2-min walk from Exit D2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (15)
Level7 2015-01-02
適逢聖誕佳節,與兩位Openrice好友聚餐聯誼之際,最驚喜o既就係收到K哥送贈o既聖誕朱古力 ;XO仔同契妹一人一盒,嘻嘻,做細o既真係幸福!據K哥所講,聖誕朱古力購自尖沙咀一家名比利時店Frederic Blondeel,品牌名稱正正就係老闆本人之姓名。上網了解過,原來Frederic Blondeel先生o既廚藝旅程始於法國,並曾於名流餐室擔任廚師,約二十年前才移居比利時,創立自己o既工作室,醉心研製不同口味o既朱古力產品,獻身予朱古力界 。其朱古力製品不但有多種形態,如條狀、粒狀、圓形、方形、心形、軟身、硬身等,同時亦好多元化,有jam、bar、paste、praline、truffle、ganache等,選料毫不馬虎之餘,製作過程全由培烘可可豆起,每個步驟都非常嚴謹。K哥有心又細心,深知XO對花生及果仁敏感,購物時千叮萬囑售貨員姐姐要避免放入任何含花生或其他果仁之朱古力品,姐姐仔亦有照做,並體貼地於盒底加上「no nuts」標籤,令小肥感動上感動 。細佬雖未有親臨店舖,但單憑細閱網絡資訊及細聽K哥講述購物經過已可感覺朱古力店認真之製作精神及貼身之服務態度。所謂「獨食難肥」,屬小肥o既XO仔當然係好少會獨食啦 ,食朱古力更必定與同樣熱愛朱古力o既靚靚媽咪分享。媽咪為提子迷,好快就揀選咗粒「Marinique / 香料提子冧酒 / Rum & Raisin with Spices」,更大讚味道香醇,不過最開心就係其黑朱古力外層不易惹痰 ,令佢可放心食多兩粒「Papouasie 73% / 3%巴布亞新機內亞純黑朱古力/ 73% Papua New Guinea」及「Fredericissime / 70%委內瑞拉純黑朱古力/ 70% Venezuela Dark」!兩粒純黑朱古力比較下,媽咪較欣賞朱古力味更為醇濃o既「Fredericissime」,反則略嫌「Papouasie 73%」帶陣咖啡拖肥味。XO仔就食咗三粒花果味朱古力「Orange/香橙」、「Lime/青檸」同「Rose/玫瑰」。正如媽咪所講,名店Frederic Blondeel出品o既朱古力粒粒香濃幼滑,食完不但唔惹痰,一口氣食咗三粒之後,小肥極度敏感o既牙齒亦絲毫不痛 !個人覺得,三款當中以「Rose」最為特別、清麗、芳香及高雅,送禮自用同屬佳品 !「Orange」甜得黎仍帶有丁點兒香氣,屬不錯之選,但「Lime」o既酸味同甜味兩者都有少少過火,未有造出互相中和o既效果,所以未能取悅細佬。多謝K哥精心挑選o既聖誕禮物,讓XO仔認識到比利時名牌朱古力,為味蕾增添快感,聖誕更富色彩氣氛,Merry Christmas ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-07-12
The other day when I was around the neighborhood for some smile fozen yogurt, I revisted this hidden gem in K11! I indulged in perhaps too many pieces at once (guilty) but they are truly heavenly  Here are some of my favorites: Sao tome chocolate: I sampled the sao tome dark chocolate and fell in love with it instantly...I decided to fill my box with a lot of them... It's a very rich and fudge-like dark chocolate with 75% cocoa content. Green tea chocolate: the green tea is very fragrant (not to confused with matcha) yet very light and refreshing. A bit bummed that it only comes in milk chocolate. Cassonade truffle: I generally prefer chocolate squares over truffles but the crunchy truffle "Cassonade" they serve here are quite interesting since the outer layer is caramelized. I would highly recommend this one it's indeed quite uniqueIrish Coffee truffle: The is definitely my FA-VO-RITE alcohol chocolate!!!!!! Very very smooth irish coffee whiskey blended with the rich and creamy milk chocolate ganache filling; the alcohol is very strong but it works perfectly with the chocolate and balances out its sweetnessDried fruit mendiant: My mom tried the dried fruit mendiant and she really liked the apricot The staff was helpful and offered some samples, but when I requested to try truffles they said its not available for sampling :S   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-06-24
This is my 2nd visit to Frederic Blondeel since my first visit during the Chocolate Trail! I was amazed and impressed by their high quality chocolates which I did not have a 2nd chance to try again since then.I remember the sales described themselves as a local favourite in Belgium with truly authentic taste of Belgium.Passing through the MTR exit in K11, I saw their store has opened in K11 with many new products.As I was in a hurry, I was quickly convinced by the sales to buy these 3 new products:Their new products didnt disappoint me, especially the chocolate bark, its very fresh. I bought the Chocolate spread for my mum (which loves nutella so much), she said thats pretty good. The little cake was quite interesting, but I didnt have a second bite as my family finished them quickly. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-09
偶爾在家中焗製蛋糕相贈予食友,卻換來這麼名貴之回贈,一盒來自比利時之朱古力,在此說聲感謝。很精緻的盒子盛了八粒朱古力,八種不同囗味。Chili,西式飲食,漸多採用東方食材入饌,以辣椒做朱古力,味道不兀突,反而幾合拍,辣椒味入口時不太明顯,但隨著朱古力溶化,辣味徐徐在口腔滲出,非常勁!舌頭熨熱,但過癮。Jasmin,茉莉花香味,淡淡幽香,感覺清新。São Tomé 75%,以非洲聖多美島的75%黑朱古力製造,味道苦中帶點酸,可可味濃郁。 Passion,熱情果,果味突出,討人喜愛。Romarin,加了野生蜂蜜做材料,蜜味香甜,口感滋潤圓滑,表面的蜜糖晶粒如金的幼砂,矜貴得體。Rose,玫瑰花,除了可欣賞外,其獨有香味做果醬,做甜品,做朱古力同樣令人愛不惜手,花香味吸引,吃一口,浪漫而迷人。Mendiant Milk,乾果牛奶朱古力,放有榛子,合桃,開心果在上,果仁永遠都是朱古力的好朋友。Mendiant Dark,乾果黑朱古力,一粒葡萄乾,一粒杏脯和榛子,將黑朱古力的味道襯托得更突出。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-07
如果工作得太辛勞, 最好的打氣方法就是吃吃朱古力. 吃完後, 就更有繼續工作的力量. 是晚有幸來到比利時正宗手工朱古力名店Frederic Blondeel一試當中的招牌出品, 先要再次說聲謝謝.位處K11的Frederic Blondeel, 就在B1層電梯旁邊, 從港鐵那邊上來, 很容易看見呢. 店子來自比利時, 用上的可可豆分別來自馬達加斯加, 加納, 坦桑尼亞, 亞洲西南部的爪哇和新幾內亞等地的. 主要製作以下朱古力:Ganache 軟心朱古力Truffles 松露朱古力Caramel 焦糖朱古力Gianduja 榛子夾心朱古力Tablets 排裝朱古力Sao Tome 75% 純黑朱古力 $20類別: Ganache 軟心朱古力這款75% 純黑朱古力, 用上來自聖多美和普林西比的可可豆來製作. 味道是相當香濃, 75%純黑朱古力果然是令人著迷的.Jasmin 茉莉花 $20類別: Ganache 軟心朱古力吃完濃烈的75% 純黑朱古力, 就吃比較平易近人的茉莉花, 巧妙的結合了黑朱古力以及茉莉花兩者的味道, 濃烈中帶點清新, 愛好茉莉花味道的朋友, 準會愛上.Rose & Poivre Noir 玫瑰配木本辣椒 $20類別: Ganache 軟心朱古力接下來是玫瑰配木本辣椒, 是一款很有層次的軟心朱古力. 除了有黑朱古力之外, 還加入了玫瑰以及木本辣椒作餡料, 玫瑰的芳香味, 加上輕宜的木本辣椒味, 效果是很特別的.Coeur - Milk 香脆牛奶朱古力配榛子及可可仁 $20類別: Gianduja 榛子夾心朱古力而這款就會是甜美一點的選擇, 說的就是香脆牛奶朱古力配榛子及可可仁. 外層是很香脆的, 用上了很香滑的牛奶朱古力. 中間的夾心包括有榛子及可可仁, 很討好.Poivre du Sichuan 四川胡椒 $20類別: Ganache 軟心朱古力這款軟心朱古力就是比較特別的四川胡椒味道. 試想想黑朱古力味加上四川胡椒味, 兩者好像不太有關係, 但出來的效果又很突出, 很惹味.Charles Hot 辣椒 $20類別: Ganache 軟心朱古力另外一款帶辣味的軟心朱古力就是辣椒味了. 怕辣的CEO, 自然是吃得呱呱大叫,其實坦白講, 那份辣味起初不算太強, 但aftertaste就會讓有人麻痺的感覺, 先是甜味, 再變成辣味, 很特別的感覺, 不能不試呢.Cralin - Dark 香脆海鹽焦糖黑朱古力 $20類別: Caramel 焦糖朱古力CEO的心頭好就是這款香脆海鹽焦糖黑朱古力, 對, 因為有他大愛的焦糖. 而這朱古力, 焦糖味是很香甜, 配上帶鹹香味道的海鹽, 甜中帶點鹹, 又是另外一個人有趣的體驗.Ghana 85%加納純黑朱古力 $20類別: Mini-Tabs 排裝朱古力Mini-Tabs 排裝朱古力是平日常見的項目, 是晚也有機會一試. 這客85%加納純黑朱古力, 入口會是比想像中不那麼苦澀, 薄薄的質感, 其實很適合下午的時候為自己打打氣, 加加油的.Cassonade - Dark 焦糖杏仁松露 $20類別: Truffles 松露朱古力最後來是三款款Truffles 松露朱古力, 首先又是CEO的心頭好焦糖杏仁松露, 外層脆脆的, 焦糖及杏仁的配合, 很甜美. 入面的黑朱古力松露, 味道濃烈, 是令人滿意的組合.Feullantine - Dark 香脆榛子松露 $20類別: Truffles 松露朱古力而這款Truffles 松露朱古力, 就是香脆榛子松露. 沒有了焦糖, 變成了榛子, 還是很香脆的. 而榛子跟黑朱古力松露的組合, 實是很甜美.Irish Coffee 愛爾蘭咖啡松露 $20類別: Truffles 松露朱古力最後要試的是愛爾蘭咖啡松露, 對, 是帶有威士忌的, 我也忍不住偷吃了一小件,希望小吉不會醉倒吧. 這款Truffles 松露朱古力, 除了有牛奶朱古力之外, 還加上愛爾蘭咖啡以及威士忌. 愛爾蘭咖啡味道很香濃, 威士忌的味道亦很香醇, 如果不是大肚婆不能喝酒, 真的想encore呢!是晚一口氣試了Frederic Blondee這家比利時正宗手工朱古力名店的十一款朱古力, 實在是大滿足的一晚. 最後店方還送上禮盒, 包裝很精美呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)