:番石榴雪糕、炸香蕉、椰汁糕等等......還有白飯及黃飯,佢\地用D蕉葉CUT成圓錐體蓋\在飯上面,都幾得意。味道都好OK,沙嗲、咖喱類食物都幾好,大部分都係辣的食物,因我鍾意辣的食物,我覺得餐\廳幾正宗幾夠辣,所以不吃辣的話可能吃得比較辛苦。整體上都幾好,價錢貴左D,個套餐\每位$250要另叫飲品。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2007-11-02
49 瀏覽
we are a group of 8, ordering the combo for 6 personsno free water provided, for each bottle of water ordered, the waitress only gave us 2 glasses, however, hot water is free of charge.i tried papaya lassi, (juice + yogurt), not so good, my friends ordered lemongrass lime soda, 沒有香茅味, 只有soda 味。satay platter is good, esp the lamb and fish(minced), for shrimp/chicken , not very special.dirty duck, a dry roast duck, 肉質不"鞋", 少少鹹味, 不似香料味, 反而兩種dip sauce 也ok。fried rice with chicken, 甜甜地, 很多菜絲, 算不錯。gado gado 沙律, 汁很好吃, 特別用三角形豆腐角點了汁十分好吃。炒雜菜, 那些品種和Gado Gado 沙律十分相近, 我寧可要沙律。魚, 不太好吃, 沒有魚味, 肉質"梅"。甜品perfect , banana fritter, 有七八粒, with 3 dip sauce, 最好吃是中間那種, 有lemongrass 味, russian pie 的酒味人人讚好(我們把一slice 分了八份), jelly with fruit 也ok , 有六片。裝修和食具的確一流, 有木製大大張armchair, 食具有隻鴨仔。但service 麻麻, 不斷想收碟(even not all food cleared), 十分熱心給你drink list, 不喜歡這種謀人寺feel!我的朋友試過兩個人來吃, 要成千元, 如果我們只有兩個人叫那些以人頭計的combo, 要$250 per head, 未計drinks 和加一。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2007-07-29
43 瀏覽
噚晚同朋友食飯補祝佢生日,選擇咗去早排曾經到過嘅印尼餐廳。我個人覺得呢度裝修得唔錯,枱面上大部份嘅餐具,例如碟、牙簽盒、蠟燭臺同茶壺等等都有隻鴨仔,而且仲有樂師現場彈奏印尼音樂,都幾有特色。講番D食物,叫咗個Gado Gado,炸豆餅同Crispy Duck,非常齋嘅一餐。個炸鴨其實如果唔點D醬汁嘅話,我覺得同中餐嘅炸鴨冇乜分別,自己反而覺得伴碟嘅飯整得幾好食。甜品就share咗份Coconut Triamisu,就當係生日蛋糕啦。另外我覺得呢度由book枱到整晚嘅service都做得好好,值得一讚。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2007-07-10
33 瀏覽
WE were a table of 7 and ordered their set dinner for 4-6 people (think it was around $788), and ended up being more than enough food for all of us! Lovely setting of heavy wooden furniture and indonesian carvings. Starters were gado gado salad and mixed satays. Lots of variety for satay, including fish on lemongrass stems, and tender chicken and beef etc.Mains: beef rendang was well spiced, nicely stewed, excellent. Fried rice a little oily, not great. Whole fish on leaf was delicious. Vegetables spicy, good texture, not overcooked. Choice of desserts recommended by the staff were interesting and quite delicious. Recommend banana fritters which comes with 3 different dipping sauces. White russian cake (some sort of choc mousse cake) was also a surprise winner. All in all a commendable restaurant. 繼續閱讀
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