食評 (39)
等級2 2010-11-26
338 瀏覽
一早同朋友約好食大閘蟹, 叫了個6人套餐~ 服務不錯, 經常換碟! 蟹粉小籠包 >>> ok, 無咩特別 蟹粉炸芋蓉 >>> 個蟹粉都幾好, 不過我就麻麻地炸芋蓉 佛跳牆 >>> 個湯好好味, 友人說個瑤柱好好味, 我就無食到... 但個佛跳牆真係落足料, 仲有花膠添 大閘蟹 (每人2隻公) >>> 都ok, 不過後尾果隻就無咁多膏喇... 而且我地食時可能已經季尾, 所以有d蟹既膏已經變左透明喇... 蟹粉蒜蓉包 >>> 個蒜蓉包就咁食都已經好好味, 加埋d蟹粉就仲正! 冬菇柚皮 >>> 友人不喜柚皮, 但我覺得又ok喎~ 不過不失咁啦~ 蒸老虎斑 >>> 呢個超正, 又抵食, 成條魚上, 好新鮮, d魚肉都好滑, 正常size, 唔係好大條不過好味!!! 炸子雞 (半隻) >>> 個皮好脆, 隻雞又入味, 呢個都good~ 籠仔蒸臘味糙米飯 >>> 我地本來以為係糯米飯, 點知原來係糙米飯, 雖然糯米飯會好食d, 但食左咁多野後, 食番個清d既都ok, 而且其實佢都幾似平時的臘味飯架~! 薑茶湯丸 >>> 勁鍾意呢個, 好有薑味, 不過幾辣, 但配埋d湯丸就perfect! 我地食到超飽都要食埋佢 壽包 >>> 果然名不虛傳!!! 蓮蓉幼滑, 蛋黃出晒油又起晒沙的, 好好味 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-11-25
92 瀏覽
香港吃大閘蟹專門店除了鴻星外便是東海, 因這兩家經常賣廣告, 上一年試了鴻星, 這一次便試了東海.這裏的套餐是兩位起, 本來想點一個280套餐, 一個4XX套餐, 但最後我們只點了280的套餐.第一個菜是魚翅佛跳牆, 主要材料如冬菇, 花膠等很足料且上乘.蟹粉小籠包相對來說比較失色, 為了放更多的蟹粉將小籠包弄大, 但吃下去只看到蟹粉但吃不出蟹粉的味道. 而蟹粉蒜蓉包也是, 蟹粉小得可憐, 下面的火爐只是裝飾而己, 一點用也沒有.到大閘蟹正式登場, 我們利用附上的剪刀出盡九牛二虎之力將它們清光, 將近一個小時的戰爭也. 蟹羔足, 肉質也較幾十塊錢的大閘蟹比了下去.其餘的清蒸時蔬, 酸辣烏冬及薑茶湯丸也是一般貨色.如果想吃便宜的大閘蟹套餐及具一定水準, 東海比鴻星化算, 而晚上七點後基本上是座無虛席. 值得一試. 繼續閱讀
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Sunday family lunch as usual, we went to Victoria City Seafood for dim sum. I dine here once with clients before and the dishes were quite nice here. The environment there was pretty decent, the noisiness was acceptable. The inferior was nice but definitely not as grand as Prince Restaurant.The tea pot was cute and was heated all the time on a candle. Seemingly posh, the restaurant did not have enough manpower to serve all its customers. The service speed was quite slow as a result. One nice thing about Victoria City Seafood Restaurant was that their dim sum would not come to you at the same time. They came one after each other which gave us time in between to taste the dim sum as our own pace.1) Deep Fried Bean CurdThe Deep Fried Bean Curd had an appetizing look with a golden yellow coating. The coating was crispy and the bean curd inside was soft. The bean curd although not particularly smooth, was light and melted in your palate gently. The texture was great. However, the bean curd itself was pretty much tasteless. That's why they have a small dish of chilli sauce to make it more tasteful.2) Baked Barbecue Pork Bun $18The Barbecue Bun was served real hot. It possed a cotton white look, and seemingly good to taste. The bread was surprisingly thick and had a pathetic filling. The filling was too tiny to give a taste and the flavour was brought down by the bread. Disappointed.3) Steamed Shrimp Dumpling $20The skin of the shrimp dumpling was thin but was also very floppy without a texture. The shrimp filling was not particularly special and did not posses much shrimp taste.4) Roasted Chicken on Deep Fried BreadYou must have heard of Peking Duck for many times, but have you ever tried a similar version with chicken? The Roasted Chicken was my main reason to visit, it just simply too delightful to taste and I have been missing it since the last time I visit. The roasted chicken was sliced thinly just under the skin, to give just enought meat for taste. The skin was extremely crispy and the meat was real tender and smooth. The deep fried bread(銀絲卷), placed under the roasted chicken, was to be eaten together with the roasted chicken. It was crispy and nearly crunchy to taste. There were also salted pepper that went along with the dish. The combing crispyness of the bread and the roasted skin and the tenderness of the chicken had made this dish irresistably delicious and you just can't stop yourself from having more.5) Hot Spring Egg with Cavier $15/oneYou have to at least ordered two dishes of the Hot Spring Egg with Cavier to try it. To be blunt, it was the most disgusting dish I have ever had in dim sum restaurant. The egg in half was hard to chew, the egg yolk was pre-treated to give a more yellowish colour but tasted disgusting. Not to mention the portion was pathetic. The cavier on top of the egg wasn't good either. It tasted fishy. Horribly disgusting dish.6) Stewed E-fu Noodles w/ Shrimp & Chinese wine $88When the dish was served on our table, I was impressed by how meticulously it was prepared. The golden coloured dish was topped with nicely halved shrimps. The sauce was not really tasteful but had a pint taste of chinese wine with it. The E-fu Noodles was first made al dente, but was quickly soften by the sauces on the dish.7) Sweetened Red Date Pudding $16The Red Date Pudding was one of my favourite at all time. I guess chewy and gelatine food is always a girl's best friend. The Red Date Pudding was extremely chewy and spongy. Taste-wise it was in suitable sweetness. Nice texture and nice taste, come try one if you are dinning here for dishes!To conclude, Victoria City Seafood Restaurant is definitely not the place for dim sum, but you could come to try their dishes tho, they are quite nice. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2010-10-08
27 瀏覽
繼上年食完大閘蟹餐, 今年開始有得食, 梗係又要去食下先啦~一行3人, 叫左$280一位既餐, 差唔多全場都係叫大閘蟹餐~魚翅佛跳牆 ~ D湯好多料, 好好飲呀~大閘蟹 ~ 一人有兩隻, 一隻大約四兩, 清一色係公黎, 第一隻好多膏, 第二隻冇咁多, 但都OK, 兩隻D膏同肉好好食蟹粉蒜茸包 ~ 一人有兩件, 件包查滿蟹粉, 正呀上湯灼時蔬 ~ 清清地酸辣湯烏冬 ~ 少少辣, 烏冬OK幾好食薑茶湯丸 ~ 唔係好甜, d湯丸好食總括黎講都OK, 上菜好快, 服務都OK, 今日好滿足呀 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-07-21
26 瀏覽
姨生仔擺滿月酒, 我個妹及妹夫更隆重其事啦!將原來八道菜upgrade, 改為六道菜先有乳豬全體, D皮好脆, 少肥油, 好再上全隻鮑魚伴鵝掌, 由於係廿六頭, size 都幾大, 鵝掌好腍跟住原盅雞燉翅, D翅好大片, D湯好鮮甜抖一陣上半邊蒜蓉小龍蝦, 但D龍蝦稍硬炸子雞及東昇斑就一般啦甜品好精彩, 有官燕燉蛋白, 正呀仲有水餃, 紅棗糕, 滿足 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)