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咖喱 海南雞飯
Review (28)
Level4 2013-01-13
已有一陣子無光顧此餐廳,早餐食物水準依舊中下,賣相温度都唔係好得,但因此水準合預期,問題不大。反而服務差還是此店的一大問題,上菜慢,店員圍在一角談天唔見人時有發生,究竟餐廳管理層去咗邊呢?! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
woke up early in the morning and feel like going out for a breakfast, so i came downstairs and went to this restaurant.it's a pretty busy morning there, a lot of people were having breakfast there.i was lucky enough to manage to get a small table for myself to have my breakfast.i have ordered a Western breakfast set. there are several items to choose from the set and i have chosen sausage, smoked duck breast, and pork patti. the dish is served with potato wedges and a bun, with a drink included.first came the bun. the bun's hot and soft, but then i find it pretty ridiculous to see that they put the butter below the bun. the bun was hot and that will melt the butter below, right?then my coffee came. it was okay.after that, i have probably waited for more than 20 minutes for my breakfast dish to come. i have asked for the waiters about the dish twice. the first one simply said check later then went away and i didn't see her really checking it. i doubted that the second one did too, but the dish came shortly afterwards so nevermind.this was my dish. honestly, i think there was a bit too many potato wedges compared to the serving size of the meats. the meats were moderate, but i think the potato wedges could have been more flavored. also, i find that the sauce was pretty oily, and that didn't give me any good impression at all.i would only dine here if i really have no other dining options around my neighborhood. i wouldn't say the food is really terrible, but it's not good enough to leave a good impression, and its service is not really good either. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-12-27
第一次去個邊... 求其入左間食 lunch.. 有個假日lunch set...有湯 + 餐包+ 熱飲... 平均三十五蚊份男友點左個咖喱豬扒飯.... d 豬扒唔多熟, 特別係近骨位... 我就叫左個焗海鮮意, 不過不失啦服務麻麻, 之後同個姐姐講 - 佢講一句 "早d講嘛" 跟住就扔左 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
對椰林閣向來沒有期望基本上入內進食,只求吃飽醫肚了事也許最近連美心海怡分店也關閉,實在沒有法子下才再光顧椰林閣點菜時,發現其特價套餐餐牌被收起了;只供數款三十至四十多元的午餐供應…(有無搞錯,趁少了個競爭者便收起平貨套餐??)我想向侍應索取一份普通餐牌看看,但竟回應︰沒有!哈,我見慣不怪,沒有期望,自然沒有失望短評其食物質素,尚算可以啦叫了一碟炒粉,賣相十分差,看似一個剛訓醒、頭髮亂糟糟的阿伯頭頂一樣你話如此賣相,又點會有胃口呢?這篇已經是連續第七篇的食評了,看看何時會錄得連續十篇吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-10-04
小弟成為openrice會員應該都有兩年多但係都係會用來睇下食評 留下comment咁一直都無咩衝動去寫食評但係今次真係忍唔住因為真係太差太差啦我唔係對椰林閣有咩偏見不過海怡半島分店真係影響曬整個椰林閣集團小弟斷斷續續都有三年多ge餐飲經驗自問都略知what is service今日同兩位哥哥午飯好好彩一來到唔洗等仲有卡位叫左海南雞飯餐, 西冷牛扒餐, 雞扒拼牛仔腸餐因為之前領教過d ice tea ice coffee所以叫兩杯hot drink同凍檸水都係講返有咩唔掂啦1 落order ge時候無問要紅湯/白湯 跟住仲想求其比兩個紅湯就算 同佢講返要兩個白湯佢就咁拎返走就算累到啞左咩個樣仲好唔like咁wo見到鄰近多張枱都有相同ge問題2 來錯左杯熱檸水只係同佢講轉返杯凍ge者佢又黑面 仲係度話係咩係你講得來都換鬼左啦唔識改單嫌麻煩ge咪搵經理囉屈你有得平咩3 見到隔離枱不停舉手都無人理拍埋個waiter都係無人理個客都只係想講有一個餐好耐都未來者仲叫埋出口 明明見到ge咪示下意知道囉你唔係真係做到頸緊膀痛唔識點下頭呀過左不久 佢補返碟野係個小朋友個頭後面隊過去又唔出聲wo個隻瓦碟來架 我見到個爸爸媽媽都黑曬面4 有個好勁ge waiter拎到好多好多碟仲見到佢跌下跌下咁落枱ge時候仲要個客幫佢拎tim咁都叫service 要個客ser返你轉頭無咁大個頭就唔好戴咁大頂帽又唔係好忙 仲有好多waiter兩手空空架ma你一個人做曬咩5 走ge時候有好多人係度等位但係d人都唔夠入面d位多囉有位就放人入去啦唔想做人生意就早講啦唔該其實我覺得d食物無咩問題不過一間餐廳除左要保持食物ge質素之外員工ge服務係同樣重要如果一間收ten ge大集團都咁咁不如比少個ten去食快餐店啦如果服務可以比負分ge話 我會比有幾多負幾多 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)