營業時間:星期日至四:11:30am-11:30pm ;星期五及六:12:00nn-12:00mn\r\n交通:中環地鐵站D1 出口\r\n座位:室內30 個,露天8 個
現金 銀聯
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (33)
Archie B’s/Dining Concepts Kitchen Nightmare! Worst meal ever.Having been a big fan in the past of Archie B’s New York Deli, particularly for good value burgers, great pastrami sandwiches and the best creamiest crunchiest coleslaw in Hk ever, we had ordered delivery many times. I was happy to see Dining Concepts announcing resumption of trading on a delivery basis only.I order two burgers and their famous coleslaw for film night in, and pastrami sandwich and chopped liver for later. The whole experience was pretty grim from start to finish.The phone operator is totally unaware of the options available regarding bread for the sandwiches. Please Dining Concept managers, give your fellow country men a little bit of training before you release them onto the public. It would make a massive difference.Overshooting delivery times is ok, HK traffic can be a nightmare and impossible to predict, but plain lying to your customers is not acceptable. Having been told delivery was 45 mins. to one hour, I call after an hour to enquire as to where the food is. “5 minutes” is the reply” I call at 75 mins, same reply. Call again after 90 minutes and am told it has only just left the kitchen. Thank you for your honesty, not!Almost two hours later it arrives. First out of the bag was their famous coleslaw. May I remind Dining Concepts of the definition of coleslaw, “Coleslaw, sometimes simply called slaw in some American dialects, is a salad consisting primarily of shredded raw cabbage. It may also include shredded carrots, and other fruits and vegetables as well as various spices.” What appeared was clearly not coleslaw.This was a mess of soggy lettuce with a few strips of limp carrot in a thin watery mayonnaise type sauce. Simply disgusting. Then the burgers are unpacked. Both totally stone cold, as are the chips, and the beef patties were a jumble of almost raw meat, fat and sinew.(Plse view attached pictures) Chef had made no attempt to cook these medium rare as requested, and were inedible. I call requesting another meal, this time cooked, edible and hot. It arrives, now way after two hours from ordering, also cold and inedible and I make the driver take away both meals, and go to a well known fast food burger joint round the corner.For Dining Concepts to allow food like this to leave it’s kitchens is a disgraceThe Marketing Director I emailed the next day with my experience sent me a bland corporate, we don’t really gave a damn, type reply, “Your comments are noted and we have spoken to the chefs at Archie B's and appropriate action has been taken.” Thanks Gary, very professional.Would u like a side of fries with that bland corporate reply u sent me?An experience never ever to be repeated. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2011-07-12
103 瀏覽
唔知係咪因為肚餓, 我覺得個burger 真係好好味!!首先是店內環境悠閒小店, 有些免費雜誌讀 (甚至可拿), target 都是expats 吧地點其實有點難找, 不是在正式的士丹頓街上, 入口是在一個小巷裏, 近行人扶手電梯的當日好熱, 中午時份來到, 冇食早餐, 餓到開始炆憎了 好耐冇食過coleslaw, 叫個來試下做前菜. 出乎意料地好味! 個汁啱啱好味道, 又雪得夠凍,一啖啖食落肚真係透心涼, 好快俾我地清晒.等左十五分鐘到, 主角出場了~~ 這個是店中經典款式atomic burger 超好味呀...勁juicy, 醬汁調較得好好... 令我想起triple Os...但有少少感覺好似更加好味!薯條冇乜特別, 冇triple Os果d 咁正.一個餐連加一60幾蚊, 價錢合理 繼續閱讀
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(非會員) 2011-06-30
74 瀏覽
I grew up on the Upper Westside in New York. I thought I'd give Archie's a shot to satisfy my craving of a New York Deli, in the end I was gravely wrong. I ordered the standard matzoh ball soup and pastrami combination that I would typically get if I went to Katz's deli. I didn't expect it to be as good, but I'm not sure what I had could be considered in the same food group. My grandfather was also a kosher caterer in NY, so I know a thing or two about what New York deli food should taste like. Matzoh ball soupThe the matzoh ball was black with speckled bits of white. There was either some indiscernable seasoning in it or it had just gone bad, the verdict is still out. As I put the spoon into the matzoh to taste it, my spoon was flung back as if I was trying to eat the sidewalk outside. The matzoh ball was hard as a rock, I had to use a knife to cut it. In the end that was my only bite, and one that I couldn't fully digest. I wanted to at least not waste the chicken soup, how bad could it be I asked myself? The Chinese guy in the middle of the street could make a great chicken broth. Well, they put enough black pepper in the soup to completely destroy anything. Pastrami SandwichThis was a little bit better than the matzoh ball soup, but why was the pastrami spicy as if I were eating a burrito? Taco Loco is next door, maybe they confused the order? The actually meat was hard and dificult to bite into, I think I swallowed my cap, wait, I don't have one.In all, I guess this is what I should have expected out of a NY deli run by Indians in the middle of Hong Kong. I don't know how this place is still in business, but for those looking for a little taste of home, it'll just make you home sick..... 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2011-04-29
53 瀏覽
I'm usually wary of burgers being delivered because by the time they arrive the bread is mushy and all the juice from the meat tends to be at the bottom of the bag. Today however I had a craving and decided to order from Archie's. I was impressed.My girlfriend got the standard burger and I got the firehouse chili burger (not quite as spicy as advertised), both of which tasted like they had just come off the grill. One of the rare times I've had a good burger here for a good price. The side of fries however wasn't so lucky... 繼續閱讀
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等級8 2011-03-10
45 瀏覽
經常晌上半山電梯嘟八達通慳兩雞,順道都會逛吓Soho,好幾年之前已發現依家紐約風小店,佢又唔止賣漢堡包,仲有熱狗、特製三文治、沙律、小食同湯,不過當其時見佢個價位,食個漢堡都話幾十蚊,食慣麥記大嘅我自然覺得唔多抵,所以雖然晌中環打工都打咗10年,但都一直無幫襯。不過,近年對食漢堡個心態都變咗,雖然一晌係啲美國餐廳都有賣開成百蚊個嘅漢堡,但因為依家出咗好多漢堡專門店,成行成市,製造高質量或有自家特色嘅漢堡包,用料靚咗,價錢當然唔平得去邊,故此感覺係食漢堡係享受多過單單要飽肚。見團購網站推出以$59就可以享受原價$120嘅美食,唔使多諗就已經第一時間入貨啦!揀好個星期六收工後,等埋老婆齊齊試。見櫃位頭上個餐牌,選擇繁多,但係就光撐撐,字又細,花多眼亂,都費事再望。望住側牆粉筆字嘅Today’s Special,精簡精揀,$60份,有3款漢堡選擇,served with fries and soft drink,係奇怪在10% service charge (for dine in only),睇唔到佢有咩服務俾顧客可言,買嘢又係個客排隊晌櫃位買,至多都係等佢整好後佢拎俾你,斟茶遞水嘅「售後服務」更加唔會有,因為佢都係似個快餐形式經營,唯一可以講係人哋花咗錢晌裝修度,你堂食就享用緊佢個環境,佢啲裝修,10%服務費就似係個「留位」費喇,哈哈!所以,依個10%有啲搵笨,好彩其他漢堡專門店無學佢咁啫,真係食快餐都收服務費!手揸$120團購券,啱啱好叫兩份,唔使煩,不過因為「服務費」要補番少少。3款漢堡選擇包括:Atomic blue cheese burger, Mushroom gravy chicken burger (grilled), Great chili chicken burger (fried)。我哋揀咗頭兩者,嘢飲要Coke Zero同Ginger Ale,本來天氣有啲寒,太太想飲熱嘢,可是依度係無供應嘅,全部都係現成嘅罐裝、膠樽裝、玻璃支裝飲品。Atomic blue cheese burger個漢堡當然同原子無關啦,更加唔曉爆炸啦,後來上網翻查,有以下一句:「atomic blue is a first of its kind dipping sauce that combines a blend of spices with blue cheese to create a totally new and unique flavor」,假如此話當真,咁atomic blue cheese簡單嚟講應該係啲加咗香料嘅藍芝士。不過,食嘅時候真係唔單只唔覺佢有咩其他香料晌度,更唔覺依塊係藍芝士,因為藍芝士係以羊奶加霉菌之類熟成,象牙白嘅芝士佈滿大理石模樣嘅藍藍綠綠色花紋,但眼前所見就似係一塊普通芝士,唯一似藍芝士就係味道同樣偏鹹。但撇除係唔係藍芝士個問題,其實個漢堡幾高質,首先成個漢堡大大個,楂上手甚有份量,視覺上幾有睇頭;包身鬆軟有彈性亦好重要;牛肉肉味濃兼打得有韌性而不鬆散,再者煎煮時保存到肉汁,唔會「乾爭爭」,食起嚟感受到滿口滋味;最後,以大塊生菜兜底,配上蕃茄同熱醬汁,既係聰明做法,亦增添味道同口感層次。另外搭條開半嘅酸青瓜,放晌包外,好似Triple O’s咁,就咁齋食又得,放埋入包內一齊食都得。至於薯條,感覺同麥記分嘅別唔大,係大條過佢!Mushroom gravy chicken burger依個蘑菇汁雞肉漢堡就差啲,主打嘅雞塊嚡都不得了,嚴重失分嘅一環,所以雞塊嘅上面個蘑菇汁加埋芝士點好,都拉唔番啲失分。而雞塊嘅下面同個藍芝士牛肉漢堡一樣,以生菜、蕃茄、熱醬汁為基礎。確實一大個籃,漢堡加薯條,外國人份量,清晒成籃嘢,非常之飽。以團購個價,實屬超低啦,但若以平常正價衡量,個人覺得,以咁嘅價位,屬平穩,唔算有太大驚喜。所以,下面是次消費每人$66係以正價計,等大家有個參考! 繼續閱讀
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